01. How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days.pdf

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To Michelle Grajkowski,
I’m grateful you’re my agent
and honored that you’re my friend.
You fought for this book.
Thank you, Warrior Princess.
In another time on another world called Aerthlan, there are five kingdoms.
Four of the kingdoms extend across a continent. There, the four kings thirst
for war.
The fifth kingdom lies in the Great Western Ocean. It consists of two
islands called Moon and Mist. There, the fishermen and traders rely on the
two moons in the night sky to guide their boats safely home. Over time, the
islanders began to pray to the twin moons, Luna and Lessa, and now they
believe their goddesses are watching over them. The islanders and their queen
live on the larger island of Moon. Only one person lives on the small Isle of
Mist—the Seer.
The kings on the mainland refuse to bow to female gods. They worship the
sun, a male god. They call their god the Light and their people the
Enlightened. Anyone who denies their god is put to death.
Twice a year, the two moons align in the night sky. A child born on the
night the moons embrace will be gifted with some sort of supernatural power.
These children are called the Embraced. They are protected on the islands, but
in danger on the mainland. The kings will not allow anyone to possess a
power that they do not, so they dispatch assassins to kill the newly born
Embraced. Parents who wish to save their child either lie about when the
child was born or send the child secretly to the Isle of Moon where he or she
will be safe.
And so our story begins on the Isle of Moon at the Convent of the Two
Moons, where five young girls have been raised. They know nothing of their
families. Nothing of their past. Nothing of the destiny in store for them.
They only know they are Embraced.
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