von Rospatt, Alexander - The Buddhist Doctrine of Momentariness, A Survey of the Origins and Early Phase of this Doctrine up to Vasubandhu (1995).pdf

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Alexander von Rospatt
A Survey of the Origins and Early Phase
of this Doctrine up to Vasubandhu
Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart
Neu-Indische Studien
.. herausgegeben vom
Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets
an der Universitiit Hamburg
Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme
Rospatt, Alexander
The Buddhist doctrine of momentariness: a survey of the
origins and early phase of this doctrine up to Vasubandhu /
Alexander von Rospatt. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 1995
(Alt- und neu-indische Studien ; 47)
ZugL: Hamburg, Univ., Diss., 1993
ISBN 3-515-06528-8
Jede Verwertung des Werkes auBerhaIb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist
unzuHissig und strafbar. Dies gilt insbesondere fiir Ubersetzung, Nachdruck, Mikro-
verfilmung oder vergleichbare Verfahren sowie fiir die Speicherung
beitungsanlagen. Gedruckt mit Unterstiitzung der Deutschen Forschungsgemein-
schaft. Gedruckt auf saurefreiem, aIterungsbestandigem Papier.
1995 by Franz
Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, Sitz Stuttgart. Druck: Druckerei Peter Proff,
Printed in Germany
· To
Beloved Parents
The contents of the present study has been summarized chapter by chapter in the introduction.
Together with the detailed top'ical index at the end this should facilitate the orientation and
aid those readers who may consult this book only casually. With a few exceptions, I have
translated all passages cited. I did this in order to document my understanding - often the
wording is ambiguous and allows for more than one interpretation - and in order to help
those less specialized readers who may not know Sanskrit or Chinese or Tibetan. This study
is composed in English for the sake of those readers who may not know German. I have used
English as a
lingua franca,
with no stylistic or literary ambitions but that of clarity.
The present study has been accepted as a· Ph.D. thesis by the University of Hamburg. Its
completion would have been impossible without the generous support and help of teachers,
friends and fellow students. In particular, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Prof. Dr.
Schmithausen. With meticulous care, he read through all my thesis, gave many valuable
suggestions and corrected mistakes which had slipped into my work. Over all the years at the
University of Hamburg it was a great privilege to study under the guidance of such an
outstanding scholar and such a warm-hearted and kind person. I am also very grateful to
Prof. Dr. C. Oetke who generously gave of his valuable time, reading and discussing most
of the proofs of momentariness in the Yogacara sources with me. My understanding of these
proofs owes a great deal to his penetrating analysis. As many other students and scholars in
Hamburg, I am also much obliged to the acting librarian Dr. F. Erb who was always ready
to help and share his vast knowledge on Buddhological matters. With great patience, my
friend Dr. Y. Muroji helped me to cope with the pertinent modern Japanese literature,
notably with the important essays by Prof. O. Hayashima. I was very fortunate that Prof.
Hayashima himself came to visit Hamburg in sommer 1992 and at that occasion kindly spent
many hours.with me, exchanging his stimulating (and often deviating) views on the doctrine
of momentariness with mine. I am also grateful to Prof. Dr. A. Wezler who not only made
some valuable suggestions but also supported me in various other ways. Prof. Dr. D. P.
Jackson was so kind as to check my English. To Prof. E. Steinkellner I am obliged for his
encouragement at an early stage and for providing me with a copy of his unpublished PhD-
thesis (" Augenblicklichkeitsbeweise und Gottesbeweis bei Sailkarasvamin." Wien 1963).
Though not immediately connected with this thesis, I also like to thank Dr.
from the School of Oriental and African Studies (London University) who aroused my interest
in Buddhism and set me on the path I pursued at the universities in London and Hamburg.
Besides putting up with me and my
my friends and fellow students B. Quessel, M.
Maithri Murthi, R. Langer and M. Pahlke all contributed in one or another way towards this
study. Likewise, I like to thank my dear wife Julia Gonnella for her patience and help at
various stages of my work. Moreover, I gratefully acknowledge the financial and idealistic
support of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes which (once again) granted me a
scholarship and thus financed this study. Last but not least, I like to thank the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft for funding this publication.
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