The New Gate Volume 05 - Crimson Exterminator.pdf

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Chapter 1
Part 1
“I saw it!”
It was the third day since Shin and the second princess of Bayreuth
Kingdom, Rionne, had been transposed to the Sacred Place Kalkia.
The rampart of the stronghold city, Balmel, was visible to the two
people who continued going south.
Normally it was impossible to arrive in three days, but they were
upper class Chosen Ones. It could be said that their speed
surpassed that of a flying dragon.
Similarly from the Sacred Place to Balmel, there was quite a
distance from the large crowd of monsters. Since the Goblins and
other monsters were the main constituent for their slow movements,
they still had probably nearly a week to spare.
“I’ll go meet the feudal lord. Shin, please report to the Adventurer’s
“Understood. What will you do afterwards?”
“When it comes to the intercepting the large-scale of ‘Flood’
monsters’ invasion, cooperation of the guild and the army is
essential. It means that the Chosen Ones will assemble
“I see. Roger that.”
The current time was just past noon. Since it was not early in the
morning or late at night, he didn’t have to wait at the reception desk.
Rionne told the circumstances to the guard who was in the
guardroom of the gate, and was guided to the feudal lord’s castle.
Shin also asked the guard about the place and headed toward the
Adventurer’s Guild.
“Is it in between Bayreuth and Falnido?”
What Shin spoke about was the race of people he came across.
There were a lot more beasts here than in Bayreuth, and more
humans than in Falnido. He also saw some elves and dragnils.
The key point of defending was to keep the overflowing monsters in
check from the Sacred Place. In addition, because the city was next
to the sea and an abundance of mountains, this might have resulted
in various races gathering.
“It’s lively.”
Shin briskly walked for a while, and soon saw a familiar signboard.
He opened the door, entered inside, and made his way to the
“Excuse me, could you relay something to the guild master?”
“Sorry for being so for asking, but what kind of business do you have
with Guild Master?”
The elf receptionist girl, who gave off the impression of a working
woman with glasses on, asked him with a dubious look.
It was the first time Shin had come to Balmel, so he didn’t know any
acquaintances. When an adventurer without acquaintances asked to
call the guild master, you probably would think it was suspicious, too.
“There is information on the ‘Flood’. In addition to the Guild Card, I
also pledge with my social position.”
“…Please wait a moment.”
The receptionist contemplated for a moment before lightly bowing
and drawing back to an inside room.
It was likely that she couldn’t ignore it when she heard it was about
the ‘Flood’.
“This way, please.”
The receptionist, who returned after a few minutes, prompted Shin
to the back room.
It seemed that the guild interior’s design was almost the same in
every town. They walked a short distance and a big door could be
seen, and the reception girl knocked on it.
“It’s Eliza. I brought you the adventurer in question.”
“It’s open. Have him enter.”
The reply, which came from the other side of the door, was a male
Also, this reception girl seemed to be called Eliza.
Shin passed through the door which had been opened by Eliza, and
entered the room.
“Welcome to the Adventurer’s Guild. I am the guild master, Baren
Lakt. I’m told that you brought information on the ‘Flood’; could you
tell me more about it?”
When he was invited to sit on the sofa, Shin felt that he was being
Baren’s appearance was that of a man just past his 60’s. Most of his
hair was white; wrinkles also stood out on his face.
However, even if he looked gentle, that glint in eyes held a
sharpness that wasn’t inferior to Barlux’s.
“I am Shin. The ‘Flood’ occurred around Sacred Place Kalkia. It
consists mainly of Goblins, Orcs and others humanoid monsters.
Judging from the speed of their progression, I think it will take them
about one week until they arrive here.”
“…Your expression looks like you’ve seen it happen; may I ask for
your information sources?”
“As you said, I saw it. I can’t say in detail, but I can confirm that a
mass of monsters was heading toward Balmel when I went to the
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