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Section 15: Spelljammer

Boxed Sets

AD&D Adventures in Space
The Legend of the Spelljammer
War Captain's Companion
The Astromundi Cluster

Monstrous Compendiums

MC7: Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix
MC9: Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix II


CGR1: The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook
SJR1: Lost Ships
SJR2: Realmspace
SJR3: Dungeon Master's Screen
SJR4: Practical Planetology
SJR5: Rock of Bral
SJR6: Greyspace
SJR7: Krynnspace
SJR8: Space Lairs


SJA1: Wildspace
SJA2: Skulls & Crossbows
SJA3: Crystal Spheres
SJA4: Under the Dark Fist
SJS1: Goblin's Return
SJQ1: Heart of the Enemy


See TSRGuide.024

Detailed Descriptions

Boxed Sets

AD&D Adventures in Space
	TSR No.: 1049
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Design: Jeff Grubb
	Year: 1989
	Price: $18.00
	What you get: Two 96 page books, 24 information cards, a hex grid poster, a Spelljammer 	map/poster, a Rock of Bral map/poster, a Planetary Display Map and 24 plastic counter stands.
	Summary: This boxed set contains two books, The Concordance of Arcane Space, and The Lorebook 	of the Void. The first details rules in space, the ships of wildspace, movement and combat in space, and 	celestial mechanics. The second depicts campaigns in space, spelljammers, spacefarers, and the known 	spheres. Also included in this set are 20 cardsheets of the deck plans of common ships, and 4 cardsheets 	of stand-up markers for playing out tactical battle and encounters in space. There are also 4 maps of 	planetary orbits, the Spelljammer itself, an asteroid city (the Rock of Bral), and a tactical grid for space 	battles.
	New spells: Locate Portal (W2), Chill Fire (W3), Enhance Rating (W3), Create Portal (W5), Enhance 	Maneuverability (W5), Create Minor Helm (W6), Create Major Helm (W7), Create Air (P1), Contact 	Home Power (P2), Detect Powers (P2), Softwood (P4), Create Minor Helm (P5)
	New magical items: None
	New creatures: The Arcane, Beholder (Beholder, Orbus, Hive Mother), Dracon, Radiant (Celestial) 	Dragon, Elmarin, Ephemeral, Giff, Kindori (Space Whale), Krajen (Immature, Adult), Neogi (Neogi, 	Grand Old Master), Scavver (Gray, Brown, Night, Void).
	Contributed by: Steven M. Latour (latourst@nhc.edu)
The Legend of the Spelljammer
	TSR No.: 1065
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Design: Jeff Grubb
	Year: 1991
	Price: $20.00
	What you get: 2 Spelljammer poster/maps, 12 information cards, 3 booklets (32, 64 and 96 pages).
	Summary: This boxed set contains the explanations behind the mysterious Spelljammer craft. It 	includes three books: Legends and More, A Grand Tour of the Spelljammer, and Captains and Ships 	(Note: This title is reversed on the inside, so who knows which way it goes!). The first book contains 	tales and truths of the ship, the ship in combat, and the life cycle of the ship. The second book contains a 	detailed look at the ship, and the third book contains the ship yards and the personalities of the ship.  	This set also has 2 full color maps, 2 cards listing NPCs, and 10 cards of new ships.
	New spells: None
	New magical items: None
	New creatures: Kasharin, K'r'r'r, Master Lich, Shivak (Common, Guardian)
	Contributed by: Steven M. Latour (latourst@nhc.edu)
War Captain's Companion
	TSR No.: 1072
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Design: Dale "Slade" Henson
	Year: 1992
	Price: $20.00
	What you get: 3 booklets (96, 64 and 32 pages), 6 info cards, 6 pages of fold-up ships, a size chart 	and two hex grid posters
	Summary: This boxed set contains two space-style hex grids, a poster of relative ship sizes, 6 pages of 	3D fold-up ships, three new ship-type cards two player aid cards, a page of miscellaneous counters and 	three booklets. One booklet contains rules for ship construction and improvements. The second booklet 	is a "Ship Recognition Manual" and details all of the ships published to-date in the Spelljammer 	multiverse. The third book has rules for hex-grid based space combat for the Spelljammer system.
	New spells: None
	New magical items: Lots (+/- 70)
	New creatures: None
	Contributed by: Goth (anthony@sprint.co.za)

The Astromundi Cluster
	TSR No.: 1087
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Design: Sam Witt
	Year: 1993
	Price: $20.00
	What you get: 24 information cards, a planetary display map, an Antilian Crystal Citadel map and 	three booklets (32, 64 and 96 pages).
	Summary: The "Astromundi Cluster" is the last Spelljammer supplement ever published and describes 	Clusterspace. The boxed set includes a player's guide to Clusterspace, a DM's guide to adventures in the 	Astromundi Cluster, and a booklet with detailed descriptions of the bodies in the cluster. The box also 	has two maps, one of the planetary orbits of the Cluster's bodies and the other an unusual map of a 	crystal citadel. The set also contains 24 cards with a wide variety of information on.
	New spells: Sunflare (W8), Sunstrike (W8), Sungate (W9), Sunscream (W9), Sunshield (W9)
	New magical items: Mask of Memory, Soulblade
	New creatures: Tanar'ri, Greater (Babau, Chasme and Nabassu)
	Contributed by: Goth (anthony@sprint.co.za)

Monstrous Compendiums

MC7: Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix
	TSR No.: 2109
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Design Coordinator: Jeff Grubb
	Year: 1990
	Price: $9.95
	What you get: 64 MC pages
	Summary: This compendium has 64 pages of Spelljammer creatures.  Everything from the infamous 	Giant Space Hamster to Rogue Moons is included in this very zany collection.
	New spells: None
	New magical items: None
	New creatures: Lots
	Contributed by: Goth (anthony@sprint.co.za)

MC9:  Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix II
	TSR No.: 2119
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Design: Scott Davis, Newton Ewell and John Terra
	Year: 1990
	Price: $10.95
	What you get: 64 MC pages
	Summary: As well as an alphabetical list of Spelljammer creatures, this collection has plenty more 	wierd critters, from Alchemy Plant through to Zurchin.
	New spells: None
	New magical items: None
	New creatures: None
	Contributed by: Goth (anthony@sprint.co.za)


CGR1: The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook
	TSR No.: 2130
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Project Design: Curtis M. Scott
	Year: 1992
	Price: $15.00
	What you get: A 128 page book.
	Summary: This book is the first one in the CGR series, which are handbooks specific to campaign 	settings. This one is a collection of information for the Spelljammer setting.  The book progresses from 	how to get a Spelljammer campaign going right through to Spelljammer campain design. It has a strong 	emphasis on the new spacefaring races and new kits and essentially allows characters to be much more 	strongly tailored to the Spelljammer setting.
	New spells: None
	New magical items: None
	New creatures: None
	Contributed by: Goth (anthony@sprint.co.za)
SJR1: Lost Ships
	TSR No.: 9280
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Author: Ed Greenwood
	Year: 1990
	Price: $9.95
	What you get: A 96 page booklet.
	Summary: This reference contains descriptions and layouts of more ships and includes several 	humanoid designs. There are also several new rules for spacefarers and some new spells, creatures and 	magical items.
	New spells: Airsphere (W3), Spark Burst (W4), Flyfield (W5), Disable Helm (W6), Create 	Atmosphere (W8), Destroy Minor Helm (W8), Collapse Portal (W8), Destroy Major Helm (W9), 	Debris Barrier (P5), Flyfield (P5), Create Atmosphere (P7).
	New magical items: Anti-Magic Egg, Armour of the Arcane, Battle Star, Beacon Helm, Belt of the 	Arcane, Crown of the Void, Dead Box, Death Helm, Discus of Disenchantment, Gemsword, Helm-	Bomb, Orb of Remote Action, Rod of Death, Rod of Orbs, Spell Reflectors, Supersweepers.
	New creatures: Undead Beholder (Death Tyrant), Thagar - Beholder Eater (Grimgobbler), Flow 	Barnacle, Arch Lich, Men: Wonderseeker, Neogi: Undead Old Master, Sarphardin (Watcher), 	Shadowsponge (Air Stealer), Spaceworm, Tinker (Giant Bubble).
	Contributed by: David Schwartz (david@schwartz.manawatu.nz) and
		Goth (anthony@sprint.co.za)

SJR2: Realmspace
	TSR No.: 9312
	Status: Just out of print
	Setting: AD&D 2nd Edition, Spelljammer
	Characters: Any
	Author: Dale "Slade" Henson
	Year: 1991
	Price: $10.95
	What you get: A 96 page booklet and a map/poster.
	Summary: "Realmspace" is an accessory linking the Forgotten Realms campaign setting with the 	Spelljammer universe. Most of the 96 page book is taken up with descriptions of the different planetary 	bodies contained in the Realmspace sphere, including Elminster's hideout "Safehold". The spacefaring 	companies of Realmspace are described and there are some new creatures, ships and magical items. The 	book comes with a "A Trve and Accuvate Map of Realmspace" poster.
	New spells: None
	New magical items: Rudder of Propulsion, Horn of Voices, Spectacles of True Seeing, Urn of 	Water Purification, Chalice of Continual Water...
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