[1830] The Falcon.pdf

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A narrative of the captivity and adventures of John
Tanner, (U.S. interpreter at the Saut de Ste. Marie,):
during thirty years residence among the Indians in the
interior of North America
Prepared for the press by Edwin James
Recollections of early life -- capture -- journey from the
mouth of the Miami to Sa-gui-na -- ceremonies of
adoption into the family of my foster parents -- harsh
treatment -- transferred by purchase to the family of Netno-
kwa -- removal to Lake Michigan.
First attempt to hunt -- measles -- trapping martins --
emigration to Red River -- death of my foster father and
brother -- arrival at Lake Winnipek.
Friendly reception among the Indians on the Assinneboin -
- Prairie Portage -- Net-no-kwa's dream, and its fulfillment
-- meet with Pe-shau-ba, a distinguished warrior of the
Ottawwaws -- journey to Kau-wau-koning, and residence
there -- return towards Lake Superior -- war-party against
the Minnetauks -- mouth of Assinneboin river.
Elk hunting -- beaver and buffalo hunting -- endangered in
killing a buffalo cow -- Fall Indians -- return to Rainy
Lake -- Swamp River and Portage -- the Begwionusko
River and Lake -- honesty and good faith in the
intercourse of the Indians -- hospitality -- sufferings from
hunger -- Red River -- loss of packs -- supposed
dishonesty of traders -- rapacity of the traders of the N. W.
company -- disasters following the loss of our peltries.
Medicine hunting -- indolence of an Indian hunter, and
consequent suffering of his family -- relief from humane
traders -- a hunter amputates his own arm -- moose chase -
- hospitality of Sah-muk, and residence at Rainy Lake --
carcase of a buffalo cow watched by a bull -- severe
suffering from cold -- my lodge, and most of my property,
destroyed by fire.
Failure of an attempt to accompany a war-party to the
Missouri -- removal to Elk River -- joined in my hunting
grounds by some Naudoways, from Lower Canada --
hospitality of the Crees -- practice of medicine -- dispute
with a Naudoway -- band of Tuskwaw-go-nees -- Brine
Spring, on Elk River -- I receive a severe injury by falling
from my horse -- involved in difficulty by my foster
brother -- habits of the moose-deer -- range of the moose,
the elk, and the reindeer.
I receive a proposal from a chief to marry his daughter --
theft and drunkenness -- manner of pursuing the elk on
foot -- disease and great mortality among the beaver --
second offer of marriage from an A-go-kwa -- haunted
encampment, called the "place of the two dead men" --
Indian courtship -- distressing sickness -- insanity and
attempt at suicide -- gambling -- several offers of young
women in marriage -- my courtship and marriage with
Mis-kwa-bun-o-kwa, (the red sky of the morning.)
Preparation for a war excursion -- herds of buffalo heard at
a great distance -- terrible conflicts among the bulls --
observances of the young warriors -- Ko-zau-bun-ziche-egun,
or divination to discover the situation of an enemy --
Jeebi-ug, or memorials of deceased friends to be thrown
away on the field of battle; and the design of the custom --
war-party broken up by the interference of a rival chief --
stupidity of the porcupine -- I save the life of my foster
brother -- Albino bears -- Waw-be-no -- marriage of Piche-
to and Skwa-shish -- attack of a Sioux war-party, and
pursuit to the village at Chief Mountain, and the head of
the St. Peters, etc.
Visit to several Assinneboin villages, in pursuit of stolen
horses -- peculiar customs -- I seize a horse belonging to
an Assinneboin -- war excursion to Turtle Mountain --
battle at a village of the Mandans -- doctrines of the
Shawnese prophet -- drunkenness, and its effects.
Presence of mind and self-devotedness in an Indian
mother -- Indian warfare -- conversation of a chief --
winter hunt on the Begwionusko River -- medicine
hunting -- customs, in cases of manslaughter -- symbolic,
or picture writing -- death of Pe-shau-ba -- disaster at
Spirit Lake, and death of the Little Clam.
Rapacity of the traders -- revelation of Manito-o-geezhik -
- pretensions of As-kaw-ba-wis -- credulity of the Indians
-- colony at Red River, planted by the Hudson's Bay
traders -- large war-party assembled at Turtle Mountain --
want of discipline.
Superstitions of the Indians -- violent and unjust prejudice
-- family misfortunes -- remarkable tenacity of life in the
otter, and some other small animals -- disturbances
between the Hudson's Bay and North West Fur
Suffering of the Ojibbeways from hunger -- persecutions
of Waw-be-be-nai-sa, and unkindness of my Indian
relatives -- journey to Detroit -- Governor Cass -- Council
at St. Mary, on the Miami.
Journey to Kentucky -- hospitalities of the whites -- return
to Detroit -- Jackson -- St. Louis -- General Clark -- return
to the Lake of the Woods -- Col. Dickson -- second
journey to St. Louis, by Chikago and Fort Clark --
kindness of the Potawattomies.
Transactions of the agents and clerks of the American Fur
Company, in the country about the Lake of the Woods --
treachery of an Indian woman -- misfortunes attendant on
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