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WRITING              (75 MINS)

LEVEL 2               STANAG 6001                                                                                                      DSP                                                                     

There are two tasks in this test. You must do both tasks.

Write on the answer sheets supplied.


Task One

Choose one of the following topics. You should write between 120 and 150 words.


1.     You have been studying English for several months in your own country and feel that you would benefit from a five-month intensive course for foreigners offered by one of the bases in Canada. Write a letter applying for a place on the course, stating your reasons for choosing this particular course.


2.     You have promised your boss that you will work some extra hours next weekend. Due to a family problem, you will be unable to fulfill your promise. Write a letter of apology to your boss explaining your reasons and promising to make it up to him.



Task Two

You must do this task. You should write between 120 and 150 words.


A group of foreign officers is going to visit your unit next month. You are responsible for having them and showing your unit. Write a report to your superior stating preparations you intend to do in connection with the visit.

Include the following information:


·         Purpose and length of the visit;

·         Accommodation and food for the guests;

·         Program of the visit;

·         Subject of the presentation;

·         What can be improved in the unit by the time of the visit.






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