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The Realist Hero’s Kingdom
Restoration Chronicles
National Enrichment
Written By
English Translation By
The Hero Doesn’t Go on a Journey
1 Fundraising
2 Let’s First Begin From ××
3 The King’s Brunch
Interlude: The Adventures of Musashiboy-kun
4 Parnam Holiday
Interlude: Duchess Ecksel Walter’s Sigh
5 Rome Was Born on the Sound of Hammers
Epilogue: Three Dukes Conference / Those that
Wriggle like Worms / Stage with Many Scriptwrights353
The Hero Doesn’t Go on a
ife has its fortunes
and its hardships. I
believe these words of the old man of Mito
is a wise saying. Life has its mountains and
valleys. It is exactly because one climbed
over adversity that one could sail down, and
if one keeps taking the easy way down one would soon
find oneself surrounded by rising slopes. The conclusion is
therefore, a person should persevere through life’s climbs,
but I think different. This is what I think. I can walk the
level path without any ascents or descents, of moderate
pain and moderate comfort.
What I could do, and what I could not do.
What I want to do, and what I don’t want to do.
What I want others to do, and what I don’t want others
to do.
By making sure of all that, I walk, looking for a path that
is suitable for who I am at the moment. I live a steady
life, without taking unnecessary risks, without collecting
the hate of others. There are probably those out there
who think “what’s so fun about a life without its pains
and enjoyments,” but please think about it. Regardless of
what one wants or doesn’t want, life will always have its
Inscrutable are the ways of heaven. Therefore, one should
pin the instability down to a level one could control. That
was practically how I live my life. Calmly analyzing my
own personal abilities, limits, surrounding environment,
financial state, and relationships, evaluating them not too
much, nor too little, without aiming too high or too low......
that is my life.
That way I enjoyed a moderate life, going to a middle
school near home, graduating from a so-so private high
school, and passing college life at a not very famous col-
lege but still one with a reputation similar to those. If
this continued, I would probably lead a not-so-bad college
life, gain a not-so-bad employment, and build a not-so-
bad household with a not-so-bad partner. People would
probably think it’s bad, but this is all smooth sailing for
However, that life plan of mine was overturned. It was
overturned by this man before my eyes.
“O, Hero! Thou truly hath come to answer our call!”
A middle-aged man with medium build. His age was prob-
ably in the 40s or 50s. He was wearing a red cape as thick
as a coat and a golden crown on top of his head. He stood
majestically, yes, no matter how you look, he’s a
. The young, gentle-looking woman by his side was prob-
ably the
She was wearing a luxurious dress,
and seemed to be around thirty years of age.
I tried examining my surroundings. An overly tall ceil-
ing, marble pillars arranged in lines, and red carpet un-
derneath. On both sides there were soldiers standing uni-
formly at attention, and there was a prime-minister-looking
man mixed in among them. It was indubitably a royal
palace audience hall... or something like that. Something
you see in RPG opening scenes. The king, the royal palace,
then the “O Hero” line I heard a while ago. Hrm... looks
like this is one of “those worlds”.
Be calm as you rush, and widen your view to see the in-
visible. I committed every day to walking the flat path.
Rushing won’t change things for the better, closing my
eyes or stopping my ears won’t make the reality before me
disappear. Therefore I should first come to terms with
reality to some extent and gather intelligence. First, we
“W, why that look? Are you angry we called you?”
As I stared in observation, the king said so, hesitantly.
Where did your dignity go?
“No, I couldn’t understand the situation. Firstly, would
you be kind enough to explain the current situation?”
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