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Idioms of Feeling:  Review these idioms.  Use them in the sentences below and create one new hint.


Be on cloud nine – be extremely happy / ecstatic

Keeping your chin up – happy or cheerful despite bad things

Shaking in my boots – trembling with fear

Be a happy camper – content, in a good mood (even if things aren’t perfect)

Be down in the dumps – depressed, sad

In a foul mood – a very bad frame of mind

Haven’t been yourself lately – mood or feeling recently changed (for the worse / to negative feeling)

I could eat a horse – very hungry

Feel / Be dead tired / dead on my feet – extremely tired, exhausted

Under the weather – not well, ill

At death’s door – very sick (almost dead)

Beside myself with anger – extremely angry


  1. After the marathon we _________________________________________
  2. He’s _______________________________ because his girlfriend just dumped him.
  3. When my dad found out I had stayed out all night he was _________________________
  4. After meeting her dream guy, she ___________________________________
  5. My uncle was ____________________________ after the accident but he recovered eventually. 


Your hint:


Scared to death / Scared stiff – extremely frightened

Walking on air – joyful, thrilled

Jumped out of my skin – jumped after being scared or startled

Get carried away – lose control / get excited

Keep a cool head – stay calm

Go to pieces – lose all control or get extremely depressed after bad news / experience

Be on top of the world – feel extremely happy

Be on the edge of your seat – feel anxious or nervous

Bottle it up inside – keep feelings inside without expressing them

Get it off of your chest – let feelings out by expressing them

Have both feet on the ground – be sensible and logical / don’t lose control

Have your head in the clouds – be distracted, think about other things (not what you should think about)


1.       Don’t _______________ if you are angry at me!  2.  _________________________!

  1. I’ve been ______________________________ all day, thinking about how she will answer me.
  2. He’s a good student in the morning but after lunch he usually _________________________.
  3. A great soccer player always _______________________________, even during a close match.


Your hint: 

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