Bookworms Stage 6_Test 1.pdf

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Choose the best answer.
Stage 6
My daughter wanted to go to China for her wedding trip, but now she is afraid. ‘What if they think I’m one of
them?’ she asked me. What if they don’t let me come back to the United States?’
‘When you go to China,’ I told her, ‘you don’t even need to open your mouth. They already (1)
aware / know
/ distinguish / identify
you’re an outsider.’
‘What are you (2)
speaking / saying / talking / chatting
about?’ she asked. My daughter likes (3)
to speak /
speak / to speaking / spoken
back, and question what I (4)
tell / say / declare / reply.
‘Aii-ya,’ I said. ‘They know, just (5)
looking / staring / surveying / watching
the way you walk, the way
you’ll / you’d / you / you’re
carry your face. They know you (7)
are / do / could / should
not belong.’
My daughter did not (8)
look / look like / look as if / look at
pleased when I told her that (9)
her / she’s
/ hers / she
didn’t look Chinese. Maybe ten years (10)
before / ago / previous / in advance,
she would have
thought it was (11)
bad / nice / good / ugly
news. But now she wants (12)
being / to be / be / have been
Chinese, because it’s so fashionable. And (13)
she / we / I / they
know it’s too late. All those (14)
years / time
/ periods / days
I tried to teach her! She (15)
listened / kept / used / followed
my Chinese ways only until she
studied / learnt / understood / taught
how to walk out of the (17)
entrance / door / access / way
herself and go to school. (18)
Only / Alone / Simply / Singly
her skin and hair are Chinese; (19)
interior / in /
inside / inner,
she is all American-made. She (20)
couldn’t / cannot / can / won’t
even speak Chinese.
It’s my fault (21)
he / we / it / she
is this way. I wanted my (22)
sisters / children / relatives / parents
have American circumstances and Chinese (23)
nature / atmosphere / reputation / character.
How could I
know these two (24)
parts / things / items / objects
do not mix? I taught her (25)
how / how much / how’s
/ how do
American circumstances work. If you are (26)
created / invented / born / delivered
poor here, it’s
no lasting shame; (27)
a / some / this / the
government gives you money. If the (28)
sky / roof / house / floor
crashes down on your head, no (29)
need / should / one / needn’t
to cry over this bad luck; (30)
those / the /
all / these
lawyers will make the owner repair it. In America, nobody says you have to keep the circumstances
you find yourself in.
© Oxford University Press
She learnt these things, but I couldn’t teach her about Chinese character. How to obey parents and listen to
your mother’s mind. How not to show your own thoughts, how to know your own worth. Why Chinese thinking
is best. She never learnt this.
1. know
10. ago
19. inside
28. roof
2. talking
11. good
20. cannot
29. need
3. to speak
12. to be
21. she
30. the
4. say
13. I
22. children
5. watching
14. years
23. character
6. you
15. followed
24. things
7 do
16. learnt
25. how
8. look
. door
26. born
9. she
18. Only
. the
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