patch 1.2.3 info.txt

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Here are the changes made from patch 1.1.5 to 1.2.3. That's why i needed to find a way to play with this version...

Version 1.2.3 


! Improved tooltips on hero floater icons. 
! More stability improvements. 
! Entrenchment time lowered. 
! Added performance options. 
! Revised units/buildings for balance. 
! Improved numerous game systems. 
! Improved AI functionality. 


- Added a new Particle slider under performance. 
- Summoned units die if summoner leaves engaged state. 
- Targeted state persists for 1.5 seconds post-engagement. 
- Settlers can no longer help construct allied settlements. 
- Improved fog ghosting rules. 
- Fixed bug that was preventing monsters from rampaging properly. 
- Users can now remove themselves from another user's buddy list. 
- Fixed Council sell-back flaw. 
- Herds and ambient creatures no longer appear on the minimap. 
- Fixed random seed generation on scenario maps. 
- Fixed Rout flags to appear correctly. 
- Users can now queue commands to Routing companies. 

- Entrenchment time is now base 60 seconds instead of 90. 
- Open Ground cavalry AV bonus now base 3 instead of 4. 
- Volley archer bonus now base 30 instead of 15. 
- Archer upkeep now base 1.5 Wood instead of 2 Wood (excluding Windrider). 
- Siege unit resupply rate now base 4% instead of 8%. 
- Archer Kohan Ranged AV now base 50 instead of 40. Melee AV now base 35 instead of 30 


- Drauga settlement upgrade costs increased to match Gauri. 
- Drauga Ancestral Hall, Spirit Walk, Tribal Totem, and Spirit Totem produce +1 Mana. 


- Gauri Village produces +1 Stone. 
- Gauri Town provides +1 Wood. 
- Gauri City provides +1 Iron. 
- Gauri Citadel provides +1 Mana. 
- Gauri Relinquary and Archive produce +1 Mana. 


- Haroun Villages now construct 33% faster. 
- Haroun Moonlit Altar and Grove of Dusk produce +1 Mana. 


- Human Shrine and Library produce +1 Mana. 
- Human Temple and Mage College produce +2 Mana. 
- Human Stone Export produces +2 Gold. 
- Human Wood Export produces +3 Gold. 
- Human Iron Export produces +4 Gold. 


- Shadow Settlements produce -1 Mana. 


- Undead Tomb produces -5 Gold. 


- Rhaksha Camp +2 Rhaksha Militia. 
- Bandit Camp +2 Bandit Militia. 
- Slaan Camp -2 Slaan Militia. 
- All Monster Lairs -15% Gold Reward. 
- All Camps -50% Gold Reward. 

Nation Units 

- Behemoth, Ranged Resist +20%, +Immune to Physical Enchantments. 
- Impaler, +2 Melee AV. 
- Warmonger, Defensive Tactics DV bonus +1, Haste AV bonus -1, Upkeep now 2i 1m : Was 1i 1m. 


- Forge, +1 Morale. 
- Healer, Slow spell recharge debuff now 50% : Was 25%, AV penalty now -1 : Was -2. 
- Juggernaut, AV +4, DV +1, Cost -10. 
- Maelstrom Engine, Recharge time now 5 seconds : Was 6. 
- Spear, +4 Melee AV. 
- Warden, Warden Immunity gains DV +2 bonus. 
- Wrecker, Immobilize duration -20%, Tactician AV Bonus -1, Upkeep now 2s 2i : Was 2s 1i. 


- Guide, DV +1, Morale +1, Melee AV +2. 
- Harvester, Grasping Thorns DoT now 5 : Was 3, Whirlwind now AV/DV -2 debuff. 
- Hillstrider, HP -40. 
- Mistrunner, HP +20. 
- Pathfinder, Ranged AV +2, Melee AV +2. 
- Rainbringer, Melee AV +4. 
- Windrider, Morale +1, Melee AV +2. 


- Bowman, Melee AV +4. 
- Catapult, Recharge time now 5 seconds : Was 6. 
- Ranger, Ranged AV +2, Melee AV +2. 
- Sorceress, Heaven's Cage now 4 Magic damage DoT, Recharge time now 15 : Was 20, Elemental Aura gains AV +1 bonus. 
- Warmage, Fireball +5 AV, Dispel Magic provides DV +1 bonus. 


- Beast, HP -20. 
- Brute, Aura of Fear bonus DV +1. 
- Fury, Melee AV +2. 
- Leviathan, Ranged Resist +20%, +Immune to Physical Enchantments, Ranged AV +1, Recharge time now 5 seconds : Was 6. 


- Bone Archer, Melee AV +4. 
- Bone Golem, AV +4, Upkeep now 3s 3m : Was 2s 4m. 
- Defiler, Poison Cloud DoT now 4 : Was 2, Recharge time now 15 : Was 20, Cloud of Fear Recharge time now 15 : Was 20. 
- Ghoul, HP +20. 
- Lich, Lethargy no longer debuffs Recharge, Cost +6. 
- Nightmare, HP -20. 
- Revenant, Immolation AV +10. 

Faction Units 
- Prophet, Life Leech ignores enemy DV. 
- Astarte, -Recon +Archer Foe. 
- Belphegor, Plague Shield improved significantly, Grasping Thorns DoT now 5. 
- Lazarus, -Lethargy +Life Leech 2. 
- Sahrban, -Fireball +Life Leech 2, Dispel Magic gains DV +1 bonus. 
- Sebak, Plague Shield improved significantly, Poison Cloud changes (see Undead Defiler). 
- Vandal, -Bloodlust +Recon. 

- Amber Yasin, Fireball AV+5, Elemental Aura gains AV +1 bonus. 
- Agborus, Combat Tactics bonus AV -1. 
- Aureus Sepheir, -Recon +Comabt Tactics, Grasping Thorns DoT now 5. 
- Alaster, -Bravery +Tactician, Dispel Magic gains DV +1 Bonus. 
- Kivana, -Holy Shield +Slow. 
- Zahra Aktar, -Haste +Summon Mauler. 

- Dreadlord, Bloodlust bonus AV -1. 
- Ashaama, -Umbral Armor +Wash of Pain. 
- Golzir, -Aura of Fear -Dispel Magic +Cloud of Fear. 
- Ishan Ghul, Bloodlust bonus AV -1. 
- Isis, -Aura of Fear -Umbral Armor +Recon +Summon Skeletons. 
- Jhaengus, Bloodlust bonus AV -1. 
- Maar Nasai, Tactician bonus AV -1. 
- Marduk, Invigorate improved. 
- Tehrat, Aura of Fear bonus DV +1. 

- Zealot, Wash of Pain Improved, Invigorate Improved, +Frenzy support ability. 
- Aethan Faryhd, Haste bonus AV -1. 
- Adellon Majere, Fireball AV +5. 
- Chandra Majere, -Defensive Tactics +Bravery, Bravery gains AV +1 bonus. 
- Ghalen Mordecai, Combat Tactics bonus AV -1. 
- Ilyana Aswan, -Trailblazing -Battle Sight +Tactician +Swarm. 
- Khafra, -Defensive Tactics +Warden Immunity. 
- Khosrau, Defensive Tactics bonus DV +1, Dispel Magic gains DV +1 bonus. 
- Sofiya Fairfax, Heaven's Cage improved, Invigorate improved. 
- Takil Atafeh, -Recon +Infantry Foe, Entangle gains DV -1 debuff. 
- Thurak Mordoth, -Swarm +Swarm2, Swarm improved, Elemental Aura gains AV +1 bonus. 

- Paladin, Inspiratation bonus AV -1 and bonus DV -1, HP -40. 
- Arossa Mirari, -Defensive Tactics +Combat Tactics, Elemental Aura gains AV +1 bonus. 
- Darius Javidan, Combat Tactics bonus AV -1. 
- Darya Azar, -Blessing +Immobilize. 
- Gurudasa, Dispel Magic gains DV +1 bonus, Bravery gains AV +1 bonus. 
- Jamsheed Javidan, +Bravery. 
- Ralla Mirari, -Trailblazing -Grasping Thorns, +Cavalry Foe +Entangle. 
- Roxanna Javida, Fireball AV +5. 
- Ruarc Varagoth, -Combat Tactics +Archer Foe. 
- Uvhati Angoth, -Spirit of Battle +Immolation, Defensive Tactics bonus DV +1. 

Tech Units 
- Djinn, Area +1, AV +5. 
- Druid, Swarm Improved, Nature's Shield gains DV +1 bonus. 
- Ifrit, HP +20. 
- Jotun, AV +10. 
- Mystic, Entangle gains DV -1 debuff. 
- Saiyar, Melee AV +4. 
- Sentinel, Combat Tactics bonus AV -1. 
- Shaman, Earthskin bonus DV +1, Fire Resistance +20%, Upkeep now 1w 2m : Was 3m. 
- Trow, HP -100, DV +2, AV +1, +Siege vs. Building -20. 

- Plague Shield, Hits more often, Magic AV +2, Increased debuff by AV -1. 
- Swarm, Area +0.5, AV +5. 
- Wash of Pain, Area +0.5, AV +5. 
- Invigorate, Bonus Health +5%, Duration now 30 seconds : was 20, Recharge time now 20 seconds : Was 25. 
- Frenzy: Gives +2 morale per unit and 33% slower morale loss. 

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