Not. of Doc. and Particulars Required to be Filed.doc

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Not. of Doc. and Particulars Required to be Filed



Notice of documents and
particulars required to be filed


Please do not write in this margin

Pursuant to Articles 7 and 10 of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2137/85
and Regulation 4(1) and 13(1)(b) of the European Economic Interest
Grouping Regulations 1989


Please complete
legibly, preferably
in black type, or
bold block lettering

To the Registrar of Companies

Grouping number


(Address overleaf)



Name of grouping

V insert full name
of grouping






Member State in which official address is situated

= delete as

gives notice that the following is / are = attached:


Please tick appropriate box(es)


1            an amendment to the grouping’s formation contract


2            a document evidencing a judicial decision regarding nullity


3            an assignment of all / part = of a member’s participation

Except where stated
all items apply
irrespective of the
official address of
the grouping

4            a members’ order / judicial decision = to wind up the grouping


5             Liquidator(s) appointment / termination of appointment =


6            a document evidencing the conclusion of liquidation


7            a proposal to transfer the official address as referred to in Article 14(1) of the
EC Regulation


8            an exemption clause relieving a new member from payment of debts and
other liabilities which originated before his admission


The following apply only if the grouping has its official address outside the United Kingdom.


9            notice of the appointment of a manager or managers, name(s) and other
identification particulars are required by the Member State where the grouping
has its official address together with notification as to whether they may act alone
or must act jointly


10         notice of termination of the manager’s appointment


If any document or particulars are not written in English a certified translation must also be attached




[Member][Manager] =






Presentor’s name address, telephone number and reference (if any):

For official Use



Post room

































If the official address is in England and Wales or Wales or Form EEIG2 has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies
in Cardiff this form must be sent to:-


The Registrar of Companies

Companies House

Crown Way


CF14 3UZ


or, if the official address is in Scotland or Form EEIG2 has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies in Edinburgh
this form must be sent to:-


The Registrar of Companies

Companies House

37 Castle Terrace




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