Brooklyn Sinners 4 - Sinner's Fall - Avril Ashton.pdf

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Sinner’s Fall
Avril Ashton
Book four in the Brooklyn Sinners series.
Tommy Jankowski is hiding from a past he can’t escape and a man he can’t forget. With a new
name and resolve, he settles in a small California town. It’s there he catches the eye of a predator.
Fearing for his life, Tommy reaches out to his old boss for help. The man who shows up is the last
person Tommy is prepared to face.
Mateo Oliveros hasn’t forgiven himself for scaring Tommy so bad he took off running. When
Mateo gets a call that Tommy is in danger, he doesn’t think twice before rushing to the rescue, but
Tommy isn’t happy to see him. Mateo’s plan is to eliminate Tommy’s problem then walk away, but
that’s getting harder and harder to do. The pull between them hasn’t disappeared—in fact, it burns
hotter and brighter. With neither man willing to give in, they’re both headed for a fall. It’s only a
matter of who goes first.
A Romantica®
male/male erotic romance
from Ellora’s Cave
Sinner’s Fall
Avril Ashton
For those who wait.
Chapter One
“He’s back.”
Tommy didn’t have to ask to whom Janine referred. If he abandoned his dishwashing post in the
kitchen at Condi’s Grill and made his way to the front, he knew he’d see Steven Nayer seated at that
table in the far corner of the room, patient smile in place as he waited for Tommy to give in, break
down and go out with him again.
Three months since he’d started working at Condi’s. Two since Steven set his sights on Tommy.
The flattery lasted about a week, up until that disaster of a first date, and since he’d been as serious as
a heart attack when he turned Steven down, the fact that the older lawyer didn’t back down only
irritated Tommy more. He wasn’t interested in anyone and he damn sure wasn’t about to allow the
man anywhere near him.
He felt Janine’s gaze, so he glanced up from staring into the industrial-sized sink filled with suds.
“I’m not going to waste my time telling him no again. I’m not interested.” He shrugged at her
incredulous stare.
Yes, Steven was gorgeous, had the salt-and-pepper thing going, tall and lean, and always dressed
to impress. All that was great. Nice. But not for Tommy. He’d never be brave enough to drop his
guard with anyone again.
He made sure to keep his coworkers at a distance. They knew his name, knew he’d moved to the
small California town of Chico from back east. They didn’t need to know he’d been brutalized by his
stepfather, that he’d had his childhood snuffed out before it began. He kept to himself. Best for
everyone that way.
Janine wasn’t one to be kept at arm’s length. She was bubbly, friendly and too damn nice. Right
now, she dropped a dreamy sigh into the quiet. “Hell, I wish he’d pursue me like that.” She pushed a
lock of dark-brown hair behind her ear and granted him a hesitant smile. “You sure you prefer cock,
Tommy’s face heated in a blush. She did that to him every time with her frankness.
“Because it seems to me you’re scared of it.” She pinned him with a green gaze gone darker with
Tommy squirmed, turning back quickly to his duties. “I’m not scared. Go.” He shooed her. “Let
me know when the coast is clear so I can leave once I’m done.”
She didn’t move right away, but Tommy went about washing the dishes. That was his job. He got
paid minimum wage to wash dishes, not stand around in a kitchen smelling of fried food and cleaning
products discussing his nonexistent fear of men. Or cock. He shifted from one foot to the other and
Janine finally shuffled off.
He stopped once her footsteps faded, taking a deep breath. He liked Janine. She was good people.
Too friendly, maybe, but she tried with him, always drawing him into conversations with the others
when he would’ve faded into the background. He wished he could’ve spared her the brief
awkwardness when she’d hit on him, asked him out on a date. He’d had to nip that idea in the bud, let
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