How to Break Up With Your Girlfriend.pdf

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How to Dump Your Girlfriend Without Breaking Her Heart
The only "Get out of love" manual guys will ever need!
This ebook is provided
free to you by
Robert Lee
Robert Lee,
How to Dump Your Girlfriend Without Breaking Her Heart
Are you thinking about dumping your girlfriend? Chances are, if you are
thinking about it, the relationship is already over. Now, what you have to
decide is how to do it.
As the song says, “breaking up is hard to do.” There are so many reasons
that you put it off.
For one thing, it’s easier to just keep on keeping on. Having a girlfriend is
convenient. It means not having to be alone on a cold night, not having to
come up with a pick up line, and not having your family wonder why you
didn’t bring a date to cousin Sophie’s wedding.
For another thing, part of you still loves your girlfriend. You know that
breaking up will break her heart. So, you wait – for just the right time, for
just the right place, and for just the right words to say.
Guess what? It is going to be hard whenever you do it. So, make the
commitment to break up and then find a way to do it.
Most of the time, women are the ones who initiate a split in a relationship.
So, why do guys break up with their girlfriends?
Here are 10 good reasons to call it quits:
#10 – She nags you. If she acts like she’s your mother and you are 4 years
old, the relationship just isn’t going to work. If you constantly are telling
her, “stop nagging,” it’s a good time to break up.
#9 – She doesn’t appreciate you. Let’s face it, there are plenty of women
who will see you for the compassionate, loving guy you are. If she doesn’t
think you are a great guy, dump her and find someone who does.
#8 – She’s too emotional. A girl who is high maintenance is the pits. And,
when the maintenance has to do with taking care of her emotions,
sometimes it’s better to cut free.
Robert Lee,
How to Dump Your Girlfriend Without Breaking Her Heart
#7 – She manipulates you. Some women feel that they can only get what
they need through manipulation. In fact, they would rather play games
than ask nicely. If you feel like she is too manipulative, it is a good idea to
get out of the relationship.
#6 – She underestimates you. Nothing is more frustrating than having to
constantly prove yourself to someone who should be your biggest
cheerleader. If she is constantly surprised when you succeed or if she
undermines your success, you should consider getting out of the
#5 – She stops putting out. There are lots of reasons why having a steady
girlfriend is wonderful. But let’s face it, the number one reason is that you
know you’ll have someone there at the end of a Saturday night. If she stops
giving it to you on a regular basis, it’s time to find your fortune elsewhere.
#4 – She tries to change you. There is a play called “I love you. You’re
perfect. Now change.” That sums up what happens in all too many
relationships. A woman falls in love with you and thinks you are the perfect
man and then finds all kinds of reasons why you should change. If she tries
to stop you from being the person you are and the person you want to be,
get out.
#3 – She cheats on you. Whether it is a one night stand or a secret
relationship with a coworker, a woman’s cheating can drive a stake through
the heart of a relationship. Unless you are prepared to forgive and then
completely forget the affair, you have to break the relationship off. The
cheating will fester like a wound and destroy your relationship.
#2 – She doesn’t love you anymore. Do you feel that she has fallen out of
love with you but doesn’t know how to end it? Is inertia all that is keeping
you together? If so, you might have to be the one who calls it quits.
#1 – You don’t love her anymore. If you love her like a sister or friend but
just don’t have the romantic feelings that sustain an intimate relationship,
you owe it to her to be honest. Sure, she’s going to hurt. A lot. But you are
better off setting her free to find someone who loves her like she deserves.
Robert Lee,
How to Dump Your Girlfriend Without Breaking Her Heart
Kinds of Break Ups
You don’t love her, she doesn’t love you.
This is perhaps the easiest relationship to break off. Perhaps you haven’t
been together long or alternatively, you’ve drifted so far apart that
you don’t even remember what brought you together in the first place. In
any case, while the “encounter” of breaking up may be difficult, you’ll both
heal quickly.
You don’t love her, she loves you.
When you have fallen out of love with your girlfriend, but she passionately
loves you, breaking up is hard. This really is a case of “it’s not you, it’s me.”
But, that message is hard to convey in anything less than a trite way. You
have to break up so that both of you can move on. Remember, it is better
to set her free to find someone who can love her like she deserves.
You love her, she doesn’t love you.
This is the so-called “defensive break up.” She may be sticking around for
any number of reasons, but she doesn’t love you any more. You owe it to
yourself to find someone who can care about you like you deserve.
You love her, she loves you, it wasn’t meant to be.
This is the hardest kind of break up. You both love each other, but
something – religion, family, timing, you name it – is standing in your
way. You have to be honest. Continuing the relationship is futile. You are
both better off ending the relationship now rather than getting deeper
when the relationship can never end in marriage.
Robert Lee,
How to Dump Your Girlfriend Without Breaking Her Heart
Ways to Prepare Her for the Break Up
You don’t have to rush into a break up just because you have decided to
call it off. Giving her some time to get used to the idea can be the nicest
thing you do for her.
For instance, you can stop having as much time for her. This will push her
into finding ways to spend her time without you. She will also start to look
at other guys as they are filling the attention void you leave open.
You can also stop catering to her needs. If you dress a certain way to please
her or modify your driving style when she is with you, you should start
doing what you please. This will make you less attractive to her.
There are some juvenile tricks that can be employed as well:
- Let yourself go – she’ll wonder why she ever wanted you!
- Be a bad date – she’ll start looking at other guys with envy.
- Compare her to her mother – that is sure to make her mad at you and
prepare her for what is coming.
You should also try to prepare her by bringing up the subject of breaking
up. You can pull a trick out of the girlfriend bag and ask to have a
"relationship talk,” (“where do you think this relationship is going…”) Ask
her where she thinks the relationship is going and if she sees it as a good
thing. These things will help her mentally prepare for the break up. Who
knows, maybe she’ll even go as far as initiating the break up herself saving
you the trouble.
Part of preparing her involves starting to distance yourself from her. Stop
talking about your relationship in the future tense. Don’t pretend things are
“just perfect” because they’re not.
Be supportive about her issues but let her know that you are not
comfortable with the way things are right now in the relationship.
Robert Lee,
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