Bergman, Darwin's critical influence on the ruthless extremes of capitalism (2015).pdf
1822 KB
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Inne pliki z tego folderu:
Bergman, Darwin's critical influence on the ruthless extremes of capitalism (2015).pdf
(1822 KB)
Doyle, Mixing Darwin and the Bible damages ecological theology (2015).pdf
(1619 KB)
Wiseman, The Moral Collapse of America (2016).pdf
(2232 KB)
Wiseman, The Religion of Humanism (2015).pdf
(1237 KB)
Woodmorappe, Darwin, Victorian England, Eugenics, and a new eolution (2015).pdf
(1929 KB)
Inne foldery tego chomika:
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Endeavour 2014 vol. 38, issues 3-4
Jon Amiel, Creation (film)
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