Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn 3 - The Red Comet.pdf

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Chapter 1
Part 1
("…Even though it's an initial estimation, I've already tabulated the
accountable damages for you. We can use the work hazard insurance for
those who died in the line of work, but it's harder to determine what to do
with the people who died due to other causes.")
The face that was shown on the screen was of a woman's, a face that one
could hardly believe was over 50 years old. The medium-long blond hair
still retained its glow, and the cheeks that were slightly protruding never
lost their elasticity. The background was of a dull color that was suited for
business, and the lips with lipstick on even look bewitching.
Even so, it was not appropriate to describe this woman as young and
lively. This 'woman' that appeared was not one a man would recognize as
one—or rather, recognize as an ideal 'woman' despite her beauty. The
reason behind this thinking was because of her eyes. In her wish to
become treated as an upper-class lady, the probing eyes were giving off
an icy cold magnetism. The greedy expression of the woman who was
never satisfied with anything and only hoped to continue take in more was
showing an evil tension.
("Considering how the media would react, it's more appropriate that we
should offer some form of compensation to the victims. My husband will do
something with regards to this as well.")
After saying that, Martha Vist Carbine remained silent, perhaps waiting for
the other party to respond. The other displays were showing all sorts of
information like 'insurance claims', 'medical fees' and 'survivor pension' as
each individual estimated sum scrolled down the displays. The amount of
the total fees required to revive the colony was enough to match the
budget of a small country in the old centuries, but Martha's expression was
rather calm as if she merely met a small car accident. Right below the
numerous displays that were emulated in the air, "That's really well thought
out." Syam Vist responded while looking similarly calm.
The body that laid down on the bed did not show any signs of moving, and
the side of the emotionless face was basked under the light reflected off
the displays. The Vist Foundation leader, who had been watching how the
world changed ever since the start of the Universal Century and fought
through many backdoor wars multiple times before making it till here, never
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