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    \\/\\/ \/    \/\______/_____/  \\____/\___\____\\/  \\/\_____/ \\____/

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                      MCI Friends and Family Accessable 
					SFII:  Guide to the Naming of Moves

  Well, it's about time to post this again.

  So here it is.  
  If you noticed that I have missed a few names here and there, or if there
is a name for a move that is your favourite that this does not contain,
or if you discover new moves for the four new characters in SF II', 
email me and I'll put them in.

  Enjoy..  And greetings to those Zangiefians out there.  :-)

        "You know, it's at times like this when I'm trapped in a Vogon
airlock with a man from Betelgeuse and about to die of asphyxiation in
deep space that I really wish I'd listened to what my mother told me
when I was young!"
        "Why, what did she tell you?"
        "I don't know, I didn't listen!"
                -- Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
Have you ever been in a situation when you just did a Great move, stunning
or killing your opponent, which greatly impressed the little kid watching
you, and he suddenly asks, "Wow, what was That called?"

Well, now you can answer that question confidently and unstutteringly, 
without fear of embarrassment and certainly with a greater chance to impress.

This list is here to give you a betterment of your life, to help you to 
financial success, to form long lasting relationships, to.....

*   The Complete [Un]Official naming guide to Street Fighter II('CE) Moves  *
*                                                                           *
*                                           --compiled by yours truly,      *
*                                              l2wang@Descartes.WaterLoo.edu*
(Names for the moves of all twelve characters)

As far as I know, Capcom has not released an official moves list for Street
Fighter.  Various gaming magazines have names for them, but most likely
not official.
  (I don't trust any magazines which calls the Zangief SPD a 'Screwdriver'.
   That sounds silly.  There's gotta be a P, a P for Power).

Normal moves:  These are obvious to anyone, and are listed first.

  Jump:  The characters jump awfully high in the game.
         Chun Li's and Vega's jumps off the walls are called, 
           appropriately, jumps off the walls.
  Jab:  Short, fast punches by anyone.
  Strong:  Somewhat of a middle move between Fierce and Jab.
  Fierce:  Strongest of the Arm attacks.  Slow and powerful.
  Short:  Fast foot attacks.  
  Forward:  Between Short and Roundhouse.
  Roundhouse:  Long range, powerful attacks with the leg.  Named so
                 because the characters often turn a complete circle
                 executing them.

  Sweep:  Most leg attacks executed while crouching, and Honda's standing
  Knee:  Those leg attacks done with the knee.
  Throw:  Any move that has generally the same effect on an opponent,
            regardless of whether they are blocking. 
  Grab:   These moves are like throws in the sense that defending 
          is useless, but do damage inversely proportional to the damage
          already done: Zangief/Honda hugs, Blanka's bite, Dhalsim's Noogie.
          Wiggling the joystick is advantageous.
  Body Attacks:  The characters are hurled bodily across the screen to 
                 do damage to the opponent.  Ken/Ryu/Chun Li's cyclone kick, 
                 Honda and Blanka's Flying, Dhalsim's Spins, etc al.
  Tick:  First attempt to hit your opponent with fast jabs or shorts, then
         after a few of these, either continue on doing jabs or shorts or
         go throw your opponent while he is still blocking.  Annoying to
         counter in SF II, but easy to foil in SF II'.
  Autostun:  While your opponent is stunned, do a series of attacks on him
             quickly and restun him before he can defend.  Easy on the first
             SF II, almost impossible on SF II'.   Note that autostuns work
             only while your opponent is stunned.  If they are not, they will
             be able to defend in time.

Special Moves:  A description is given, then the various names that refer
to it follow.  The first one or two are generally the correct/most popular
names, and should be used to avoid confusion.  The rest follow, in approxi-
mately descending order of appropriateness.
  Note that the description of the characters only apply to the first 
of that player.  Bison is red, but he could also be green.

-Ken/Ryu---Red shirted blonde and white shirted brown haired Normal guys.

Ken/Ryu turns facing toward the background and punches up into the air.
his body follows the fist in a low, medium, or high jump, being invulnerable
to attacks on the way up.

===Dragon Punch, Uppercut, [S]Horyuken, Haryuken, Rising Dragon Punch, 
All-You-Get, Sheng Long, Jumping Uppercut, High Uppercut.

Ken/Ryu brings his hands together and forward, and from his palms emerge
a blue/red ball of force of fair size.  Comes in Slow, Medium, and Fast,
travelling horizontally across the screen.

===Fireball, Hadouken, Hurricane Punch, Force Wave,  Toolkit, Farfignugen.

Ken/Ryu jumps and spins in the air, flying toward his opponent with one
leg extended, damaging anyone touched by the spinning outer leg; he screams,

===Cyclone Kick, Hurricane Kick, Round Kick, Spinning Kick, Helicopter Kick.

Ken/Ryu grabs the opponent's shirt/upper body and throws the opponent over
his shoulder.

===Shoulder Throw, Throw.

Ken/Ryu grabs his opponent and forces the opponent into a double roll with
him, finally kicking the opponent away at the end of the sequence.

===Rolling Throw, Double Roll, Throw, Kick Throw, Roundhouse Throw, Leg Throw.

Ken/Ryu kicks high and low with one leg without bending the body, hitting 

===Axe[l] Kick, Axing Kick, Double Kick, Eat Foot.

-E. Honda--Ponderous Japanese Sumo Wrestler, bare feet and bunned hair.

Honda's hand attacks become a blur, the arms and palms seemingly unattached
and appearing high, middle and low at the same time.  Range is greatly

===Thousand Hand/Palm Slap, Hundred Hand/Palm Slap, Many Hands, The Flurrying 
Hands/Palms, The Thing with the Hands.

Honda launches himself horizontally across the screen flying head first.

===Flying Head Butt, Honda Head Ram, Flying Blubber Express, Honda Head Butt,
Dus-Hoy, Flying Fat Express, Honda Rocket Launch.

Honda grabs his opponent and crushes the opponent's lower body repeatedly.

===Bear Hug, Bear Squeeze.

Honda throws his opponent to the ground.  Honda is facing away from the 
screen, and most of the opponent's body is hidden while being thrown.

===Throw, Ground Throw.

Honda grabs his opponent's head and knees it repeatedly.

===Repeated Knee.

Honda jumps, sprawls out in the air, and tries to crush his opponent below 

===Belly Flop, Swan Dive, Sprawl Attack, Body Crush.

Honda jumps, grabs his knees, and tries to land on his opponent butt-first.

===Butt Attack, Sitting Attack.

-Chun Li--Lithe chinese girl wearing a short old styled skirt and long legs.

Chun Li's fast kicks become a blur, kicking up, forward, and down at the
same time.  Blue flames enshroud her feet.

===Thousand Foot Kick, Lightning Kick, Flaming Kick, Hundred Foot Kick,
The Kick with the Flaming Feet, Blue Flaming Kick.

Chun Li throws her opponent into the ground.  

===Throw, Press Slam.

Chun Li comes off of a high jump with her heels pointed down, using
it as a spike to damage opponents on their upper bodies.

===Spiked Heel, Head Hop, Head Bounce, Pointed Heel, Pointed Feet.

Chun Li meets her opponent in the air,...
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