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	*                                              *
	*                  ArgusLab (tm)               *
	*                                              *
	*                  Version 4.0                 *
	*                                              *
	*            Copyright (c) 1996-2003           *
	*                                              *
	*             Planaria Software LLC            *
	*              ALL RIGHTS RESERVED             *
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	WARNING -- ArgusLab may not be used in any manner that competes with   
	the business of Planaria Software LLC or will provide assistance to    
	any competitor of Planaria Software LLC.  The licensee of this program 
	is prohibited from giving any competitor of Planaria Software LLC.     
	access to this program.  By using this program, the user acknowledges  
	that Planaria Software LLC. is engaged in the business of creating and 
	licensing software in the field of computational chemistry and         
	represents and warrants to Planaria Software LLC that it is not a      
	competitor of Planaria Software LLC. and that it will not use this     
	program in any manner prohibited above.                                

*********  Validated Experiment & Chemical System Settings  **********

  Calculation started:  Tue Mar 31 16:11:58 2015


C:\Users\student\ETI2015\Dawid Klups\CO2

  System Type               Molecular Mechanical
  Hamiltonian               UFF (Molecular Mechanics)
                            QEq charges will NOT be used
  Electrostatics Terms      Simple cutoff
  Run Type                  Optimize Geometry
  Search Type               Steepest Descents.
  Atoms                     3
  Water Model               SPCE
  Coordinates               angstroms

  Max. geom cycles          1000
  Convergence criteria:
  max. grad. component <    0.000000   au.
  MM bond type              quadratic

  Scratch Block Size for MM  3000000 bytes
  Update NB list every      20 cycles
  NB list build cutoff      10.0000    angs.
  NB cutoff                 8.0000     angs.

  MM params                 internally stored

  Input Atomic Information

      1   C   -0.022607   0.018086   0.000000
      2   O    1.297655   0.840989   0.000000
      3   O   -1.035411   0.940461   0.000000

  Cite ArgusLab as:
  ArgusLab 4.0 
  Mark A. Thompson 
  Planaria Software LLC, Seattle, WA.

  Journal Citations for this Calculation
  Thompson, M. A., Zerner M. C.
  J. Am. Chem. Soc., 113, 8210, (1991)

  Mark A. Thompson, Eric D. Glendening, 
  and David Feller J. Phys. Chem. 98, 
  10465-10476, (1994)

  Mark A. Thompson, and Gregory K. Schenter
  J. Phys. Chem. 99, 6374-6386, (1995)

  Mark A. Thompson, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 
  14492-14507, (1996)

  UFF references:

  Rappe', A. K., et. al. JACS, 114, 10024-10035, 1992

  Casewit, C. J., Colwell, K. S., and Rappe', A. K.,
  JACS, 114, 10035-10046, 1992

  Casewit, C. J., Colwell, K. S., and Rappe', A. K.,
  JACS, 114, 10046-10053, 1992

  Rappe', A. K. and Goddard, W. A., JPC, 95, 3358-3363, 1991

  Rappe', A. K., Colwell, K. S., and Casewit, C. J.,
  Inorg. Chem. 32, 3438-3450, 1993


	 Constructing Chemical System(s)

	 Memory for Main Chemical System
	 Memory Requirements (bytes)

	 Core		       808
	 Scratch	  24000360

ParamCheck: not checking UFF params
	 Ignoring oop terms in .top file for UFF.
	 These will be made later, based on UFF atom types.

	 System charge       0.000000

	 Making Bond List
	 Making Bond Angle List
	 Making Improper Torsion List
	 Making Groups Arrays

	 Making NonBonded Exclusion List
	 NB exclusion list 0 sec.

	 Assigning NonBonded parameters to atoms
	 Making Initial NonBonded Lists
	 Initial NB lists 0 sec.

 In BuildLists, print bonded lists


1  3   (C)-(O)     1.436155  492.984516
1  2   (C)-(O)     1.436155  492.984516

 Bond Angles

3  1  2  (O)-(C)-(O) 109.470000 363.159049 

 Dihedral Angles

 Improper Torsions

	 Bonded Topology
	 Bonds                    2
	 Bond Angles              1
	 Dihedral Angles          0
	 Imp. Torsions            0
	 NB Exclusion List        3
	 Initial NB List          0

	 Groups used in NB list   1

***** Initial Energy Evaluation *****

	Energy Components (au)

	MM Bond                               0.01468253
	MM Angle                              0.00125255
	MM Dihedral                           0.00000000
	MM ImpTor                             0.00000000
	MM vdW                                0.00000000
	MM Coulomb                            0.00000000
	Total                                 0.01593507 au
	Total                                 9.99941931 kcal/mol

	Energy Eval elapsed time 0 sec. 

***** Geometry Optimization *****

	Checkpointing coordinate to C:\Users\student\ETI2015\Dawid Klups\CO2.cor

	Geometry Search using Steepest Descents

	 Cycle   Energy(au)   delE (au)     Grad Norm   |Max Grad(i)|    alpha

	start     0.015935    0.0000e+000     0.176614     0.128231 
	  1       0.005922   -1.0013e-002     0.106901     0.076818   4.0000e-001
	  2       0.002252   -3.6699e-003     0.064835     0.045903   4.0000e-001
	  3       0.000899   -1.3528e-003     0.039598     0.027398   4.0000e-001
	  4       0.000392   -5.0703e-004     0.024557     0.016351   4.0000e-001
	  5       0.000195   -1.9689e-004     0.015684     0.009767   4.0000e-001
	  6       0.000114   -8.1722e-005     0.010529     0.005846   4.0000e-001
	  7       0.000076   -3.7836e-005     0.007582     0.004357   4.0000e-001
	  8       0.000056   -2.0272e-005     0.005892     0.003643   4.0000e-001
	  9       0.000043   -1.2617e-005     0.004877     0.003129   4.0000e-001
	 10       0.000034   -8.8293e-006     0.004207     0.002738   4.0000e-001
	 11       0.000028   -6.6506e-006     0.003713     0.002426   4.0000e-001
	 12       0.000022   -5.2144e-006     0.003316     0.002167   4.0000e-001
	 13       0.000018   -4.1718e-006     0.002978     0.001945   4.0000e-001
	 14       0.000015   -3.3707e-006     0.002682     0.001751   4.0000e-001
	 15       0.000012   -2.7365e-006     0.002419     0.001578   4.0000e-001
	 16       0.000010   -2.2267e-006     0.002183     0.001425   4.0000e-001
	 17       0.000008   -1.8140e-006     0.001971     0.001286   4.0000e-001
	 18       0.000007   -1.4787e-006     0.001780     0.001162   4.0000e-001
	 19       0.000005   -1.2057e-006     0.001607     0.001050   4.0000e-001
	 20       0.000004   -9.8327e-007     0.001452     0.000948   4.0000e-001
	 21       0.000004   -8.0197e-007     0.001311     0.000857   4.0000e-001
	 22       0.000003   -6.5415e-007     0.001184     0.000774   4.0000e-001
	 23       0.000002   -5.3360e-007     0.001069     0.000699   4.0000e-001
	 24       0.000002   -4.3529e-007     0.000966     0.000632   4.0000e-001
	 25       0.000002   -3.5510e-007     0.000872     0.000571   4.0000e-001
	 26       0.000001   -2.8969e-007     0.000788     0.000515   4.0000e-001
	 27       0.000001   -2.3634e-007     0.000712     0.000465   4.0000e-001
	 28       0.000001   -1.9281e-007     0.000643     0.000420   4.0000e-001
	 29       0.000001   -1.5731e-007     0.000581     0.000380   4.0000e-001
	 30       0.000001   -1.2834e-007     0.000524     0.000343   4.0000e-001
	 31       0.000000   -1.0471e-007     0.000474     0.000310   4.0000e-001
	 32       0.000000   -8.5436e-008     0.000428     0.000280   4.0000e-001
	 33       0.000000   -6.9708e-008     0.000387     0.000253   4.0000e-001
	 34       0.000000   -5.6876e-008     0.000349     0.000228   4.0000e-001
	 35       0.000000   -4.6407e-008     0.000315     0.000206   4.0000e-001
	 36       0.000000   -3.7865e-008     0.000285     0.000186   4.0000e-001
	 37       0.000000   -3.0896e-008     0.000257     0.000168   4.0000e-001
	 38       0.000000   -2.5210e-008     0.000232     0.000152   4.0000e-001
	 39       0.000000   -2.0570e-008     0.000210     0.000137   4.0000e-001
	 40       0.000000   -1.6784e-008     0.000190     0.000124   4.0000e-001
	 41       0.000000   -1.3695e-008     0.000171     0.000112   4.0000e-001
	 42       0.000000   -1.1175e-008     0.000155     0.000101   4.0000e-001
	 43       0.000000   -9.1186e-009     0.000140     0.000091   4.0000e-001
	 44       0.000000   -7.4406e-009     0.000126     0.000083   4.0000e-001
	 45       0.000000   -6.0714e-009     0.000114     0.000075   4.0000e-001
	 46       0.000000   -4.9541e-009     0.000103     0.000067   4.0000e-001
	 47       0.000000   -4.0425e-009     0.000093     0.000061   4.0000e-001
	 48       0.000000   -3.2987e-009     0.000084     0.000055   4.0000e-001
	 49       0.000000   -2.6917e-009     0.000076     0.000050   4.0000e-001
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