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{76}{114}Previously on ER...
{114}{155}You got one week, Mike, one.
{155}{210}I want you to know,|I really appreciate it.
{210}{298}- You won't even know I'm there.|- There's just a lot of stuff going on.
{348}{419}I want to sort it out.|I'm trying to sort it out.
{419}{470}I just need a bit of time.
{470}{571}I work on gay patients all the time.|I work with gay doctors.
{590}{637}Greg, you're a lot more|like Dad than you realize.
{708}{771}It's not coming out like I mean.
{783}{866}- I sure hope someday you prove me wrong.|- Are you my dad or not?
{868}{977}There's a simple test we can take.|It's called a paternity test, and, um...
{1000}{1034}if you want...
{1050}{1088}we can take it tonight.
{1141}{1236} - nowa jako?? napis?w.|Napisy zosta?y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{1237}{1276}I'm in pain.|I've been here three hours.
{1276}{1344}- Yeah, I'm sorry, sir, we're very busy.|- You haven't done crap for me.
{1344}{1402}- I'll try to find a doctor.|- You said that an hour ago, bitch.
{1403}{1444}You know what?|I'm doing the best I can,
{1444}{1510}- so why don't you just settle down, okay?|- No, you settle down.
{1571}{1625}Okay, so what went wrong?
{1668}{1745}- She didn't stay calm.|- Her tone was threatening.
{1745}{1810}She needed to keep her distance.
{1863}{1898}You okay?
{2054}{2084}All right, good.
{2099}{2199}So let's review the key points|of managing assaultive behavior.
{2378}{2417}I made coffee.
{2479}{2568}- That your history project?|- No, I'm paying the bills.
{2607}{2677}You've been late three months|in a row on everything.
{2682}{2738}I don't want them turning off|the electricity, okay?
{2740}{2784}Is that my checkbook?|You take my checkbook?
{2784}{2827}I'm just making them out,|you still have to sign.
{2832}{2908}- Sweetie, I know you're trying to help.|- Good morning.
{2911}{2996}- Hey. Nice outfit.|- Job interview.
{3008}{3080}- What kind of job?|- Executive assistant.
{3080}{3137}That's a fancy name|for answering the phone.
{3151}{3200}Maybe he can help with the rent.
{3307}{3376}We have $90 to get us|through the week.
{3428}{3498}Look, if this thing comes through,|I'll be out of your hair in no time.
{3521}{3551}Yeah, right.
{3587}{3645}All right, shredded wheat or corn flakes?
{3671}{3745}- So how you been?|- I've been all right.
{3768}{3804}Hey, how about those Cubs, huh?
{3804}{3861}Catch that game last night?|Some win.
{3977}{4018}All right. Um...
{4095}{4171}Okay, so you invite me to breakfast|to talk about baseball.
{4227}{4265}No, it something else.
{4351}{4395}I want to fix things.
{4400}{4500}Neck! Knees! Nuts!
{4501}{4552}Good, good.|All right, Lily.
{4582}{4656}Now remember, the goal is|to diffuse violent behavior.
{4657}{4717}This training is just a last resort.
{4741}{4807}- Next.|- Come on, Sam. Go. Go.
{4811}{4863}- Kick his ass, Sam!|- Go!
{4879}{4913}You ready?
{4979}{5059}- Come on, you can do better than that.|- Nuts!
{5081}{5139}- Show me some strength.|- All right, I just don't want to hurt you.
{5139}{5199}I've got enough padding|on to stop a tank.
{5207}{5246}- Come on.|- Neck!
{5262}{5303}I'm worried about you, Sam.
{5303}{5362}Bad guys will rip a little|lady like you to shreds.
{5363}{5410}- Oh, really, you think?|- Yeah, I know.
{5600}{5650}Subtitles : Willow's Team
{5675}{5713}Transcript : Raceman
{5809}{5865}I let you down.|I know that.
{5911}{6017}But it doesn't matter what you want to do or|how you want to live, I'm still your brother.
{6037}{6096}See, when I pushed you away, I messed up.
{6117}{6186}But I can do better.|I think we both can.
{6239}{6288}Look, it's just like when you moved in.
{6297}{6381}You know, you... you could've been|a little bit more honest.
{6392}{6460}You could've told me|what was really going on with you.
{6487}{6527}I didn't know how to tell you.
{6554}{6615}What, are you in some 12-step|program or something?
{6622}{6672}No, man, it's just...
{6730}{6798}I spent too many years pushing people away.
{6830}{6882}I don't want to do that anymore.
{6983}{7030}That mean you're going|to be talking to Dad?
{7090}{7144}Let me work my way up to it.
{7198}{7237}I'll give you that.
{7356}{7412}- It's been five days.|- So?
{7413}{7490}- So, fever without source freaks me out.|- It's a virus.
{7491}{7564}Yeah, or it could be a serious infection|that we're missing.
{7566}{7646}Look, he's playing well.|He's eating. Joe's not sick.
{7647}{7709}Well, I'm going to check this,|just to make sure.
{7715}{7752}- Abby...|- What?
{7758}{7821}What? I got a little urine sample|this morning, so?
{7831}{7863}Dr. Kovac.
{7870}{7928}- Bad CHF, Trauma Two.|- Okay.
{7929}{8037}- Uh, class over already?|- It ended a little early.
{8090}{8121}You're being silly.
{8121}{8207}If this were someone else's baby,|you'd tell them not to worry.
{8334}{8380}All right, you're right.
{8385}{8434}He probably just caught my cold.
{8694}{8751}- Hey, Timmy. You're back.|- And better than ever.
{8753}{8808}Um, can you send this for a U.A.?
{8813}{8867}- Uh, which patient?|- John Doe.
{8874}{8921}A'ight, I'll take care of it.
{8954}{8998}Officer Litchman needs a room.
{9012}{9075}Curtain Two.|And hold for a chart.
{9078}{9142}This is a nice move;|we were supposed to be off till noon.
{9142}{9187}- Sorry.|- Whoa.
{9192}{9248}Dislocated patella.|How'd that happen?
{9268}{9348}He was teaching|the Assaultive Behavior Class.
{9350}{9427}Nurse here got a little carried away.|Kicks like a mule.
{9431}{9514}- You said bring it on.|- I wasn't expecting Bruce Lee.
{9544}{9617}- So how long's this gonna take?|- Normally, all day.
{9618}{9680}But under the circumstances, I'll try|to get you out in less than an hour.
{9683}{9715}Yeah, right.
{9721}{9797}I'll bet you a donut I can.
{9801}{9857}Man, you sure know|how to get a cop excited.
{9904}{9974}- Crackles to the apex.|- 40 of Lasix.
{9976}{10065}- Feels like I'm drowning.|- Ever have fluid in your lungs?
{10082}{10115}A heart attack?
{10117}{10234}High blood pressure... high cholesterol.|Can someone call my dad?
{10266}{10329}"Rutley and Son.|Heating and Air Conditioning."
{10330}{10406}- Your dad still works?|- He lives with me. I...
{10407}{10482}I moved my office home to look after him.
{10483}{10538}BP's 195/120.
{10542}{10622}- Okay, nitro drip at 40 mikes.|- What meds you on?
{10655}{10715}Nothing? Nothing for your pressure?|Cholesterol?
{10715}{10766}- Ran out.|- How long'd you go?
{10768}{10864}Long time. Please call my dad.|He's expecting me.
{10865}{10906}12 lits here.
{10918}{10965}What about your doctor?|Who's your doctor?
{10971}{11043}His name's on my insurance card.|I'll see him tomorrow.
{11045}{11138}You're in congestive heart failure.|You need to be admitted to the ICU.
{11139}{11232}I'm fine.|It's my dad I'm worried about.
{11281}{11338}I was really bummed out about|the way we left things, too.
{11339}{11387}Hey, man, I'm glad|you came down to meet me.
{11388}{11448}You know, if you ever need anything,|I'm here for you.
{11457}{11502}Actually, I could use a favor.
{11508}{11563}I'm applying for a part-time job, and...
{11564}{11609}it'd help if you could write|a letter or something.
{11609}{11702}- Huh, what kind of work?|- An EMT at the fire department.
{11733}{11846}Yeah, money's good, flexible hours.|Perfect for a student.
{11849}{11924}- EMT, huh?|- What's wrong with that?
{11934}{11996}Well, you know, they're not|the most open-minded individuals,
{11998}{12060}- if you know what I mean.|- Yeah.
{12074}{12167}I mean, it's definitely a "don't ask,|don't tell" type of situation.
{12170}{12245}I mean, if you're gonna fit in,|you got to just be one of the boys.
{12247}{12324}Well, I know how to handle it.|And if it works out, who knows?
{12325}{12378}Maybe I'll think about med school.
{12392}{12421}Don't do it, man.
{12423}{12481}Really? I see what you do.|It's good work.
{12505}{12580}Really? So you're thinking|about emergency medicine, huh?
{12580}{12634}Oh, hell, no.|Plastic surgery.
{12635}{12716}If I'm going to put in all that work,|I need to make some coin.
{12780}{12856}No, the swabs were sent in|three weeks ago.
{12872}{12969}Anthony Gates, Sarah Riley.|Yes, I can hold.
{12975}{13043}- Hey, trauma coming in?|- Crohn's fistula.
{13046}{13121}- Paternity results never came back.|- How's Sarah holding up?
{13123}{13174}She's all right, she just|doesn't want to talk about it.
{13178}{13230}- Must be on her mind.|- She's moving on.
{13236}{13301}Today she finds my checkbook,|pays all my bills.
{13303}{13350}Really?|Maybe she can become a CPA.
{13350}{13405}You know, when I was 12 years old,|I stood in line all day
{13406}{13447}and waited for|The Return of the Jedi premiere.
{13448}{13488}That's all I want her to do.
{13494}{13557}- Be a Star Wars nerd?|- No, be a kid.
{13570}{13654}No. They didn't come in the mail.|I didn't get them in the mail.
{13655}{13697}Can you just tell me over the phone?
{13712}{13761}- Gates.|- Fine. Send them again.
{13777}{13824}- You okay? We'll catch up later?|- Yeah.
{13827}{13904}- ICU said one hour.|- We're going to the cath lab.
{13909}{13977}- Is he stable enough?|- Well, we'll stay with him.
{13982}{14063}If they can open up an artery,|maybe it'll reverse his heart failure.
{14064}{14143}- My dad.|- Yeah. We called him, he's on his way.
{14152}{14230}I got 50,000 in mutual funds.
{14238}{14296}- First National.|- Okay.
{14303}{14358}See if his B.U.N.|and creatinine are back.
{14363}{14390}Got it.
{14392}{14428}Hey, Gates.|Hmm?
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