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The Zone
Juliusz Doboszewski, GameChef2015
The goal of The Zone is to immerse yourself in an imaginary situation.
You start alone. Pick a real-life Location, preferably an area in the centre of
the city. The more familiar the Location, the better. You will have to be physically
present at the Location during the game.
The aim of the game is to imagine Location long after an Event, which made
the human population disappear and the Location abandoned — left to the nature
and its own ways. Event could be the fall of a nuclear bomb, outbreak of a deadly
virus, migration of the human population to the stars, or something else entirely.
During the game you will walk around and talk to the elements of the Location
(buildings, trees, animals, inanimate objects), imagining the changes which took
place since the Event.
Rule 1: treat elements of the Location as characters.
Rule 2: speak at your usual voice level; no screams, no whispering.
Rule 3: if somebody overhears you playing and asks what you are doing, ex-
plain the game and ask them to join. This is the only way to play The Zone with
another human being.
If you run out of the things to say or need an inspiration, point at an object,
pick a Theme at random, and address it.
The game ends after all the Themes have been addressed by all players.
Life: Trip to Tschernobyl in May 2015
Movies: Spiral Jetty (1970), Rhur (2009)
Music: Wiliam Basinski "The Disintegration Loops"
TV: Life after People
- changing odours
- history of a tiny detail
- plants around
- changes in texture
- its relation with animals
- its end
- surrounding sounds
- emotions you feel
- the Event, from perspetive of the object
- changes in its colour
- its perspective on the changes around since the Event
- last human it had contact with
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