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ISSUE 54 I E2.95 • MARCH 1 9 9 5
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P l I O L I S 111 k
Your guarantee
of value
8 Alternative comp*
Over EA)
games to give away!
Don't miss out on your chance to become the
proud owner of no less than 15 games!
10 Top cheating action
Everything you ever wanted 10 know about the
Action Replay... except why it's red and looks
nothing like it does in the Datel ads.
12 Bargain hunting
Being a 064 user has never been more 'cost
effective' (as some marketing person might put
II), so we tell you how to track down those
second-hand bargains and make the most of
those mail order offers.
Open season on bargains
is here! We tell you where
to go for the best deals
and h o w to make sure that
second-hand doesn't mean
could seriously improve
sub-standard. This leatureto
your bank balance.
1 6 Survey
It's your chance to shape the future of
Commodore Format. And you're also in with a
chance of winning some brilliant games.
1 7 Games Arena
e innermost secrets of
the Action Replay
Cartridge exposed!
Discover how it can
make your life Infinitely
easier. Honest. guy
Five new games from all over the globe get the
Powettest treatment from Andy Roberts.
Like Christians
the lions, five
games quake
before the
reviewing might
14, o f Andy Roberts.
19 Public Domain
And the demos just keep on coming. Discover if
anyone has managed to come up with some
wibbly scrolling text that you can actually read!
6 Gamebusters
Complete solutions to Archetype and Cops and
Robbers 3 plus hints and tips for Batman.
, Spaghetti
Strangely dietoid of
tomato sauce, b u t
bursting with
banditos. A n d this
town a i n i big enough
for any of ' e a t
y 2 - 411111111rr• )
1 1 7
Antifriction •
Shoot-'em-up action with.
a difference - the further
you get. the less you
score. But w h o cares
what you score when
you've got a vast range
of alien•blasting weapons
at your disposal? Not us
' m a t e y, that's for sure.
9 True ROM-antics
Part two of the programming feature that
features don't reach.
reaches the parts that other programming
21 Techie Tips
The mysteries of the C64 revealed!
Forget the rainforests -
save the blob! He's lost
in a deadly maze
The game with a
critical mass. Explosive
puzzle action In a t i g h t for
complete domination.
Letters answered by a mass of grey jelly.
3 The Mighty Brain
15 Buy-a-rama
The car boot sale with a difference - no cars!
rrrim 4-771 ilirrr-rwrirrEmErmemi•
A picture says a thousand words,
apparently, but a r t is about personal
interpretation. Which isn't much use as a
means of communication.
So w e resisted TMB's efforts to turn his
letters page into an a r t gallery.
TMB), but I do
like the PD.
techie tips,
Mighty Brain and
especially the
covertape which
has been getting
great games on it
recently. like
characters. Can't you print a disk sleeve with the
same things on as the tape's sleeve?
Shane Hadfield, Sheffield.
Let's get picky, shall we? If you want to have speed
you have to be prepared to make some sacrifices. Arid
let's lace it. those puerile Ickes these humans on the
crew make aren't exactly much of a sacrifice. T M B
Fantasy World
Dizzy and, yes, even Steg The Slug.
This Is the first time ever I have criticised C F
Yol Totally Mega Brain,
Before I ask you some questions,
I'd just like to say that my Dad
agrees with you that consoles
are a load of flies-swatted on
the window (er, / think we'd
Dear Mighty Brain,
I am not writing in to slag off consoles_ Nor am I
sticking up for them. I own both a Mega Drive and
a C64. In all honesty I prefer the C64 because of
the better selection of games,
I have been reading C F since issue one and
just recently it has lost yet another editor to a
but if you print some whinging git going on about
how crap consoles are instead of this, then I'll
really know how CFfeels about the C64.
Stephen Johnston, Ball yclare
Er. hang on. Mega-intelligent as I am, I cannot fathom
out that last statement. C F is, has always and always
will be through all parallel dimensions 100 per cent
behind the C64. It we hadn't printed it you would have
been hard-pressed to prove in court that our (in)action
was evidence of anti-C64 behaviour.
As for Dave, Yes, turncoat, isn't he? But it's
amazing what yoti humans will do for money. Or could
he be agent provocateur. T M I I
better lay off that subject before
Stephen Johnston starts getting
upset - MB).
1 How come you are so clever?
2 Once, when I was watching
Bad Influence, a girl wrote in for
a cheat tor the C64. They gave
her the cheat, but said she
must be the only person in the world to
still own a C64. Doh!
3 To prove consoles are toyish rubbish, I have
given Mayhem and Sonic ratings:
console magazine (Ultimate Future Games). It's
funny how Dave went off to a console magazine
considering how much time he spent slagging off
consoles in CF.
At the start it wasn't such a bad thing, but It
went on issue after issue. and I'm sure many
readers found it boring. Dave wasn't a bad editor,
Its just that he went on about how consoles are
so bad all the time. So I was hoping for a change
when he left But things are just the same. Why
can't you just stop? Surely there can't be anybody
who isn't bored with C r s attitude.
By now you probably think I'm a pass-
remaritabie git (a what? -
Dear TMB.
The PD game Super
Mane Bros is not
really PD. It's just a
doctored version of
Rainbow Arts'
commercial game
Game G r a p h i c s Playability Sound To t a l
Mayhem 10
1 0
3 0
Sonic 10
2 6
4 Why does everybody hate Repton 3?
5 Here are my top five games
Great Glans Sisters
with redelined
Marc Walters,
Edgeworth, Australia
Oh, so that makes
it all alright, then.
does it? T M B
1 Mayhem In Monsterland
2 Creatures
3 Repton 3
4 Carnage
5 Stormiord
Keep up the good work.
Grant Hodges, Taunton.
1 When you are 100 per cent brain you can't help be
anything but. I would love to say how hard I worked at
becoming brainy, but o r , actually, I wouldn't. I'm
glad I was born with an intellect the size of a small
universe. Al least I never had to go through the
dribbling, goo-goo, ga-ga stage.
2 You were probably the only viewer they had.
3 As much as I would like to whole-heartedly endorse
your findings, I feel there are some obvious flaws in
It you've got something to say, then TMB's
letter page is the place to get your opinions
heard, Write to: The Mighty Brain,
Commodore Format, Future Publishing, 30
Monmouth Street, Bath, AVOri BA1 213Vid.
All letters sent to Commodore Format
are assumed to be for publishing, We also
reserve the right to edit your letters tor
reasons of length, grammar and
Dear TMB,
When I re-subscribed to C F I asked for
coverdisks. I now miss all the funny little jokes
you put on the back of the Power Packs, and
all the nice little pictures of in-game
arch 1 9 9 5 •
your research techniques
(there are console games
a whole lot better than
Sonic The Hedgehog),
Nice try, though.
4 They don't.
5 Told you so. You, your
very self, like Repton 3.
Didn't you realise that when
you asked question four? T M B
1 Er, if you're referring to SOS, have no fear. It
will return, But not on a regular basis. The crew
is planning another Gamebusters special issue
which will include a heap of SOS replies. But
you know what they say about the best laid
plans of mice and men.., and that Andy
Roberts is both.
2 Good gnef Another Repton 3 fan T h e fan
club has doubled. T M B
putting some more Repton 3-type games on
the coverlape? Ah, go on.
Jacobs. BeBinge
Dear Brain,
I live In Truro. What is the nearest s h o p to me that
sells C64 games?
Andy Tethers, Truro
I am getting more and more letters like this, so I have
convinced the latest Editor to run a feature listing as
many C64 software stockists as possible. But we
need your help, If you know of a shop, or indeed work
in one, that sells C64 software, please get in touch
with us at the usual CF address (printed in the C64
Soapbox box-out). Help us to help other readers. You
Dear Sir M B ,
1 W h y don't you put a football management
game on the Power Pack as I love football
management sims?
2 The new loading system is smart, far better the
boring clock in the bottom corner.
3 H o w many people w o r k on CP?
4 Here are my top five and bottom live games
that have been on the Power Pack.
83 8 4
85 8 6 8 7
88 8 9 9 0 9 1
92 9 3
A N Onymous'a meticulously-ret.earched chart.
3 One. Me. Nobody else does any work arouno nere,
as tar as I can tell.
4 Repton 3 is back to its usual reputation. I see. T h i B
Dear Mighty Brain,
I have drawn this chart (above). It relates to your
To p 50 in issue 50, and shows which years had
the most popular games.
What I want to know is, what happened to
Head Over Heels, The Blues Brothers, Delta,
California Games and loads of other games that
are better than Street Fighter 2, WWF2. Treasure
Island Dizzy and Spaghetti Western Simulator?
Oh. and surely Repton 3 wasn't that bad, was it?
A N Onymous, Wins ford.
Yet another Repton 3 fan? What is this? Be kind to
unpopular games month? T M B
know it makes sense. Ta i t
B o t t o m :
Dear Mighty Brain,
1 W h a t has happened to the problem pages?
2 How about
1 Mayhem Demos 1 S t e g The Slug
2 Reaxion
Repton 3
3 Heavenbound 3 Freddy Hardest
4 DJ Puff
5 Battleships
Most of the last 10 Power Packs have been
you reckon
P5 If you print this
letter then I win a bet
for a fiver with my
older brother.
Keith Barnes, Crewe
excellent. My favourite utility is Interword
which I used to write this letter.
David Proud lock. Dumfries
1 Actually, there has been a mounting number of
requests for football management sires on the
covertape. so if one does appear on a Power
Pack soon, a list of the guilty names will be
available on request
2 Ah, well, er... sorry about this, but the clock
could well be making a comeback... It's by
popular demand. Honest
Dear TMO.
Well done for all those years of devotion the C64,
you all at CF deserve to be honoured by your
country. Thank you.
Well, you're going to
have to argue it out
amongst yourselves whether
this counts. TOS
Mark Hughes, Holywell.
Hmmm, yes, I like the sound of Sir Brain ? M B
ODE TO A C 6 4
Dear Terrence Mudcliffe Bradley,
Time I have taken,
To write, for you,
The tale of a boy.
With a toy he got new.
For birthday, a present,
When he was but nine,
Yet she was to last him,
A very long time.
She gave him such passion,
For life every day,
She was a mock friend,
Who would always obey,
The things she could do,
Filled him with awe,
He loved his new toy,
At this point in time,
Games were substantial,
Magazines existed.
Like CC International.
But he chose to have brought,
To his doormat,
A magazine called,
Commodore Format
It was quite brilliant,
A pro-eminent feast,
All other magazines.
became obsolete.
Good things seemed to last,
Years and years past,
Computer and boy,
Were growing up fast,
But many moons later.
A cloud did come,
Bigger and better things,
Had now begun,
The things they could do,
Were beyond one's dreams,
Rather than eight bits,
They had sixteen.
Slowly the Commodore's
Games market dried,
Her once large appeal
Had commercially died.
Most upgraded,
Unaware of their sin,
But something told our boy,
Not to give in.
Besides Commodore Format
Had survived the test,
Proving its commitment
Was better than the rest.
In fact the decline
Was a little overrated.
You might be surprised.
Al how little she's dated.
The CM,
Is eternal, you see.
How do I know?
'Cos that boy was me.
Timothy Maynard, Dundee
There was a young Brain called
Mighty, (uh oh - Ed)
Who moved from Tau Ceti to Blighty
He joined the crew,
On CF 'cos he knew,
That these Consoles were incredibly
sh ..(cut it. before we get another
letter from Stephen Johnston - Erit
March 1 9 9 5
What's on the jolly
old covertape this
, months then, Bob?
The dust. The sudden close-ups. The gun-duels
proceeded 20 minutes of wordless staring. The
energy will take a dive). The controls are a bit tricky.
but with a bit of practice you'll be an expert gun-
slinger in no lime. Yeehawl
and Fire
Collect Items D o w n and Fire
Use item in pocket F 1 - F 7 (depending on pocket)
It you've having trouble loading this MOnth's Power
Pack then plonk the duff tape in a ility bag. slip in a
SAE. seat it up and send it to: CF54 Tape
Replacement service. W e s Audio Video Ltd,
Harcourt flaiestield 14, Telford. Shropshire,
campy choral music. These are lust some of the
Spaghetti Western cliches that you don't find in
Spaghetti Western Simulator. This is a sim in the
loosest passible use of the term.
You play a Sheriff who has to a rid a town of them
low-life bandit scum. You can tell their low-lives
because they throw knives and bombs at you. They
also leave things lying around which you can pock up
and put in your (presumably very large) pockets.
The lower half of the screen shows you your
energy bar, how many bullets you have left and what
you've got in your pockets. There are also some
bullets and bottles of. emi, pop lying around, which
will replenish your energy bar and bullet quotient.
The bandits in the buildings are holding hostages
so avoid shooting them (otherwise your
Antilnctoon was originally going to
be part of a demo, but the
author decided to release it
on its own - quite rightly so.
It's a great little game
It's a PD conversion
of the classic game,
Delta. You guide your
ship through the levels
blasting the baddies and
picking up the pick-ups. But
there's an ingenious twist.
The further you get, and the
better the weapons you get, the
lower you score
The weapons are shown along the top of the
screen, and the one you've currently got is
highlighted. From left to right they are:
• Normal shot - 50 points for each ship destroyed.
• Double shot - 30 points per enemy, but
It destroys them that little bit more quickty
• Laser beam - Slices through enemies
but only gives you 10 points for a kill.
• Cross shot - Difficult to use, but gives
you 80 points for every enemy destroyed.
• Bomb shot - Very effective, but very
low scoring, unfortunately
• Shield - You can't be killed, but you
can't score either.
• 700 points (and you keep your current weapon).
• Extra life (and you keep your current weapon).
Like trying to run 37 different electrical
appliances from one socket, overloading
things in this game leads to explosions. It's a
tricky puzzle game for two players (the
computer will step in if you're a social outcast)
played on a grid of squares.
At the start the grid is empty_ You control a
cursor using the Joystick. Move the cursor to an
empty square. hit fire and a •1' will appear there in
your colour. If you fire onto a square that already has
a number in it, then the value will increase by one
The catch is that each square has a limit to the
value it can contain. The comer limit is two, the edges
are three and the rest of the board is lour.
So what happens when you try to
ovedoad a square by tiring on it when
it's at its limit? An explosionl And all
the squares around the exploding
square will increase in value by one
(which can, of course. lead to a chain
of explosions). PLUS, if the exploding
square is blue, then all the
surrounding squares will lum blue.
The winner is the player who
manages to completely dominate the
entire board. Good luck.
V O I L I F I n i t )
/ * S K r
This monitra Power Pack is also available on
disk. To gat the disk version simply cut out the
ho D e m
S r.
M e t WI
token on the tape inlay card, write your name
and full addnms on a piece of goeper, pop 'em
both in an envelope with a cheque or postal
order, made out to Ablex Audio Video, for e1.510
(to cover dupflcation costs) and send it to: CF54
Tape To Disk Ablex Audio Video Ltd, Harcourt
Haiestiekt 14, Telford. Shropshire IF7 400.
Luckily, all the instructions n e e d for
Amorphous are included in g a m e yourself. So
all we'll say here is that it's an ingeniously tricky
puzzle game featuring a blob running around a
number of mazes. You have to guide him around
the mazes, making him pick up food and avoid
taps along the way, finally getting him to the exits.
The problem is, he's a bit thick and doesn't
always go the way you want him to...
• MS
COMMODORE FORMAT 5 4 March 1 9 9 5 •
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