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A Mission by Tim White
We ’ve been running for days or maybe weeks. I
don’ t know, and I don’ t care. My gut hurts, and the
vomiting won’ t stop. Doug says I have appendicitis.
Amy found a medical textbook at the local library
and says she ’ s willing to cut me. Imagine, a goth
cutting someone else.
Phil knows where we can get some “ anesthetic ” and
where there ’ s a dental surgery we can use. We just
need the keys to the surgery cabinet. Ned says the
keys are probably where the poor doctor died, and
he claims to know all this dentist ’ s favorite haunts.
Ned scares me sometimes. Why would he stalk a
This might be the last update. If I don’ t die in the
dentist chair, I’ ll likely be consumed by zombies. As
always, they’ re right behind us.
Material needed:
Season 1.
Tiles needed:
1C, 3B, 4B, 4D, 4E, 5C, 6B & 6C.
Modern surgery requires following the prescribed methodol-
ogy. That’s what Amy said, anyway.
1– Find the anesthetic and the keys to the surgery
The anesthetic is on the bedside table in the loca-
tion with the green “X”. The keys could be in any location
marked with a red “X”.
2– Perform surgery.
Don’t be afraid. You are a Survivor.
Everything will be okay.
3– Find a place to rest.
Reach the Exit Zone with all Survi-
vors. Any Survivor may escape through this Zone at the end
of his turn, as long as it contains no Zombies.
This is not exactly what we were searching for, but...
Each Objective gives 5 experience points to the Survivor
who takes it.
• Closed rooms.
Some building Zones are isolated by
doors. Consider these separate buildings when spawning
• Where is the dentist’s body?
Put the blue Objective
randomly among the red Objectives, face down. Put the
Objective token on the ID Card of the Survivor that finds it.
It can be traded as an Equipment card but doesn’t take an
Inventory slot. If the Survivor carrying it is eliminated, the
game is lost.
I’ve found the sleeping p…the anesthetic.
The anesthetic
is represented by the green Objective. Put the Objective token
on the ID Card of the Survivor that finds it. It can be traded as
an Equipment card but doesn’t take an Inventory slot. If the
Survivor carrying it is eliminated, the game is lost.
• The patient.
Before the game begins, roll a die for each
Survivor. The lowest result designates the patient (re-roll
• On the road.
The Survivors have been running since they
lost their shelter, but they had time to equip themselves. In
addition to the normal starting Equipment, distribute a Shot-
gun, a Sawed-off, a Sub MG, an extra Pistol, and a Rifle.
• The surgery.
To perform the
surgery, the patient must be in the
dentist’s office (on tile 4B) with the
Survivor(s) carrying the “anesthetic”
(the green Objective) and the surgical
cabinet key (the blue Objective). The
“surgeon” (any Survivor can be the
surgeon, even if he doesn’t have a
colored Objective) must spend three
Actions to do the surgery. Complet-
ing the surgery is worth 5 experience
points for both the surgeon and the
patient. The patient will only be able
to perform Move Actions after under-
going surgery.
• Noisy cops.
The police cars can-
not be driven or Searched. They may
generate Noise if the sirens are stuck
on and will be the loudest Zones on
the board unless deactivated. Survi-
vors may turn a police car siren on or
off by standing in the same Zone and
spending one Action. Place a Noise
token on the police car to indicate
that the siren is on (don’t remove it
at the End Phase), remove it immedi-
ately when it is turned off. When the
game begins, the police car with the
Noise token has its siren turned on
(see the map).
starting area
Spawn Zone
Noise token
Exit Zone
Police car
Sleeping p…
Anesthetic (5 XP)
Where the surgical cabinet
key could be (5 XP)
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