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Membrane Technology in the Chemical Industry.
Edited by S. P. Nunes and K.-V. Peinemann
Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
ISBNs: 3-527-28485-0 (Hardcover); 3-527-60038-8 (Electronic)
2 Membrane Market
The membranes and module sales in 1998 were estimated at more than US$ 4.4 billi-
on worldwide [1], shared by different applications (Fig. 1). If equipment and total mem-
brane systems are also considered, the estimate would be double. This amount accor-
ding to data from 1996 [2], about 45 % of the sales were in the United States and 29 %
in Europe and the Middle-East. The market in Asia and South America is growing fast.
Fig. 1: Membrane and module sale for different process applications.
Hemodialysis/hemofiltration alone had sales of over US$ 2200 million in 1998.
Reverse osmosis (RO), ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) together accoun-
ted for 1.8 billion dollars in sales. About US$ 400 million membranes and modules are
sold each year worldwide for use in reverse osmosis. About 50 % of the RO market is
controlled by Dow/FilmTec and Hydranautics/Nitto. They are followed by Du Pont and
Osmonics. Membranes are applied during sea water desalination, municipal/brackish
water treatment and in the industrial sectors. The market is expected to grow at a rate
of 10 %/year.
Ultrafiltration membranes and modules brought about US$ 500 million in sales in
1998 with an expected growing rate of 10 % a year. Over 58 % of the sales are in the
US. In contrast to RO, the UF-market is shared by a large number of companies, but
the leaders are Pall, Amicon/Millipore and Koch. One of the largest industrial sectors
for ultrafiltration is still the recovery of electrocoat paints. UF-membranes are also in
large scale responsible for supplying pure water for the semiconductor industry. Gro-
wing demands of ultra-high purity chemicals in this sector could also be supplied by
Membrane Market
UF with the availability of chemical resistant membranes. Oil/water separation is now
a large application for UF in industrial sectors such as metal cleaning and wool scou-
ring and is still growing with the implementation of new environmental legislation.
Microfiltration stands for US$ 900 million worldwide sales, mostly in the US, with
growing rates of 8 % a year. Main applications are the production of sterilized water for
the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. In the semiconductor industry, MF is
used to remove particles from air and produce pure water.
Gas separation (GS) is a relatively young technology and accounts for about US$
230 million/year, but is growing fast with a rate higher than 15 % a year. For the elec-
trically driven membrane processes the sales in 1998 were around US$ 180 million. For
pervaporation (PV) in 1996 the market was about US$ 26 million, with a growing rate
of 20 %.
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