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1.      Method to create – in a controlled environment (120, 140)(i.e. a closed embodiment with one cavity 122, one liquid mixture 125, one nuclear source 116, two terminals to collect current 118) like a reactor - in the first stage a number of new atomic and molecular elements of the periodic table and their isotopes, by means of interaction the radiation (128) of radioactive source(s)(123, 124, 126, 116, 127 with chemical or biological material(s) or both (thus by gasses or mixture of gasses, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid), without the need for any inside

a.      electromagnetic source (i.e. an inside magnet or coil),

b.      heat,

c.      pressure at ambient conditions,

d.      electronic device(s) or components (like a capacitor, a battery, a resonance circuit, etc.),


e.      without the use of any external intervention (which are in the actual state-of-the-art triggering factors or conditions for the creation of atomic or molecular elements, i.e. an electrical input to initiate internal processes, positioning of magnets or coils around the cavity),

but just by bringing them into contact or interacting reach with each other within one or more cavities in their correct composition(s) to perform the desired interaction(s), where – in the second stage - said interaction leads to the creation of plasma and the release of electrons (for example: creation of atomic or molecular hydrogen by use of a chemical or biological matter and interaction with radioactive material), where not only said material(s) is the source of the atomic or molecular element, but the created element(s) (atoms and/or molecules) is automatically ionized by the same radiation source(s) which leads to the creation of plasma and the creation of electrons or by any other radiations source(s) inside one or more cavities in/of the embodiment; where …. Creates current which is collected by at least one terminal (118, 178)


2.      New atoms or molecules or ionized elements of them, as described in claim 1, which can be used in all following patent claims and in all claims of the previous patent applications;


3.      A controlled environment, as described in claim 1, with one or more cavities or cores, called a reactor, in which the new atoms or molecules, or isotopes of them, as described in claim 1, and plasma - recombine by the energy supplied by the radioactive source(s) to attain extra electrons from other elements within the mixture for them to return and/or recombine to return to their original state or atomic or molecular composition (for example where the free electrons can be attained from the metal and hydrogen plasma can return to hydrogen atom and recombine with available oxygen atoms to create water, and  for the hydrogen atom to go thought the same ionization process again by the radioactive material source);


4.      New atoms or molecules, plasma or ionized elements of them, as described in claim 3, which can be used in all following patent claims and in all claims of the previous patent applications;


5.      Reactor, as described is claim 1 and 3, which is connected to external motion means - like a rotor, a shaker, a wheel, mechanical means with alternating rotation and/or vertical motion, vibrating means, etc. - where the motion(s) of the embodiment will accelerate the internal interaction processes between the radiation emitted by the nuclear source(s) and the contained gasses or mixture of gasses, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid, and/or the new atoms or molecules or ionized elements isotopes of them and the plasma;


6.      Reactor, as described is claim 1 and 3, which is equipped with at least one internal motion means - like a rotor, a propeller, a paddle, a wheel, a pump, etc, - where the motion(s) of the internal matters will accelerate the internal interaction processes between the radiation emitted by the nuclear source(s) and the contained gasses or mixture of gasses, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid, and/or the new atoms or molecules or ionized elements isotopes of them and the plasma;


7.      Reactor, as described is claim 1 and 3, where the internal interactions processes between the radiation from the radioactive source(s) and the inside matters (the contained gasses or mixture of gasses, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid, and the new atoms or molecules or ionized elements isotopes of them and the plasma) are accelerated by adding pressure, heat, electromagnetic fields, current, new relevant matter and/or radioactive sources to one or more cavities;


8.      Method to change the degree of internal interactions processes between the radiation from the radioactive source(s) and the inside matters (the contained gasses or mixture of gasses, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid, and the new atoms or molecules or ionized elements isotopes of them and the plasma) inside a reactor, by adding - by transporting and insert means - additional matter(s) from at least one separate containing means (i.e. from a outside tank with liquid matter, from a container in the wall of the reactor) to one or more of the reactor cavities;  


9.      Method to change the degree of internal interactions processes between the radiation from the radioactive source(s) and the inside matters (the contained gasses or mixture of gasses, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid, and the new atoms or molecules or ionized elements isotopes of them and the plasma) inside a reactor, by removing - by collecting and transporting means – new matter(s) from one or more of the reactor cavities to at least one separated containing means (i.e. to an outside tank, to a container in the wall of the reactor);


10.  Method to collect by a plurality of terminals (electrodes) free electrons provoked by the internal interactions processes between the radiation from the radioactive source(s) and the inside matters (the contained gasses or mixture of gasses, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid, and the new atoms or molecules or ionized elements isotopes of them and the plasma) inside a reactor, where the terminals can be located in a gaseous area and/or in a liquid area, or boths at the same time, and can be located in solids, and where the terminals are positioned in such a way that each covers a different zone with electrical potency;


11.  Reactor, as described in claim 10, equipped with a plurality of terminals where at least half of the terminals are connected in a serial way;


12.  Reactor, as described in claim 10, equipped with a plurality of terminals where at least half of the terminals are connected in a parallel way;


13.  Reactor, as described is claim 1 and 3, in which - on the atomic and molecular level and dimension - a plurality of dynamic zones with different electrical potency (thus with more or less free electrons) are created by the constant interaction of the radiation from the radioactive source(s) with specific inside atoms and molecules and/or their isotopes, where this interaction alters the atomic properties and characteristics of a number of said atoms and molecules and/or their isotopes, and thus also influences their ability to restructure internally, to combine with other atoms and molecules and/or isotopes, and/or to decay to their original state, where in principle each said zone with different electrical potency may be connected or reached by a terminal;


14.  Method, as described is claim 1, to create atomic hydrogen at environmental conditions (i.e. at room or outside temperature, atmospheric conditions), without a heating source, without adding electrons (electrical current) to trigger the initial internal process(es), without additional electromagnetic means and without pressurized conditions;


15.  Method, as described is claim 1, to create atomic helium at environmental conditions (i.e. at room or outside temperature, atmospheric conditions), without a heating source, without adding electrons (electrical current) to trigger the initial internal process(es), without additional electromagnetic means and without pressurized conditions;


16.  Method, as described is claim 1, to create atomic carbon at environmental conditions (i.e. at room or outside temperature, atmospheric conditions), without a heating source, without adding electrons (electrical current) to trigger the initial internal process(es), without additional electromagnetic means and without pressurized conditions, where said atomic carbon can be collected, for example as deposit on electrodes;


17.  Method, as described is claim 1, to create all kind of atomic elements of the periodic table and their isotopes at environmental conditions (i.e. at room or outside temperature, atmospheric conditions), without a heating source, without adding electrons (electrical current) to trigger the initial internal process(es), without additional electromagnetic means and without pressurized conditions, where said atomic elements of the periodic table and their isotopes can be collected, for example as deposit on electrodes, by filtration, by density layers, etc;


18.  Terminals (118), as mentioned in claim 1, having at least one electrode (111) and at least one pick-up element (114), where said electrode (113) is connectable from the outside of the embodiment or from the outside of the cavity, and where the electrode’s other side (112A, 112B, 112C, 112D) reaches into (122) the reactor, either only into the gaseous area (132), either going through the gaseous area to reache into the liquid (133) or into solid matter, either reaches directly into the liquid matter (134) or solid matter, and where at least one pick-up element (114) surrounds (115) in an insulated way said electrode (111);


19.  Reactor, as described is claim 1 and 3, … relation between nuclear source(s) and liquid?


20.  Nuclear source …. Connected with terminal = new?



21.  Reactor, as described is claim 1 and 3, with at least two terminals


22.  Plasma reactor (10A) – located in an embodiment (10B) - in which a rotational plasmatic state (11) is initiated by a scintillation process of one or more gasses (i.e. hydrogen 17) or other matter states in such a way that at least three physical phenomena are provoked inside at least one core (fig.1:B) of the reactor, namely: compression, heat and one magnetic field (22A, 22B) - leading in first instance to the production of energy -, and the reactor is equipped with at least: one separation wall (12A) which can be composed by any state of matter – i.e. a layer formed by liquid plasma, metallic material vapor (i.e. K, Na, Ca, Mg), liquid metallic element layer gas, molecular matter, solid matter and/or by electromagnetic fields -  in the reactor cavity, and

a.      at least one transportation means (i.e. channels 13A, 74) doors 72A, ports 13B, mouths, valves 13C, slides 13E, pumps, open/closing system, gates, etc.) that can be located everywhere in the reactor (i.e. in a central column 14, in a separation wall 13D and 25, or in the reactor embodiment 10B) and/or connected with the reactor,

i.  to transport relevant elements (i.e. hydrogen gas 17 to core B in fig. 1 and fig 2) from outside to the inside of the appropriate core(s) of the reactor;

ii. to transport plasma (11), atomic and/or molecular elements from one inside cavity (20) or core to one or more other inside cavities (21, 19A and 19B) or cores for the purpose to change compositional properties of such elements (26) by the environmental conditions (i.e. gravitational, magnetic, electromagnetic, temperature, contact with other inserted or present atomic or molecular elements, …),

iii.                        to transport elements to specific areas (19C) – i.e. having another temperature degree - inside one core (fig.1: core E),

iv.                       to transport recombined elements outside (23) the reactor, i.e. to a decompression and/or a separation unit 24, a storage means 15,

v. to transport plasma or recombined elements to one or more other plasma reactors with similar or different properties, and/or to a twin/multi-reactor (fig.7),

23.  and in which, by repositioning atomic and/or molecular elements in and between reactor cores or reactors (fig. 7), several transformation processes of the elements are possible, such as:

a.      the decomposition of existing molecular elements (i.e. CO2) to atomic elements,

b.      the combination of atomic and/or molecular elements to new differently composed molecular elements, either in zero-gravitational conditions or in specific controlled gravitational conditions within the core(s),

c.      creation of the condition for atomic welding between the elements inside of at least  two cores,

d.      creation of the Dark Matter which can be withdrawn from the combination  of the two matters from at least two cores, which can be collected in gravitational reactors (in 3 x 120° combination gravitational reactors) for space travel and motion,

24.  and from which the reactor cores (fig.1: A, B, C1, C2, D, E) can have     each – internally and between them - other conditions and/or dimensions, size and structure – such as:

a.      different local temperature,

b.      different local compression,

c.      different positioning in one or more magnetic fields,

d.      different positioning in a gravitational magnetic field,

e.      different composition of the wall

f.        different thickness (50) of the wall(s),

g.      different regularity of the wall shape(s) (i.e. asymmetrical volume 51),

h.      different surface dimensions of the wall,

i.         separated chambers in a core (fig.1: C1 and C2),

j.         non-spherical cores (fig1: E),

25.  so that each core or its sub-chamber(s) can hold the exact conditional parameters to realize the specific phases of decomposition, composition and/or recomposition for some or for all elements involved, which can lead to the synthesis of the desired atomic elements and molecular  products of high purity or specific impurity, such as H2O, conductive amino acids, etc., thus the fashionable controlled creation of specific state and composition of atomic elements, molecular elements and molecules for various use, which can lead to the production of rare basic matter, the production of products with high demand, new type of materials, new markets and new business model(s);


26.  Plasma reactor (fig.3, fig.4), as described in claim 24, that can alter or rearrange the state, the entanglement and/or composition of introduced atomic elements;


27.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, that can alter or rearrange the state, entanglement and/or composition of introduced molecular elements;


28.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1,  that provokes - due to processing steps inside the cores involved - the repositioning of parts of the initial elements to one or more new preferred inter-positioning(s), thus creating at least one preferred atomic and/or molecular element (i.e. H2O), different from the original(s) matter(s) or any state of matter which was initially introduced;


29.  Method by which a plasma reactor is used as a separation and synthesis system to provokes - due to siphoning and processing steps inside the cores involved - the repositioning of parts of the introduced initial elements to new preferred inter-position(s) or rearrangement(s), thus creating at least one preferred atomic and/or molecular element, different from the original(s) matter(s) or any state of matter which was initially introduced;


30.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, in which a central core (fig.1:A, 27) or chamber is positioned in the central area of the reactor - encircled by at least one core (fig.2:B) that holds the plasma (11) - that is used to generate atomic elements, molecular elements and/or molecules (i.e. diamonds 30, conductive amino acids, etc.) in zero-gravity or low-gravity (31) or any magnetic condition in that core or chamber;


31.  Method in which a plasma reactor has a central core (fig.1:A, 27) or chamber, that is encircled by at least one core (fig.2:B) that holds the plasma (11) and is positioned in the central area of the reactor, which is used to generate atomic elements, molecular elements and/or molecules (i.e. diamonds 30, conductive amino acids, etc.) in zero-gravity, low-gravity (31) or any magnetic condition in that core or chamber;


32.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, which has at least one regular or irregular torus-type (non-spherical, ring shaped, fig.1:E)(19D) core which can encircle or be encircled by a spherical core or by torus-core which one or the other is in positional of a gravitational field force or a magnetic field force;


33.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, which has at least one irregular core (i.e. non-spherical, ring shaped, fig.1:E, asymmetrical 52)(19C and 19D, 62, 63) with other dimensional properties (16) with the purpose to create in the same core different environmental conditions (i.e. inner zones with varying temperature), for example to generate or collect specific molecular elements;


34.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, where a cavity(is) positioned mount could be placed - by means of attachment or a specific bracketing position without connection to the central column - for the creation of elements could be created within the core where the created material could be feed to outside of the core on a continuous (i.e. nano technology wire, creation of H2O) or single use production of the material (i.e. single diamond crystal);


35.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, of which at least one core (fig.1:C) has at least two separate inner-core chambers (fig1: C1 and C2) , i.e. to create identical gravitational and thermal conditions for different atomic and/or molecular elements;


36.  Method by which in the same plasma reactor two or more separate inner-core chambers (fig1: C1 and C2) can be accommodated to create identical conditions like gravitational and thermal conditions for different atomic and/or molecular elements, processed at the same time or in sequence from one inner-core chamber to (13F) another or to other core(s);


37.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, which has at least one spiral-shaped core (51, 80) – fixed or rotational within any cavity of the reactor - which makes it possible to create an internal pressure progress and/or temperature difference inside such specific core (fig.8: core B) leading to the creation of a variable gravitational field (i.e. for plasma gravitational distillation) or variable magnetic field(s)(85A, 85B,  85C) within the core(s) or at the boundaries of the core(s) (i.e. for alternating current or power supply due to effect like a wave magnetic field necessary for power generation in turbine);


38.  Method where in a plasma reactor, which has at least one spiral-shaped core (51, 80) – fixed or rotational within any cavity of the reactor - which makes it possible to create an internal pressure progress and/or temperature difference inside such specific core (fig.8: core B) leading to the creation of a variable gravitational field (i.e. for plasma gravitational distillation) or variable magnetic field(s)(85A, 85B,  85C) within the core(s) or at the boundaries of the core(s) (i.e. for alternating current or power supply due to effect like a wave magnetic field necessary for power generation in turbine);


39.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, being an energy and/or gravity producing and separation/synthesis system, method, concept and technology whereby in a reactor a chain of energetic events is created via a rotational magnetic initiation of a basic ionization of a gas (i.e. hydrogen) or other matters, which then triggers a controllable chain of energy transfers (so called scintillation) to the next following layer(s) of introduced gasses (i.e. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) and all other introduced elements of the periodic table (i.e. Li, Be, K, Ca, Ti, …Pt, etc.) and/or their introduced molecule combinations (i.e. vapor), with the possibility to injection such materials inside the reactor chamber(s) or core(s) (18), i.e. liquid metallic elements, and which internal effects (such as heat, compression, electromagnetic fields, magnetic gravitational fields, temperature differences, etc.) will be different in the cores and make it possible to rearrange the atomic and/or molecular compositions of the elements by transportation from one core to one of more other core(s); 


40.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1, called the twin-reactor or multi-reactor possessing their own magnetic and gravitational field (fig. 6 and 7) at the same time as overcoming weightlessness in the craft, which has at least two plasma areas, and/or at least two separate or interconnected columns rotating – partly (i.e. only the head rotates 78) or as a whole -  individually or simultaneously within at least one static or centrifuged core(s), feed or interconnected - preferable separated by a separation wall (72B) with at least one accessible port (72A) - from at least one core of one side to another, for the use of and the production of new elements and materials;


41.  Plasma reactor, as described in claim 1 and 16, which has at the outside of the reactor at least one layer and/or zone of one or more material(s) that will provoke or create charged particles which the interaction of the particles with the magnetic field created in the core of the reactor can create lighting in any frequencies, or microwave production or heating in the surrounding area or vicinity of the system needed for fusion or atomic welding of two or more similar or different elements of the periodic table, for example where one reactor (70A) provides the plasma and another reactor (70B) provides the energy necessary for atomic and/or molecular fusing or welding;


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