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GT1 Fax Registration Form
Dear Customer,
You received the new vehicle diagnosis system, Group Tester One (GT1).
If you do not have the possibility for online registration on the Internet at (see "Components and Functions" manual, chapter 7),
we ask you to provide us with some information in this Registration Form in order to
ensure support within the framework of our Service Agreement.
We require the data to be able to provide you with the best and fastest support during
service and possible upgrades.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We wish you every success in your work
with the new tester.
Your Siemens Service Center .
GT1 _ _ _ _
Please make entries in the adjacent fields:
• the four-digit system number of the
• the serial number of the operating unit
• the serial number of the docking sta-
• the serial number of the diagnostic
Please fax the completed Registration
Form to the Siemens Service Center in
Take the system number from the label in the
"Components and Functions" manual
GT1B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Take the serial number from the label on the back
of the operating unit (F. No. GT1B.........)
GT1D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Take the serial number from the label on the under-
side of the docking station (F.No. GT1D.........)
FAX No.:
(0721) 595 5252 in Germany
(++49 721) 595 5252 international
GT1M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Take the serial number from the label on the diag-
nostic head (F. no. GT1M.........)
What is your postal address?
BMW dealer no. ______________________
Company name _______________________
Address _________________
Town/City ________________ ZIP _______
Country ______________________________
Tel. no. _______________________________
Fax no. _______________________________
E-mail ________________________________
VAT ident. no. ________________________
What is your ship-to address?
(if not same as postal address)
___________________________ No._______
When did you receive the GT1 sys-
Who in your company is the contact
person for our Service?
Ms/Mr _______________________________
Tel.: _________________________________
Fax __________________________________
Town/City ___________________________
Signature ___________________________
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GT1 Fault Report Fax for Siemens Hotline, Page 1
GT1 _ _ _ _
Please fill out complete and fax to the re-
gional Siemens Hotline responsible.
For Germany, also possible online on the
Internet at,
selection "Service".
For current Service addresses and tele-
phone numbers, see "Components and
Functions" manual, chapter 7.
You will find the system number on the yellow label
in the "Working with the GT1" manual.
GT1B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Take the serial number from the label on the back
of the operating unit (F. No. GT1B.........)
GT1D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FAX No.:
Take the serial number from the label on the under-
side of the docking station (F.No. GT1D.........)
GT1M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Take the serial number from the label on the diag-
nostic head (F. no. GT1M.........)
What is your postal address?
BMW dealer no. ______________________
Company name _______________________
Address _________________
Town/City ________________ ZIP _______
Country ______________________________
Tel. no. _______________________________
Fax no. _______________________________
E-mail ________________________________
What is your ship-to address?
(if not same as postal address)
___________________________ No._______
Who in your company is the contact
person for this fault?
Ms/Mr _______________________________
Tel.: _________________________________
Fax __________________________________
Please check where appropriate:
Problems with operating unit
(see chapter 6 in the "Components and Functions" manual)
Did the fault occur while the operating unit was powering up,
before the start window was displayed?
Did the fault occur during normal operation?
Self-test fault measuring system unit?
DVD drive defective (software does not load)?
Mechanical defect (touch screen, casing, key, connectors, sockets)?
Battery defect?
Other problems?
Error message displayed: __________________________________________
Problems with the docking station
(see chapter 6 in the "Components and Functions" manual)
Plug connector defective?
Power supply defective?
Mechanical defect (casing, inclination/lock adjustment)?
Other problems?
Problems with the diagnostic head (radio head)
(see chapter 6 in the "Components and Functions" manual)
Radio link is not being set up?
No connection via LAN cable?
Unable to read out vehicle data?
Mechanical defect (casing, connectors, sockets)?
Other problems?
Other fault description on page 2
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GT1 Fault Report Fax for Siemens Hotline, Page 2
Problems with the cables?
(see chapter 6 in the "Components and Functions" manual)
BMW diagnostic cable
OBD diagnostic cable
Measuring cable MFK 1
Measuring cable MFK 2
LAN cable
Can the fault be reproduced?
Does the fault only occur sporadically?
Which software version have you installed?________________________________
Data from the start window or in Administration at Services/Versions ________________________
Which language version are you using?
In which operating mode did the fault occur?
SG Coding/Program.
Measuring system
With which vehicle identification did the fault occur?
Series: ________________________________
Country version:_______________________
Model: _______________________________
Prod. date: ___________________________
Was an error text or a fault code displayed?
With which operational test, in which test step did the fault occur?
What actions led to the fault?
What do you think you need to remedy the problem?
(see chapter 6 in the "Components and Functions" manual)
Operating unit
Docking station
Diagnostic head
Cables, leads
Required material:
Town/City _____________________________
Date _________________________________
Signature of customer _________________
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