Rethink How You Work - 3 Skills to Revamp Your Leadership Style.pdf

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Rethink How You Work: 3 Skills to Revamp Your Leadership Style
In order to climb the ladder of professional and personal success, you have to
develop leadership skills through practical training and use of appropriate
leadership tools.
Even if you’re not a team leader yet or have no intentions of
slipping into a management position, such skills will help you handle your own
life (both on and off the clock) more effectively - giving you more confidence,
more security, and more influence with your friends, your family, and your
workmates. These intangible leadership skills, skills that breed loyalty, respect,
admiration, and earn rewards are some of the most difficult to even define but
they’re also the most rewarding to own.
Forbes Magazine
recently outlined the top 10 leadership skills that define great
Office Superheroes who really make a difference at their job. Among the most
coveted are effective communication, confidence in personal leadership skills,
and the ability to inspire workmates. Unlike “solid” technical skills these
nebulous leadership skills aren’t concrete. There is an element of vagueness
about them, an intangibility that puts most potential Office Heroes off. If you
can’t even define a skill, how can you hope to learn it let alone apply it in your
daily life?
But these seemingly undefinable leadership skills can be learnt if you take the
time to restructure how you interact with people, how you think, how you
approach even the most menial task.
Leadership Skills to Bust Barriers
Even if you’re starting with a fairly solid base, there is always room for
improvement. You’ve gotten this far because you’re good at what you do, yet
think of how much farther you could go if you were just a bit better.
Communication Skills
You’ve heard it said that listening is the key to becoming a good communicator
but there’s more to it than that. Passive listening works well enough for
information sharing but if you’re not thinking at the same time, you’re not
adding anything to the conversation. You’re not creating actionable goals.
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You’re not showcasing your true value. That’s not an effective way to become
an influence genius in your workplace.
Instead, apply active listening in order to shape incoming communication into
something you can actually work with. A simple statement can quickly
snowball into an idea from which grows a plan by applying an equally simple
question: “what if?”
Confidence, for the most part, comes with experience. But as Dr Neel Burton
suggests (in
Psychology Today)
you can give your confidence a boost by:
Making lists (one for your strengths, one for your accomplishments,
and one for personal attributes you admire about yourself)
Keeping a positive outlook (As Helen Keller Said: “Optimism is the
faith that leads to achievement.”)
Paying close attention to hygiene and style (when you look good, you
feel good)
As Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says, inspiring others is all about
showcasing your passion. As
Forbes summarised,
you can do that by:
Selling the benefit behind your ideas
Telling powerful (and actionable) stories
Inviting honest feedback (and acting upon it)
Encouraging people to become their best selves (getting really is
about giving)
The Leadership Tools You Need to Break Old Habits
You can’t rebuild anything without breaking down what’s already there.
Likewise, you can’t learn leadership skills if you’re unwilling to get rid of some
of your existing habits. Sure, some of those habits have helped you get where
you are today but if you don’t re-examine which works and which doesn’t,
you’ll find yourself stuck in a rut. Instead, blaze a trail. Invite admiration and
praise. Inspire. Become an Office Superhero through effectively using MAD
Office Hero
leadership tools
in your daily routine.
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