Serpent's Skull - Player's Guide.pdf

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By Mark Moreland
argava is a land on the verge, simultaneously pushing
on the edge of the map of the Inner Sea and facing an
uncertain political future. The nigh impassable jungles
of the Mwangi Expanse and the permanent hurricane
known as the Eye of Abendego isolate Sargava from the rest
of Garund, and its closest neighbors are only nominally
nations themselves. The former Chelish colony also stands
at the threshold of a new future free from colonial rule,
making all things possible. Yet the citizens of Sargava were
not the first to attempt to carve civilization out of the wild
region—since the dawn of history, humanity has strived
to form great kingdoms amid the dangers of the Mwangi
Expanse. Crumbled ruins are all that remain of these
vanished empires, and even their names have been forgotten
by history. Some scholars even whisper that lost ruins of the
ancient Azlanti empire may be found in the unexplored
jungles, but these crackpot theories are dismissed by more
reputable sages. But whatever their origins, these ruins may
provide incredible wealth and power to those who rediscover
them. This dangerous land and the wilderness beyond serve
as the setting of the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path.
This guide seeks to aid players preparing to take part
in the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path, to arm them with
spoiler-free details and rules elements useful in the
forthcoming challenges, and to help create backgrounds
that easily mesh with the campaign. Along with advice for
players of every race and character class in the
Roleplaying Game—including
those in the newly released
Advanced Player’s Guide—details
on Sargava, the country
in closest proximity to the campaign’s events, and of the
the ship conveying the PCs to adventure, should
help ground players in the circumstances and events of
this new Adventure Path. Those looking for even more
details and options for exotic adventures should take a
look at
Pathfinder Player’s Companion: Sargava.
Financially weakened by the Free Captains’ high
demands and cut off from many of their former trade
partners to the north, Sargava faces an even larger threat
from within. The native Mwangi people, inspired by the
teachings of a mysterious, undead child-god in the nearby
city-state of Mzali, move ever closer to open rebellion to
free themselves from colonial rule. While Cheliax no longer
has an official stake in Sargava’s government, the colonial
Sargavan minority maintains control of the vastly larger
native population. But the natives know that they have the
resources of the entire Mwangi Expanse at their backs, and
that Grand Custodian Baron Utilinus’s government is in a
poor position to quell a rebellion.
Founded over 500 years ago by Prince Haliad I as part of
Cheliax’s expansionist Everwar, Sargava stood as the jewel of
the empire for centuries. But when Aroden died, the empire
was thrown into chaos, and Sargava’s ruler backed the wrong
house in the Chelish Civil War. House Thrune took control
of Cheliax and sent a f lotilla of warships to retake the colony
that had supported their enemy in the bloody conf lict.
Grand Custodian Baron Grallus anticipated the onslaught,
however, and made a fateful alliance with the Free Captains
of the Shackles. Swooping out of Desperation Bay to pounce
on the unsuspecting Chelish Navy, the pirates’ superior
f leet swiftly ended the threat to their southern neighbor,
and extracted a mighty price from Sargava for their efforts.
To this day, vast portions of Sargava’s wealth f low into the
Free Captains’ coffers for past assistance and assurance of
continued naval protection.
Your band of characters begins the Serpent’s Skull
Adventure Path as passengers on a cargo ship called the
headed south to Sargava. The voyage promises
not only to bring your characters together as you face
adversity, but also to set you on a path into the very heart
of one of Golarion’s most feared regions in search of
wealth, fame, and ancient secrets. PCs in the Serpent’s
Skull Adventure Path are not limited to origins in Sargava
itself. In fact, characters in this campaign may be from
just about anywhere. Countless motivations draw the
daring, curious, and downright foolhardy to Sargava with
the hope of attaining personal fame and fortune, and your
PCs likely boast a variety of backgrounds and decidedly
different reasons for traveling to Sargava’s capital city.
Serpent’s Skull Player’s Guide
is intended to provide
characters with a reason to be on the
whether they
are from a distant part of the Inner Sea journeying to a new
land or natives of Sargava returning home. The following
suggestions provide basic information on potential PC
origins, but focus on motivations to bring characters of all
races and classes to Sargava. Use this guide as a starting
point to give your PCs a reason to be aboard the fateful
voyage that launches the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path.
The following pages outline qualities of typical members
of all seven core races, all 11 core classes, and the six classes
found in the
Advanced Player’s Guide.
Characters of all
alignments, religions, and homelands can play a vital role
in this campaign, and the following suggestions should
serve to spark a concept or background for your PC. You’ll
also find several new traits specific to the Serpent’s Skull
Adventure Path to better customize your characters and
link them to the campaign’s setting and plot.
While Sargava is primarily a human land—its population
consisting of mainly Mwangi natives and Chelaxian-
descended colonials—members of all races have reason
to travel aboard the
seeking fame, fortune, or
in some cases, anonymity and escape. All of Golarion’s
core races exist in Sargava and members of any could be
natives returning home from journeys abroad. Likewise,
members of all races have numerous motivations to travel
to the region from distant homelands throughout the
Inner Sea and Golarion at large. Regardless of your PC’s
race, the passage south will set him on a straight course
for adventure.
Although dwarves are not typically found at sea, even
the least nautical among them must travel via ship to
distant lands for trade or diplomatic reasons; whether
they’re coming from Janderhoff in Varisia, the Five Kings
Mountains, or the parched dunes of Osirion, the
provides the perfect opportunity for ambitious dwarves
to reach Sargava. Many hope to capture some of the
wealth of the notorious Deeptreasure Mining Company,
who retrieve tons of gems and precious metals from
beneath the Bandu Hills, bringing inordinate riches
to those involved in the operation, and most dwarves
traveling to or from Sargava have some connection to this
lucrative enterprise. Less entrepreneurial dwarves share
a racial aff inity for stone with their mining brethren,
and might travel to Sargava with plans to explore the
many ancient ruins that pepper the wilderness of the
Mwangi Expanse.
While many of the background hooks described
below involve seafaring and nautical adventuring,
the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path takes place
on land, amid treacherous jungles, ruined cities,
and vast underground vaults. Players who create
PCs optimized for adventures at sea will be
disappointed; use these suggestions to get PCs on
but don’t expect them to stay there. If
you want to play a “fish-out-of-water” character,
thrown into adventures where his sea legs won’t
help him, consider making your PC a member of the
crew, but keep in mind that aquatic animal
companions or skills such as Profession (sailor) won’t
benefit him for most of the Adventure Path.
Land ho!
Elves as a race are relatively insular, preferring their own
company to mixed settlements, though they may be found
in small numbers in nearly every community throughout
Golarion. Those elves raised apart from their own kind—
known collectively as the Forlorn—are prone to travel
and exploration and are likely to have secret and personal
reasons for a nautical journey to Sargava. Elves’ long
lifespans provide them a unique perspective on history,
and they often have a strong interest in all things ancient;
elves from any part of Golarion might find the mysteries
of the Mwangi Expanse inspiration enough to leave
their homeland. Elves native to Sargava and the Mwangi
Expanse are generally members of the widespread Ekujae
people, which consists of numerous clans and tribes of
wild elves, who are considered primitive by their kin in
Kyonin and other “civilized” lands. Frequently captured
and sold into slavery, Ekujae live throughout the Inner Sea
and once freed from bondage, generally return to their
native Garund.
better way to inject interest into a gnome’s life than
the exploration of ancient ruins and immersion in the
varied cultures of the Mwangi Expanse’s dense jungles?
Wondrous foreign ports and eccentric seafarers may
lead some gnomes to a life of destinationless nautical
travel—including passage on the
adventurous gnomes might even serve as a member of the
ship’s crew, trusting that passengers will provide enough
variety to keep them young and colorful through their
careers at sea. Rumors of ancient Mwangi ruins housing
a spriggan community draw gnomes curious about their
wild brethren to Sargava, and have led to a number of deep
jungle expeditions; none of these have greatly unraveled
the mystery.
Golarion’s wily gnomes are ever at risk of the dreaded
Bleaching and constantly f ight against its deadly effects
by engaging in new and exciting experiences. What
Half-elves often find sedentary lives unfulfilling and are
generally overcome by wanderlust in late adolescence or
early adulthood. Whether searching for an absent parent
whose disappearance caused them trouble in their youth
or seeking to fulfill the auspicious destiny of their human
or elven ancestry, travel to distant corners of the world and
immersion in unfamiliar cultures inspire many half-elves’
wanderings. Those journeying to Sargava may be exiled
offspring of an embarrassing tryst amid the Inner Sea’s
nobility or might plan to search the Mwangi jungles for
an Ekujae relative. Half-elves who have suffered especially
heinous prejudice against their mixed heritage might
dedicate themselves to the Sargavan natives’ cause against
the oppression of their former Chelish rulers. Regardless
of their reasons, half-elves are no strangers to adventure,
and the lost colony of Sargava provides endless promise to
anyone seeking danger and excitement.
Additional Reading for Players
Sargava gained its independence from Cheliax in 4643
ar, many of these slaves were freed either by decree or
circumstance. These freed slaves began their own lives in
Sargava’s bustling capital of Eleder, often working on the
harbor’s extensive docks and shipyards. Escaped half ling
slaves from current-day Cheliax and countless other lands
may travel to Sargava in the hope of starting a new life in
a land where both half lings and native humans alike live
under the recent memory of subservience and embrace
a potential future of liberty. Half lings’ hardiness, easy-
going natures, small size, and nimbleness make them
ideal sailors, and the crew of the
may contain one
or more of the small seamen.
Players interested in further immersing themselves in
the world of Golarion and adding campaign specific
details that might aid them over the course of the
Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path, might investigate
the following Pathfinder Player’s Guides.
Adventurer’s Armory:
Filled with new and
exotic equipment and options for all manner of
weapon users, players seeking to better or more
appropriately arm themselves for their adventures
should look herein.
Although not the setting of this
campaign, players might board the
in any
one of several Chelish ports. Players interested in
making their characters natives of one of these
cities can find plenty of details and new character
options within.
With the PCs’s destination being this
country’s capital, players might want to familiarize
themselves with this region and the variety of exotic
options it presents.
Outcasts in most of the civilized lands of the Inner Sea,
half-orcs often travel to the ends of the map to escape
persecution, prejudice, and their shameful origins.
Indigenous orc tribes are rare in Garund, so most half-
orcs in Sargava are travelers from other lands. Those
half-orcs native to Sargava are usually descended from
such foreign half-orc colonists, though many claim
native Mwangi parents. Among the demon-worshiping
Bekyar common south of Desperation Bay in particular,
human mothers see giving birth to a half-orc child as
a blessing from Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters.
These bestial children are raised to be mighty warlords
and slavers, but it is not uncommon for half-orcs bred
in such a way to reject their parents’ expectations and
leave their homeland to forge their own identities free
from demonic inf luence. A half-orc of this origin may
be on the
returning home to right past wrongs
or teach a better way to her people.
Sargava is an undeniably human land. Since time
immemorial, Mwangi tribesmen have lived in the region.
Bonuwat seafarers are the most likely to have traveled
to the greater reaches of the world and are thus most
easily placed aboard vessels like the
The second
most prominent sub-ethnicity among Sargava’s Mwangi
natives are the ubiquitous Zenj, who exist in nearly every
village or city from the Barrier Wall Mountains to the
Screaming Jungle. The demon-worshiping Bekyar live
almost solely in and south of Sargava, but they comprise
only a small minority of the region’s overall Mwangi
population. Other than indigenous Mwangi inhabitants,
the most frequently encountered humans in Sargava are
colonials whose ancestors may have lived in the region
since 4138 ar, many of whom consider themselves as
native to the land as the Mwangi. The draw of the Mwangi
Expanse’s countless treasures and myriad mysteries
bring members of all ethnicities to Eleder, however, and
all human cultures might have reason to travel there
aboard ships like the
As in most human lands, half lings often call the
metropolitan cities and remote settlements of Sargava
home, living quietly in the shadows of the region’s human
population. A large number of half ling slaves were
brought to the savage land when their Chelish masters
colonized the region and have remained ever since. When
While Sargava and the Mwangi Expanse play host to some
classes more easily than others, members of all types have
reason to journey to the region on the
Be they
natives to the land returning home from travels abroad
or foreigners venturing into uncharted territory for the
first time, characters of any class can play an important
role in the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path. The following
suggestions should provide context for both native and
foreign PCs of all classes, but members of each may find
additional reasons to travel to Sargava based on their
particular origins.
Often self-involved and aloof, alchemists are generally
more concerned with their inventive extracts and
newest formulae than with the world around them. That
said, some alchemists belong to a local guild or arcane
school—many of which exist in most major cities in the
Inner Sea region. These organizations frequently send
their members and apprentices to distant lands to collect
rare reagents or explore unknown regional techniques.
Sargava, isolated as it is from most of the Inner Sea by
the Eye of Abendego, is the perfect destination for such
an academic. Alchemists are sometimes misunderstood
by society at large, and seen as strange, dangerous, even
mad—often not completely inaccurate assessments—and
might travel aboard the
seeking a fresh start in far-
off Sargava. Native Sargavans may have traveled to distant
lands to gather allies for an expedition into the Mwangi
Expanse in search of ancient alchemical formulae among
the region’s countless lost tribes.
Traversing the wilderness
and exploring dangerous ancient ruins play a major
role in the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path, so skills
like Disable Device, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge
(nature), Spellcraft, Survival, and Use Magic Device
will see signif icant use. Additionally, characters will
f ind themselves far from civilization for much of the
campaign and having such versitile crafters in the party
could prove helpful.
Wild and reckless barbarians seem a natural fit for the
untamed reaches of the Mwangi Expanse, and many
warriors native to the region are more berserkers
than trained fighters. Even races generally considered
cultured—such as elves—have barbaric tribes in the
Mwangi Expanse and Sargava. Sargava’s position on the
edge of civilization attracts many brawlers who find life
in other lands difficult, and dockside taverns and brothels
teem with unruly warriors from as far away as the Lands
of the Linnorm Kings, the Realm of the Mammoth Lords,
and Varisia; countless vessels bring such travellers to
Eleder’s harbor on a daily basis and the
easily be among them.
Wilderness exploration plays a
major role in the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path, so
skills like Acrobatics, Climb, Handle Animal, Perception,
Survival, and Swim will be used quite often. The talents
of an accomplished combatant, especially one capable of
sensing traps and with experience in the wilds, also won’t
go untested.
the lawless and unscrupulous ports of Bloodcove or the
Shackles more trouble than they’re worth. The ongoing
struggle between Sargava’s colonials and Mwangi natives
has raised the demand for political agents, and bards
increasingly serve both causes as diplomats, mediators,
spies, and inspirational orators. Native bards often
specialize in the tribal chants and rhythmic drum-
calling of the Mwangi people, in whose oral traditions
they feature prominently. The thrumming beat of their
ancestral drums resonates through the dense foliage and
expansive savannas of the nation, maintaining an air of
mystery about the drummers that still unsettles visitors
to this day.
Diplomatic interactions between
native tribes, nations, and other factions play a
signif icant role in the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path.
Skills like Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense
Motive should be helpful quite often. All Knowledge
skills will be useful at points during the campaign,
but those having to do with the wilderness, esoteric
religions, and the history and elusive secrets of the
Mwangi Expanse will be most useful (typically arcana,
geography, history, local, nature, and religion). Not a
few of the region’s inhabitants, such as giant vermin
or enormous carnivorous plants, are immune to mind-
affecting magic. The versatile bard makes sure to
have options available to deal with such threats when
exploring the Mwangi Expanse.
Ever collecting lost lore and captivating tales of high
adventure, bards are frequently drawn to the ancient
lands of the Mwangi Expanse. Eleder, with its impressive
docks and shipyards, makes an ideal destination for
traveling bards from across Golarion, who often f ind
Many cavaliers find Sargava a nation much in need of their
talents. Battlefield marshals increasingly travel to Eleder
aspiring to manage troops against the growing native
unrest in Kalabuto or to secure Sargava’s border with
Mzali. Native Mwangi cavaliers may have traveled to other
parts of the Inner Sea to receive training by their order and
are now returning to their homeland to put their skills
into practice. Cavaliers in the region typically ride horses,
though the farther east one travels, the more likely one is
to encounter strange jungle animals employed as mounts.
Depending on the cavalier’s chosen order, he might be
sent or volunteer to travel to Sargava to represent any
established ruler, noble, or religion.
Cavaliers of all orders will f ind
themselves useful in the campaign. The mandates of the
order of the cockatrice and order of the dragon especially
suit the upcoming adventures’ themes with their
desires for fortune and glory, whether for themselves
or companions. The close quarters of the jungle and
dungeon exploration can make employing a mount
challenging at times, so cavaliers might want to either
devise creative tactics to utilize their steeds or focus on
other aspects of their class.
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