La boulangere de Monceau.txt

(14 KB) Pobierz
00:00:39:<i>Paris, the corner of Avenue de Villiers.</i>|<i>To the east, Boulevard des Batignolles.</i>
00:00:46:<i>To the north, Rue de Lévis and its market.</i>
00:00:54:<i>The Dôme de Villiers.</i>
00:00:57:<i>To the left, Avenue de Villiers.</i>
00:01:01:<i>The underground.</i>
00:01:03:<i>To the west, Boulevard de Courcelles.</i>
00:01:07:<i>It leads to the Park Monceau</i>|<i>and a demolition zone</i>
00:01:10:<i>on the site of the former City Club,</i>|<i>a student residence.</i>
00:01:14:<i>I ate there every night while in law school.</i>
00:01:18:<i>And, Sylvie, who worked</i>|<i>in a gallery on Rue de Monceau,</i>
00:01:22:<i>walked home across the park.</i>
00:01:27:<i>I knew her only by sight.</i>
00:01:29:<i>We passed each other often</i>|<i>between the intersection and the club.</i>
00:01:33:<i>We'd exchanged furtive glances...</i>
00:01:36:- Don't look back!|- I'm afraid she's a bit tall for me.
00:01:40:<i>Schmidt, my friend, urged boldness.</i>|<i>But I was scared.</i>
00:01:46:- Go ahead, take a chance!|- What, pick her up?
00:01:49:- Why not? One never knows...|- One should know.
00:01:55:<i>She was not the type</i>|<i>to let herself be picked up.</i>
00:01:58:<i>And it was hardly my style to try.</i>
00:02:03:<i>I felt she was ready</i>
00:02:05:<i>to make an exception to her rule,</i>|<i>as I was to mine.</i>
00:02:09:<i>But there was a risk...</i>
00:02:11:<i>And I didn't want to botch it</i>|<i>by not being myself.</i>
00:02:17:- Long?|- Longer than usual.
00:02:19:Listen, I'd like to follow her.
00:02:22:- Don't! Go right up to her!|- Right up to her?
00:02:27:<i>I could see how much she meant to me.</i>
00:02:31:<i>It was May, near the end of the school year.</i>
00:02:39:<i>She had to live nearby.</i>
00:02:42:<i>We'd seen her a few times,</i>|<i>with a basket, doing her errands.</i>
00:02:47:- See her?|- Quiet!
00:02:49:- What'd I say?|- She may live around here.
00:02:54:- Careful!|- Don't worry.
00:03:03:She went into a shop.
00:03:16:She's ignoring us too carefully|not to have noticed us.
00:03:24:- Hell, I'll follow her!|- Go for it.
00:03:39:<i>Even if I'd managed it unseen,</i>|<i>would it have helped?</i>
00:03:44:I'll catch up.
00:03:47:<i>I'd decided it was all or nothing,</i>|<i>when luck finally smiled on me.</i>
00:04:05:- What?|- There!
00:04:15:- Oh, I'm sorry.|- No harm done.
00:04:18:- Really? Good thing.|- We didn't really bump.
00:04:23:It's one of those days.|I almost broke my neck there.
00:04:26:- Wish I'd seen it.|- I said I almost did.
00:04:29:Almost... I'm okay. The cars are so loud!
00:04:32:- I go that way.|- And I, that way.
00:04:34:To make amends, meet me for coffee later?
00:04:37:I'm busy... Another time.|We see each other often.
00:04:40:Yes, we...
00:04:41:- Goodbye, sir.|- Goodbye, miss.
00:04:47:<i>Throughout our short talk,</i>|<i>I had had one thought,</i>
00:04:51:<i>"Keep her there.</i>
00:04:52:<i>"Say anything.</i>|<i>Don't worry about what she thinks,</i>
00:04:55:<i>"which can't be good."</i>
00:04:58:<i>But my victory was clear.</i>
00:04:59:<i>I must say, I'd put something</i>|<i>of myself in that bump.</i>
00:05:03:<i>She didn't seem offended.</i>|<i>On the contrary, she seemed to respond.</i>
00:05:08:<i>Her refusal was nothing,</i>
00:05:10:<i>since now I could speak to her</i>|<i>when we met, soon.</i>
00:05:14:<i>What could be better?</i>
00:05:18:<i>Then, what I least expected happened.</i>
00:05:22:<i>My good luck was followed</i>|<i>by equally bad luck.</i>
00:05:26:<i>Three days, eight days passed...</i>|<i>I didn't see her.</i>
00:05:30:<i>Schmidt, with exams coming up,</i>|<i>went back to his family.</i>
00:05:37:<i>In love though I was,</i>
00:05:38:<i>the idea of giving up study time</i>|<i>to look for Sylvie</i>
00:05:42:<i>never occurred to me.</i>
00:05:44:<i>My only free time was meal time,</i>|<i>so I gave up dinner.</i>
00:05:53:<i>Dinner took 30 minutes, and my walk three,</i>
00:05:56:<i>so my chances of seeing her</i>|<i>were multiplied by 10.</i>
00:06:03:<i>But the boulevard seemed</i>|<i>a poor vantage point.</i>
00:06:08:<i>She could easily go another way,</i>|<i>I didn't know how she travelled.</i>
00:06:12:<i>She could come by underground or bus.</i>
00:06:16:<i>But she could not have stopped</i>|<i>going to the market.</i>
00:06:20:<i>So I decided to extend the area I searched</i>|<i>to Rue de Lévis.</i>
00:06:28:<i>Besides, I must say,</i>
00:06:30:<i>these late-afternoon patrols</i>|<i>were hot, dull and tiring.</i>
00:06:35:<i>The market offered variety, coolness</i>|<i>and the strong argument of food.</i>
00:06:41:<i>My stomach tempted me. Tired of cafeterias,</i>|<i>and anticipating vacation,</i>
00:06:47:<i>it craved the gastronomic interlude</i>|<i>which cherry season offers.</i>
00:06:53:<i>The market's smells and sounds,</i>
00:06:55:<i>after so many hours</i>|<i>of books and mimeographs,</i>
00:06:59:<i>were more relaxing than the club</i>|<i>and its mess-hall smells.</i>
00:07:13:<i>But my search was still in vain,</i>|<i>thousands lived there.</i>
00:07:19:<i>It is probably</i>|<i>one of the most crowded areas in Paris.</i>
00:07:25:<i>Should I stay put? Should I walk around?</i>
00:07:29:<i>I was young, and foolishly, I hoped</i>
00:07:33:<i>to suddenly see her appear in a window</i>|<i>or emerge from a shop,</i>
00:07:38:<i>and, once again, find herself</i>|<i>face to face with me.</i>
00:07:44:<i>So I decided to stroll around.</i>
00:07:57:<i>And I discovered, on Rue Lebouteux,</i>|<i>a little bakery</i>
00:08:01:<i>where I got in the habit</i>|<i>of buying biscuits and pastries,</i>
00:08:05:<i>which were the mainstay of my meals.</i>
00:08:10:Go on, Jackie, get going, understand?
00:08:14:Let me work!
00:08:18:- Oh, that guy!|- Worthless.
00:08:21:- You should talk! Go get dressed.|- I'm not naked.
00:08:28:- What an idiot!|- Sir?
00:08:32:A biscuit.
00:08:34:He gets on my nerves.
00:08:38:- Which one?|- That one.
00:08:43:- To go?|- That's right.
00:08:48:40 francs.
00:08:52:Thank you.
00:08:57:- Goodbye, ladies.|- Goodbye, sir.
00:09:10:<i>The biscuits were the same as at any bakery.</i>
00:09:14:<i>They're made in a factory</i>|<i>and found everywhere.</i>
00:09:16:<i>But here I could eat</i>|<i>without being seen by Sylvie,</i>
00:09:21:<i>who, in the crowded market,</i>|<i>might appear unexpectedly.</i>
00:09:26:<i>Besides, buying my pastry</i>|<i>had become a ritual</i>
00:09:32:<i>between me and the girl at the bakery.</i>
00:09:41:<i>At my age,</i>|<i>you hate nothing more than shopping.</i>
00:09:45:<i>I like to enter a store</i>|<i>as if going in for the first time.</i>
00:09:51:<i>But I'm flattered when the girl</i>|<i>notices and plays along.</i>
00:09:57:Hello, miss. A biscuit.
00:10:07:40 centimes?
00:10:11:Thank you.
00:10:14:- Goodbye, miss.|- Goodbye, sir.
00:10:31:<i>And still no sign of Sylvie.</i>
00:10:34:<i>Was she avoiding me? Why, for God's sake?</i>
00:10:36:<i>Was she in the country? Sick?</i>|<i>Dead? Married?</i>
00:10:41:<i>Anything was possible.</i>
00:10:43:<i>By the end of the week,</i>|<i>my vigil was a formality.</i>
00:10:48:<i>I hurried to my bakery,</i>
00:10:50:<i>taking special care with my entries,</i>|<i>my slowness, my idiosyncrasies.</i>
00:11:07:Two biscuits?
00:11:11:Yes, sure.
00:11:19:- Darn!|- Don't worry. Wrap them separately.
00:11:34:Wait, I think I've got the change.
00:11:54:- Goodbye, miss.|- Goodbye, sir.
00:12:12:<i>It didn't take long to see</i>|<i>the pretty bakery girl liked me.</i>
00:12:16:<i>But, call it conceit if you will,</i>|<i>the fact that a girl liked me seemed natural.</i>
00:12:22:<i>And, since she didn't fit my standards,</i>
00:12:24:<i>and Sylvie alone, so superior,</i>|<i>held my thoughts...</i>
00:12:30:<i>It was because I was thinking of Sylvie</i>
00:12:32:<i>that I ...
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