iOS and OS X Network Programming Cookbook.pdf

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iOS and OS X Network
Over 50 recipes to develop network applications in both
the iOS and OS X environment
Jon Hoffman
iOS and OS X Network Programming
Copyright © 2014 Packt Publishing
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First published: January 2014
Production Reference: 1150114
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-84969-808-5
Cover Image by Jarosław Blaminsky (
Jon Hoffman
Chady Kassouf
Shahin Katebi
Josh Rufer
Acquisition Editor
Vinay Argekar
Lead Technical Editor
Ritika Dewani
Technical Editors
Pratik More
Shweta Pant
Ritika Singh
Nachiket Vartak
Copy Editors
Dipti Kapadia
Kirti Pai
Shambhavi Pai
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Joel Goveya
Joanna McMahon
Monica Ajmera Mehta
Yuvraj Mannari
Abhinash Sahu
Production Coordinator
Adonia Jones
Cover Work
Adonia Jones
About the Author
Jon Hoffman
has close to 20 years of experience in the field of Information Technology.
Over these 20 years, Jon has worked in the areas of system administration, network
administration, network security, development and architecture. Currently, he works as
a software engineer at Syn-Tech Systems. He has started a network development blog at
that will enhance and expand on the
material covered in this book.
Over the past five years, he has developed numerous applications for the iOS platform. These
include several apps that he has published in the App Store, apps that he has written for third
parties, and numerous enterprise applications.
What really drives Jon are the challenges in Information Technology; there is nothing more
exhilarating for him than overcoming a challenge. Some of Jon's other interests are watching
baseball (Go Sox!) and basketball (Go Celtics!). Jon also really enjoys Taekwondo; he and his
eldest daughter Kailey are on pace to get their black belts together in the spring of 2014.
I would like to thank my wonderful wife Kim, without whose support,
encouragement, patience, and understanding, this book would have never
been written. I would also like to thank my two wonderful daughters Kailey
and Kara, who have both been my inspiration and driving force since they
were born. To my dog, Buddy, maybe one day I will be the person who he
thinks I am.
I would like to give special thanks to all of the wonderful people at Packt
Publishing who have helped me along the way.
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