Christina Hoff-Sommers-Who Stole Feminism__ How Women Have Betrayed Women-Simon & Schuster (1994).pdf

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Philosophy professor Christina
Sommers has exposed a disturbing
development: how a group of zealots,
claiming to speak for all women, are
promoting a dangerous new agenda
that threatens our most cherished ide­
als and sets women against men in
all spheres of life. In case after case,
Sommers shows how these extrem­
ists have propped up their arguments
with highly questionable but well-fund­
ed research, presenting inflamma­
and often
information and stifling any sem­
blance of free and open scrutiny.
Trumpeted as orthodoxy, the resulting
"findings" on everything from rape to
domestic abuse to economic bias to
the supposed crisis in girls' self-
esteem perpetuate a view of women
as victims of the "patriarchy."
Moreover, these arguments and
the supposed facts on which they are
based have had enormous influence
beyond the academy, where they have
shaken the foundations of our educa­
tional, scientific, and legal institutions
and have fostered resentment and
alienation in our private lives. Despite
its current dominance, Sommers
maintains, such a breed of feminism
is at odds with the real aspirations
and values of most American women
and undermines the cause of true
Who Stole Feminism?
is a call to
arms that will enrage or inspire, but
cannot be ignored.
is an associ­
ate professor of philosophy at Clark
University who specializes in contem­
porary moral theory. The editor of two
ethics textbooks, she has published
numerous professional papers. She
has also written articles for
The New
Republic, The Wall Street Journal,
The New
England Journal of Medicine,
other publications. She lives in the
Boston area.
Jacket design by Jackie Seow
Author photograph by Joyce Ravid
Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright © 1994 Simon & Schuster
American feminism is currently dominated by a group of
women who seek to persuade the public that American
women are not the free creatures we think we are. The
leaders and theorists of the women's movement believe
that our society is best described as a patriarchy, a "male
hegemony," a "sex/gender system" in which the dominant
gender works to keep women cowering and submissive. The
feminists who hold this divisive view of our social and politi­
cal reality believe that we are in a gender war, and they are
eager to disseminate stories of atrocity that are designed
to alert women to their plight. The "gender feminists" (as I
shall be calling them) believe that all our institutions, from
the state to the family to the grade schools, perpetuate
male dominance. Believing that women are virtually under
siege, gender feminists naturally seek recruits to wage
their side of the gender war. They seek support. They seek
vindication. They seek ammunition.
I have been moved to write this book because I am a
feminist who does not like what feminism has become. The
new gender feminism is badly in need of scrutiny. Only
forthright appraisals can diminish its inordinate and divisive
influence. If others will join in a frank and honest critique,
before long a more representative and less doctrinaire femi­
nism will again pick up the reins. But that is not likely to
happen without a fight.
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