Madan no Ou to Vanadis 8.pdf

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He recovered his consciousness. At the same time, he thought that it was
cold, so much so that the root of his teeth shivered with a chattering sound.
His body shook, too. Rounding his back, as he tightly hugged himself, he
first had to endure the cold. He even thought that his body was frozen.
Only after about a count of 1000 had passed did his mood settle down. It
was much better compared to the coldness of the night sea, and lukewarm
air probably gave him warmth. The youth finally raised his body.
His view was pitch-black and nothing could be seen. He put the bow, which
he was tightly grasping, nearby and took off his cold clothes, dripping wet
with the sea water. He also took off his trousers and underwear and
wringed them. Since he did not have enough strength now, he could not
wring them as dry as he had wanted.
As he felt pain to his head and touched it, there was something which
appeared to be a wound. Though there was no slippery sensation, his hair
was also wet. He sniffed the smell of the hand which touched the wound,
and judged that blood seemed to have stopped.
Since he could not calm down as he was naked, he reluctantly wore his
clothes which were still wet and cold. And then, the youth recognized that
he was standing on a solid ground.
"…Where am I?"
Though a stupid question, the person himself was extremely serious about
it. The youth's name was Tigrevurmud Vorn. Those close to him called him
by his nickname "Tigre". Rummaging through his darkish red hair, Tigre
desperately traced his memory of before losing consciousness.
Tigre was a noble of the Brune Kingdom, but due to various
circumstances, he was currently in the position of guest General of the
Zchted Kingdom. And as a messenger of that Zchted, he was in the
Asvarre Kingdom until the other day.
He left Asvarre in a ship, and that ship was attacked by a Demon on their
way back to Zchted in a few days. Tigre fell into the sea during the fight
against the Demon and lost consciousness.
Recalling up to there, Tigre muttered again the question of earlier.
Where am I?
It was unlikely that Sophia Obertas alias Sophie, Olga Tamm, Matvey and
company who were boarding the same ship saved him. If it was them, they
should have done a more proper medical treatment.
There was no way that they would have left him drenched as is without
even changing his clothes and putting a piece of blanket on him.
In other words, it was something different that saved him from the night
Tigre picked up the bow that he put at his feet. Though it was a heirloom,
Tigre learned just about a year ago that it possessed a mysterious power.
That power often saved the youth from predicaments.
As he looked around at his surroundings, a light could be seen ten steps
ahead. Tigre was walking up to there while staggering. He did not yet have
power in his legs.
When he became aware of what that light was, Tigre unintentionally
It was surrounded by a wall on three sides there, and several things like
short stones pillars respectively extended from the floor and ceiling. All the
stones pillars reached only to Tigre's knees and the surface was rugged as
if shaved from a rock.
Most of the stones pillars were pitch-black, but several other than that were
wrapped in a white light. This was where the light came from.
『It has been a while.』
A woman's voice resounded out of nowhere. Tigre strongly grasped the
bow and looked around while being on guard. But, the figure of the owner's
voice was nowhere to be seen. No, Tigre thought. Maybe the space itself
wrapped in this darkness might be the owner of the voice. He called out
towards the darkness.
"It's you, who saved me, right?"
The owner of the voice affirmed.
"…First of all, I thank you for having saved me."
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