11 Test B.docx

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1              Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki. W ramce podano jeden dodatkowy wyraz.

backache   burn   clean   diet   exercise   first   flu   lie


1              My dad's got a _______________. Sometimes he can’t walk.

2              I think that everyone should learn to give _______________ aid.

3              Why don't you _______________ down on the sofa and try to relax?

4              Tyler goes to the gym to _______________ twice a week.

5              In winter, it's easy to catch the _______________.

6              When my brother goes on a _______________, he doesn't eat any sweets.

7              If you _______________ your hand with something hot, it's a good idea to put some ice on it.

____ / 7

2              Podpisz zdjęcia odpowiednimi słowami. Nie zmieniaj podanych liter.


1              d_______________

2              s_______________

3              p_______________

4              e_______________

5              c_______________

6              h_______________

7              b_______________

8              r__________ ___________

____ / 8



3              Uzupełnij teksty czasownikami z ramek.


was   wasn't   were   weren't


A:              Hi! Good to see you! Why (1) __________ you at school yesterday?

B:              Because I (2) __________ sick.

A:              (3) __________ you at home all day?

B:              No, I (4) __________. I went to see the doctor.


don't have to   mustn't   should


I want to be in the basketball team in my school next year. The coach says that I (5) __________ play basketball with my friends to get better. Luckily, I (6) __________ play every day. It's OK to play it two or three times a week. The coach also says that I (7) __________ eat so much chocolate. I love chocolate and eat it every day. I know it isn't good for me.

____ / 7

4              Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.


1              We wasn't / weren't in Oxford last weekend.

2              You must / mustn't put on a warm coat today because it's cold.

3              Was / Were she happy to see you?

4              I have / have to get up at 7 o'clock every morning.

5              Are you thirsty? You should / shouldn't have some more water.

6              Where was / were your parents at 6 o'clock?

7              I was / wasn't at the concert because I love their music.

8              Yesterday was / were a great day!

____ / 8




5              Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów w ramce wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają luki 1–3. Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A–F) w każdą lukę. Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.


A terrible   B shower   C eat   D early  E drink  F bed



How often do you (1) _____ fruit and vegetables? Every day

What time do you usually go to (2) _____? At 9 o'clock

Do you see your doctor when you feel (3) _____? No, I usually take some vitamins

____ / 3



6              Uzupełnij każdą rozmowę brakującą wypowiedzią. Wpisz w kwadraciki właściwe litery: A, B lub C.


A              I brush my teeth after meals.

B              I do sport twice a week.

C              I went to hospital last week.




A              Are you OK?

B              What's wrong?

C              How are you?



A              Be careful. It's hot.

B              It's cold.

C              I don't know.

____ / 3


7              Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz właściwe odpowiedzi A–C, zaznaczając () odpowiedni kwadracik.


From:              Eva

To:              Rod

Subject:              Sally's accident


Hi Rod,

Did you know that Sally had an accident yesterday? We were on our bikes in the park. Then we wanted to go to the railway station. We were in front of the pharmacy when a large dog ran out of it and jumped at her.

              Sally didn't hurt her elbows or knees, but she couldn't stand up. We called an ambulance. Sally had to go to hospital and the doctors put some plaster on her leg because it was broken.

              She isn't at hospital any more. Her parents took her home yesterday in the evening. She has to stay in bed now and she can't go to school.

              She's going to study at home. I am going to help her with Chemistry. It's my favourite subject. Can you help her with Geography and Maths?             



1              Where did the accident happen?

A               B               C

2              What's wrong with Sally?

A               B               C


3              Where is Sally now?

A               B               C

4              Which subject is Eva good at?

A               B               C

____ / 4



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