(22331 KB) Pobierz
First and Best for Reference and Scale
April 2017 • £4.50
Volume 39 • Issue 02
Saab J29
Scale Plans and Profiles
Airfix’s P-40 in 1/48
Aircraft in Profile
Special Hobby in 1/48
Bucker’s Bu 181
Test the Bestmann
Blackbird Models Conversion
RAAF Mk 31 in 1/72
Long Nose Lincoln
Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien
New Tool Reviewed
Talk about Tony
Military & Civil Aviation – Military Weapons & Equipment – Naval Vessels
Flying the Icon
J Cotter
For many generations
it was said to be
‘every schoolboy’s
The USAAF in
dream’ to fly a Spitfire
R Brazier
and this book gives
This book examines
the reader an insight
the meeting of two
cultures when Suffolk into what is required.
became a new home With the use of original
wartime Pilot’s Notes,
for thousands of
historic flight test
American airmen
documents and more.
during WWII.
HB 176pp
HB 224pp
Tupolev Tu-160
Soviet Strike Force
Y Gordon
Developed as the
answer to the American
B-1, the Tupolev
Tu-160 was the Soviet
Union’s most potent
strategic bomber.
HB 288pp
Haynes Owners
Workshop Manual
McDonnell Douglas
F/A-18 Hornet and
Super Hornet 1978
onwards (all marks)
S Davies
The design,
construction and
operation of the F-18.
HB 172pp
Campaign 304
Darwin 1942 The
Japanese attack on
B Alford
This fully illustrated
study details what
happened on the 19th
February 1942. B&W
photos and maps.
SB 96pp
From the Flightdeck
J McBride
The author
recounts with honesty
and passion his
experiences ‘from the
flightdeck’ and conveys
the reality of flying
aeroplanes for a living.
B&W illustrations.
SB 306pp
The Western Kennet
Valley in the Great
R Day
Study of the military’s
use of the Western
Kennet Valley in the
Great War. It includes
the stories of nine local
men who went to fight.
HB 160pp
Steampunk in
J Cabos
Lavishly illustrated
modeller’s guide. Con-
tent includes Steam-
punk History, Trends
and relationships with
miniatures; Figure
preparation and more.
SB 168pp
Magyar Warriors
The History of the
Royal Hungarian
Armed Forces, 1919-
1945 Volume II
D Bernad
Details fully
the activity of the Royal
Hungarian Air Force,
the Royal Hungarian
flotilla, seagoing ships
and the operation his-
tory of the Royal Hun-
garian Army 1938-45.
HB 430pp
UK and US Tanks in
Czechoslovak Army
P Brojo
Contains an overview
of identification num-
bers for all tanks,
which CIABG received
in England, with some
of them returned to
180 Black and white
photos, colour profiles.
SB 124pp
Tirpitz Volume III –
First actions in
A Bonomi
This third volume
illustrates the
deployment of the
Tirpitz to Norway and
the stationing in the
Trondheim area.
400 black and white
photos, maps,
camouflage schemes.
HB 175pp
Battle of Britain
Combat Archvie 4:
14th August -15th
August 1940
S Parry
This volume covers
just two days, 14th
and 15th August 1940
when the Luftwaffe
started to hit airfields
and radar stations
before launching an
all-out assault on
the United Kingdom.
SB 126pp
Airframe Album 11
The Fieseler Fi 156 A
Detailed Guide to
the Luftwaffe’s
Versatile Storch
Including Post-War
R Franks
Detailed guide which
includes a wealth of
historical and modern
photos and a detailed
study of the structure
and armament used.
SB 130pp
Luftwaffe Eagles
Over Ireland The
Story of German Air
Crashes over
Neutral Ireland
J Horgan
During WWII, Ireland
remained neutral
although this did not
prevent the regular
flights into Irish
airspace by Luftwaffe
and Allied aircraft.
HB 384pp
Air War Archive.
Heinkel He 111: The
Early Years - Fall of
France, Battle of
Britain and the Blitz
C Goss
Considered to
be the best known
German bomber of the
Second Wold War, the
Heinkel He 111 served
in every military
front in the European
theatre. 200 photos.
SB 128pp
Axis Suicide Squads
German and
Japanese Secret
Projects of the
Second World War
J Miranda
unpublished scale
drawings of Axis
piloted bombs with
historical framework
and performance for
each model/variant.
125 B&W drawings.
HB 288pp
Northrop N-63
Convoy Fighter The
Naval Vtol Turbop
J Zichek
A detailed
overview of the N-63,
an unconventional
VTOL turboprop tailsit-
ter aircraft proposal
submitted to the US
Navy’s convoy fighter
competition of 1950.
SB 48pp
A Ruddy Awful
Waste Eric Lock,
DSO, DFC & Bar. The
Brief Life of a Battle
of Britain Ace
S Brew
The definitive account
of the short life of
Salopian Eric Lock who
joined the RAF Volun-
teer Reserve to fulfil
his dream of flying.
HB 296pp
Avro.The History of
an Aircraft Company
in Photographs
A complete history in
photos of this much
loved manufacturer A F
Roe, whose life began
in the very earliest
years of aviation, only
a few years after man’s
first powered flight.
Covers the earliest
years through to the
revival of Avro as BAe.
SB 96pp
First Out in Earnest
The Remarkable Life
of Jo Lancaster DFC
from Bomber
Command Pilot to
Test Pilot and the
Martin Baker Ejection
D Gunby
Details John Oliver
(Jo) Lancaster’s
remarkable career.
HB 320pp
ACES 132
Jagdgeschwader 53
Pik-AS Bf 109 Aces
of 1940
C Goss
Follows men such as
Werner Molders,
Hans-Karl Mayer and
Rolf Pingel into battle,
telling the stories of
their victories, losses,
and ultimate fate.
SB 96pp
M113 Zelda in IDF
Service Part 2
Command &
M Mass
Colour photo album
containing an extensive
collection of previously
unpublished photos
and charts the M113
in Israeli Defence
Force service.
SB 84pp
Vakhmistrov’s Circus
Zveno Combined
Aircraft - The Projects,
Testing and Combat
M Maslov
Covers the
history of combined
aircraft designs created
by Vladimir Vakhmistrov.
B&W photos, drawings
and colour profiles.
SB 150pp
MDF Scaled Down 5
The Northrop
Grumman F-5 Tiger
A Evans
History of
the F-5 Tiger covering
its backgrounds, oper-
ators, colour schemes
and roles. Includes
colour profiles,
modelling the F-5 plus
walkarounds photos.
SB 96pp
Duel Series 67
Spitfire II/V vs Bf
T Holmes
Provides a pilot’s view
of the dramatic
clashes between these
two legendary fighters.
SB 80pp
Avions 215
Janvier/Fevrier 2017
Commando Group La
Terreur des Japonais;
Grumman F6F Hellcat;
plus much more
SB 96pp
Batailles Aeriennes
79 Les Oublies de la
Bataille D’Angleterre
La RAF Attaque les
Ports de la Manche
the BoB forgotten ones.
SB 98pp
The Aviation
Historian Issue 18
The Real Catch 22
Joseph Heller’s WW2
Combat Career;
plus much more.
SB 130pp
Militaria Guide 11
Women in Uniform
More than 50
women’s uniforms
are depicted in this
full colour book.
SB 84pp
Aero Journal 57
Heinkel He 177 Greif
Greif Un bombardier
dans la tourmente; Une
journée en enfer (2ème
partie) plus more.
SB 82pp
Aces High Magazine
9 Modern War
Horses Helicopters
Modelling military
helicopters: OH-58D;
AH-1Z Viper; AH-64A
Apache plus more.
SB 82pp
Aces High Hind
This issue is dedicated
exclusively to the
Mil Mi-24 Hind with a
walkaround, step by
step guide and more.
SB 140pp
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A Brand New Bücker
Jean-Luc Formery
The contents are a simple but effective set of
parts to build this charismatic little trainer
The main parts were removed from the sprues
and cleaned up before the build commenced
Bucker Bü 181 Bestmann
Kit No:
Injection Moulded Plastic
Special Hobby
The various interior components finished and
ready for assembly
he Bücker Bü 181 was named
after a German maritime term designating
a member of the deck crew on coastal or
fishing vessels, possibly First Mate. The
prototype made its maiden flight in February
1939 with Chief Pilot Arthur Benitz at the
controls. After thorough works and official flight
testing by the RLM the Bü 181 was nominated to
be the standard primary trainer for the
Luftwaffe. Series production commenced in
1940. The production
types were
designated B to C
with only slight
variations between
each, and could be
powered by the Hirth HM
500 A or B.
The Special Hobby Bü 181
Bestmann kit comes in a
typical top
cardboard box.
Inside there are three
sprues of grey injected
plastic, one separate sprue for
the clear parts, a photo etched metal fret, a small
resin moulding, a large decal sheet and an
instruction booklet. The main parts of the
aircraft, fuselage, wings, cockpit parts, propeller,
etc., seem to have been based on hand made
masters while the undercarriage parts have
obviously been designed with computer CAD
programs. Special Hobby is clearly moving away
from the short run technology, as other recent
releases show.
Before starting any assembly I always carefully
read the instruction manual to find any
unneeded elements. Then I snap them off the
sprues and put them in a small plastic bag in the
event they could still be useful in the end. Once
done I focus on the remaining parts. The bigger
ones are cleared of their runners while I let the
smaller ones remain on theirs for better
handling. Once the sorting is done, one realizes
that the kit is composed of a very small number
of parts. The cockpit interior is the most complex
assembly of Special Hobby’s Bestmann. It
comprises thirty pieces, including the photo
etched parts. I followed the instructions to paint
this area of the model RLM 66 dark grey. Some
dry brushing and the application of a dark wash
made the inner surfaces look more realistic. A
decal is provided for the instruments and if
applied properly the
control panel
looks very
convincing. I didn’t
glue parts A9 and A10
(inner sidewalls) to part
A16 (floor) as indicated
but chose to fit them
directly on the fuselage
halves after some
test fitting, to
make the
The panel is finished with a decal, which looks
most effective once in place
The wings were thinned down and added
carefully, upper parts first for best alignment
W W W.
. CO. U K
Some care also needs to be taken aligning the
tail planes correctly
easier. It is not necessary to trim the cockpit
parts to get them inside the fuselage, as they fit
correctly as they are.
One of the major problems of short run
mouldings is the thickness of the wings. The Bü
181 is no exception in this regard. One has to
sand both the upper halves and the bottoms,
especially the trailing edges, to achieve a more
consistent appearance for scale. This is not
difficult but a little time consuming. I decided to
glue both upper wing halves (parts B1 and B3)
to the fuselage to achieve the best wing root
joint as possible. Once the glue had dried, I
fitted the under wing halves (B2 and B4). No
filler was needed there in the end. Watch out
when you position the horizontal tail planes. I
glued mine in place to find out that they were
misaligned. I don’t know if I was the culprit or if
it was the design of the kit’s parts. Either way, I
had to start over to achieve a better result. I also
glued the landing gear legs at this stage but
omitted the wheels because it is more
convenient to fix them at the very end of the
Now the time had come to look after the clear
parts. Special Hobby provides two, the front
section and the rear section. The former doesn’t
allow the windows to be left in the open
position while the latter includes a part of the
fuselage, which makes it easier to blend the rear
windows to the airframes. Unfortunately there
were some visible imperfections on the upper
windows that needed some careful polishing to
get rid of. For this I used very fine sanding paper
and Tamiya polishing
compound. Eventually I
managed to
achieve a
satisfying result but I was still a little
disappointed. However to be fair, I must say this
is probably an exception and not the rule with
Special Hobby. It’s the first time I experienced
something like this with a kit from this Czech
manufacturer. Some filler was needed to blend
the clear parts to the fuselage but this was no
big deal.
To protect the clear parts during this
adjustment phase, I cut my own masks out of
Tamiya tape. A coat of RLM66 was then sprayed
over the frames to ensure that there were no
unsightly joints. Once everything was in order
the moment had finally come to do the painting.
First I applied the RLM 65
to the
underside. I always use my own mixes of Tamiya
paints for Luftwaffe colours. In Ken A. Merrick’s
Luftwaffe Colors Volume 1 and 2
books there are
colour charts that I try to match as closely as I
can. Nobody has ever complained about my
German World War II camouflage shades so far,
so I guess they are close enough.
Once the light blue had dried, the whole
bottom of the model was protected with Tamiya
tape as the demarcation line between upper
camouflage and underside was a straight line on
the real aircraft. Before applying the well know
RLM70/71 pattern, I did a preshading to break
the uniformity of the plane’s surfaces. The
Bücker was a rather smooth aircraft with few
panel lines being mainly of fabric covered
tubular steel frames and wooden shell
construction. Therefore adding extra
shadings during the painting process
seemed mandatory. Of course
the two tone splinter pattern
was made by using
masks as well. Since
My kit canopy had some blemishes that
needed attention
My preferred method for polishing
transparent plastic parts...
Here the model has been primed and a
seamless fit of the canopy parts achieved
Masking up the undersides. A simple task
given the hard demarcation and the
diminutive size of the aircraft
APRIL 2017
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