The Clintons' War on Women - Stone & Morrow (2015).pdf

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Copyright © 2015 by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow
Foreword copyright © 2015 by Kathleen Willey
Cover photographs
© FRANCK ROBICHON/POOL/epa/Corbis (left) and Jeffrey
Markowitz/Sygma (right).
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.
Print ISBN: 978-1-5107-0678-1
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-5107-0674-3
Dedicated to the women and men violated by Bill and Hillary
Clinton in their scramble for power.
And also to Sean Hannity, Nick Bryant, Matt Drudge, Peter
Schweitzer, Daniel Halper, Michael Goodwin, Christopher
Hitchens, David Sirota, Paul Sperry, Ed Klein, Brent Scher,
Victor Thorn, Marinka Peschmann, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard,
Jim Nelson, Roger Morris, Sally Denton, and Chris Ruddy.
These journalists have done more than anyone else to expose
the Clintons’ epic transgressions.
—Roger Stone and Robert Morrow
To Nydia.
—Roger Stone
To Daniela.
—Robert Morrow
” I remember one time when Bill had been quoted in the
morning paper saying something she didn’t like,” Patterson
said. “I came into the mansion and he was standing at the top
of the stairs and she was standing at the bottom screaming.
She has a garbage mouth on her, and she was calling him
motherf—er, c—sucker, and everything else. I went into the
kitchen, and the cook, Miss Emma, turned to me and said,
‘The devil’s in that woman.’”
—Arkansas State Troopers Larry Patterson and Roger
Perry, as cited by the
American Spectator
in 1994
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