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umber 3 Q<#fjfe^982 £1
the Epson, ZX
Atom RGB circuits
"hether your interests lie in
'business, educational, scientific.
' controlor games applications,
this system provides a possibility for
expansion which is unparalleled in any
other machine available at present.' com
ments Paul Beverley in the July 1982
edition of
Personal Computer World.
The BBC Microcomputer can genuinely
claim to satisfy the needs of novice and
expert alike. It is a fast, powerfulsystem
generating high resolution colour graphics
and which can synthesise music and
speech. The keyboard uses a conventional
layout and electric typewriter 'feel.'
You can connect directly* to cassette re
corder, domestic television, video monitor,
disc drives, printers (dot matrix and daisy
wheel) and paddles. Interfaces include
RS423, inter-operable with RS232C equip
ment, and Centronics. There is an 8-bit
user port and 1MHz buffered extension bus
for a direct link to Prestel and Teletext
adaptors and many other expansion units.
The Econet system allows numerous
machines to share the use of expensive
disc drives and printers.
BASIC is used, but plug-in ROM options
will allow instant access to other high level
languages (including Pascal, FORTH and
LISP) and to word processing software.
A feature of the BBC Microcomputer which
has attracted widespread interest is the
Tube, a design registered by Acorn Com
puters. The Tube is unique to the BBC
Microcomputer and greatly enhances the
expandability of the system by providing,
via a high speed data channel for the addi
tion of a second processor. A 3MHz 6502
with 64K of RAMwill double processing
speed; a Z80 extension will make it fully
CP/M** compatible.
The BBC Microcomputer is also at the
heart of a massive computer education
programme. The government has
recommended it for use in both primary
and secondary schools. The BBC Computer
Literacy Project includes two series of
television programmes on the use and
applications of computers.
There are two versions of the computer.
Model A. at £299. offers 16K of RAM and
Model B at £399 has 32K of RAM.
For technical specification and order form,
send stamped addressed envelope to P.O.
Box 7, London W3 6XJ and for details of
your nearest stockist ring 01-200 0200.
Broader horizons
The BBC Microcomputer System
•Model A has a limited range of interfaces but can be
upgraded to meet Mode! B specification.
"CP/M is a registered trade mark of Digital Research
The BBC Microcomputer is designed, produced and dis
tributed in the UKby Acorn Computers Limited
Acorn User
The official magazine for users of the Acorn Atom, the BBC microcomputer system,
and the Econet system, published by Addison-Wesley for Acorn Computers Limited.
Authoritative information on all new Acorn products
• All the latest software reviewed, including the products of Acornsoft
New peripheral equipment described and tested, including unofficial items
Feature articles on the latest developments in microcomputing from the UK, Europe, North America
the Far East, and Australasia
Dealer and service features
National and international user group news
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Acorn User
The official magazine for users of the Acorn Atom, the BBC microcomputer system,
and the Econet system, published by Addison-Wesley for Acorn Computers Limited.
• Authoritative information on all new Acorn products
• All the latest software reviewed, including the products of Acornsoft
• New peripheral equipment described and tested, including unofficial items
• Feature articles on the latest developments in microcomputing from the UK, Europe, North America
the Far East, and Australasia
Dealer and service features
National and international user group news
Use the form below to make sure of your regular copies now!
Acorn User
MAGSUB (Subscription Services) Ltd
Ground Floor Post Room
Oakfield House
Perrymount Road
West Sussex
RH16 3DH
Acorn User
MAGSUB (Subscription Services) Ltd
Ground Floor Post Room
Oakfield House
Perrymount Road
West Sussex
RH16 3DH
VJOCK Monthly
Tony Quinn
Managing Editor
Jane Fransella
Ann Nimmo
49 Competition
Simon Dally turns criminal to test
11 BBC confessions
David Allen reveals all
your graphics skills
Four for consideration
Susie Home
14 Epson and Seikosha printing
George Hill and Andrew Cryer
lead the way
Dealer list
Promotion Manager
Pat Bitton
Editorial Secretary
Jane Lake
20 Micros go international
John Coll from Acorn explains
how to dial the world'
60 User groups
Stanley Malcolm
Typesetters and
Graphic Designer
Phil Kanssen
24 String handling
Ian Birnbaum unravels the subject
for the uninitiated
61 Waiting for micro
Ronnie Rowsell: a computer widow
27 Voice synthesis ROM
Speak to me, computer
31 Hints and tips
Printing with
tho Epson. ZX
•nd Salko&ha
Printed in Great Britain
by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd.
Joe Telford puts a seal on envelopes
and goes onto graphics
36 Cheap Atom printing
Matthew Bates hooks up to a
ZX printer
41 Atom RGB graphics
Moving Q'»phte»
Atom RGB cifcudt
dials the world
Conlefistonbof *i
••-Sae. $£•*
TV producer
01-631 1636
Advertising Agents
Dealer Deals Ltd
Paul Beverley's circuits
solve the colour problem
War of nerves
BBC micro^^^
20 Orange Street
London WC2H 7ED
01-930 1612
Published by
Publishers Limited
Laurence van Someren uses
computers to help spastics
53 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3DZ
Telephone: 01-631 1636
Telex: 881 1948
ISSN: 201-17002 7
How to submit articles
Publishers Ltd 1982
Subscription Information
For UK Subscriptions, send
your cheque or postal order
made payable to Addison-
Wesley Publishers Ltd to:
MAGSUB (Subscription Services)
Ltd, Ground Floor Post Room
Oakfield House
You are welcome to submit articles to the Editor of
Acorn User
for publication.
Acorn User
cannot undertake to return them unless a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed.
Articles should be typed or computer written. Black and white photographs or trans
parencies are also appreciated. If submitting programs please send a cassette or disc.
Listings should not contain more than 39 characters per line for ease or reproduction.
Payment is £50 per page or pro rata. Please indicate if you have submitted your article
elsewhere. Send articles, reviews and information to: The Editor,
Acorn User,
53 Bedford
Square, London WC1 B 3DZ.
See next month's
Acorn User
Perrymount Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex RH16 3DH
• Speeding up graphics • Your technical queries answered • Special features
of MOS1.0 • Machine code printing • The Spectrum revealed • Hardware news
• Progams for schools
Annual subscription rates
Middle East
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission ot the publisher. The publisher
cannot accepi any responsibiiily lor errors in articles, programs or advertisements published. The opinions expressed on the
pages ol this |ournal are those ol the authors and do not necessairly represent those ol the publisher, Acorn Computers Ltd, or
Acornsott Lid.
The Americas and Africa
Rest of the World
Acorn, Acornsoll, and the Acorn symbol are the registered trademarks ot Acorn Computers Ltd and Acornsott Ltd.
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