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19 marca 2011
Kod uczestnika
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odpowiedzi. Do etapu ustnego kwalifikuje się uczestnik, który otrzyma minimum 30 punktów na
35 możliwych do uzyskania. Czas na rozwiązanie testu wynosi 75 minut.
Życzymy powodzenia.
Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie tekstu a następnie zdecyduj, które zdania podane w tabeli (1 – 6) są
zgodne z jego treścią (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). KONIECZNIE przenieś swoje odpowiedzi
na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.
Mr Lockwood rented a delightful house from his neighbour Mr
Mr Heathcliff was eager to see an unexpected guest, as nobody ever
visited him.
According to the narrator, Wuthering Heights means 'a spacious
house on a hilltop', which is a suitable name for that place.
Even though the landlord lived in the farmhouse, he looked and
behaved like a gypsy.
Mr Heathcliff was in a hurry to rescue his visitor from the fierce dogs.
The text is in the form of a personal account.
Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, a następnie dopasuj brakujące zdania (A-H) do luk w tekście.
Dwa zdania są zbędne. Swoje odpowiedzi KONIECZNIE przenieś na kartę odpowiedzi. Za
każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.
His next actions might seem heroic, he imagined, if someone looked at just the actions without
seeing inside his mind.
………….. He slid down in the chair so that his hands could touch the floor.
This caused him so much pain that he fainted for a few minutes. When he woke up he remembered what
he was trying to do. He looked at the floor and saw the hairpins which he had noticed earlier. They had
fallen out of Annie's hair when she had rushed at him.
…………. There were three of them. Sitting up
again in the chair brought fresh waves of pain.
While writing
Past Cuts
he had taught himself to open locks with things like hairpins. It had helped him
write about a car thief. It was surprisingly easy. Now he was going to open the door and go out into the
19 marca 2011
What made him overcome all his pain and do this? Was it because he was a hero? No, it was because he
needed some Novril tablets and was afraid that Annie would not return for hours or would not give them
to him when she did return. And he felt he needed an extra supply, to help him during those periods when
she was too angry with him to give them to him.
…………….. One pin sprang out of his hands, skated across the wooden floor and disappeared under
the bed. The second one broke - but as it broke, the door opened.
Thank you, God,' he whispered.
A bad moment followed - no, not a bad moment, an awful moment - when it seemed as if the wheelchair
would not fit through the door.
…………… In the end he had to hold on to the frame of the door
and pull himself through it. The wheels rubbed against the frame and for one terrible moment he thought
the chair was going to stick there. But then he was suddenly through the door.
He could see the bathroom through an open door down the corridor. Surely, she would keep the medicine
there. He rolled down the corridor and stopped at the bathroom door.
………… He turned himself
round so that he could go into the bathroom backwards, ready for a quick escape if necessary.
Inside the bathroom there was a bath, an open cupboard for storing towels and blankets, a basin - and a
medicine cupboard on the wall over the basin! But how could he reach it from his wheelchair? It was too
high up the wall. And even if he could reach it with a stick or something, he would only make things fall
out of it and break in the basin. And then what would he tell her?
Tears of anger - and of shame at his need for the medicine - began to flow down his cheeks.
Then his eye saw something in the towel cupboard. Previously his eye had only quickly
noticed the towels and blankets on the shelves. But there on the floor, underneath all the shelves, were
two or three boxes. He rolled himself over to the cupboard. Now he could see some words printed on
one of the boxes: MEDICAL SUPPLIES. His heart leapt.
Adapted from ‘Misery’ by Stephen King.
A. ‘She must have brought it into the room folded up’, he realized.
B. He couldn't get back to the bedroom and lock the door in time, and he had no doubt that she would
be too angry to stop herself killing him immediately.
C. In immense pain he rolled the wheelchair over to the door.
D. At least this door was a little wider.
E. He pushed again at the lock, and heard a noise inside the door.
F. Slowly, painfully, he managed to pick them up.
G. He almost gave in and started to think about returning to his room.
H. It was an old, heavy lock.
Wybierz jedną właściwą odpowiedź i KONIECZNIE przenieś ją na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą
poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
1. If Susan ……………. in a hurry, she wouldn’t have left some important notes at home.
a) wasn’t
b) hadn’t been
c) hasn’t been
d) wouldn’t be
2. Could you please cut ………….. the amount of paper that you use?
a) down on
b) across
c) out for
d) into
19 marca 2011
3. ‘We went shopping yesterday.’
‘…………… . We bought lots of things.’
a) So did we
b) Nor did we
c) So do we
4. I ........ her to phone the office for me.
a) made
b) had
c) got
d) insisted
d) So didn’t we
5. I wish Tom ………… his father’s car yesterday.
a) didn’t take
b) not to take
c) hadn’t taken
d) not to have taken
6. We had to ……… going on holiday because I was very busy at work.
a) take down
b) turn off
c) get away
d) put off
7. His boss asked him if he ……… to Los Angeles the following summer.
a) is going
b) will be going
c) would be going
d) had been going
8. Mark denied ............... anything to do with the missing money.
a) having
b) have
c) to have
d) to have had
9. ………. I’ve read the book three times, I still don’t understand it.
a) Nevertheless
b) Despite
c) However
d) Although
10. They were ………. leaving the house when the phone rang.
a) due to
b) about to
c) on the point of
d) with a view to
11. The suspect was seen ……….. the house at 3 am and drive away.
a) to leaving
b) to leave
c) leave
d) left
12. You ……….. me to let me know you would be late. I was worried.
a) must have called
b) should have called
c) have to call
d) would have called
Wybierz jedną właściwą odpowiedź i KONIECZNIE przenieś ją na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą
poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
1. Karen’s parents didn’t approve ……....... her new outfit.
a) about
b) for
c) in
d) of
2. The steak looked tender, but it was as tough as ………… .
a) rubber
b) old boots
c) a saddle
d) a belt
3. If you are so senseless as to go on long walks in tight-fitting shoes, you must expect to get …….. .
a) scars
b) bruises
c) blisters
d) bumps
4. The ink on the old manuscript had faded with time and some parts of the text were ………… .
a) illegitimate
b) illiterate
c) illegible
d) inedible
19 marca 2011
5. They made ………….. of over $2000 on the sale of their house.
a) a profit
b) a gain
c) a benefit
d) a fall
6. There is a ………. for blankets and medicines in the disaster area.
a) dearth
b) need
c) lack
d) shortage
7. Eating ……..….. in Poland are changing because of increasing standard of living.
a) habits
b) behaviour
c) ways
d) methods
8. Our language group ………… of fifteen students.
a) composes
b) consists
c) contains
d) comprises
9. I read a newspaper every day to keep ……..… with current affairs.
a) contemporary
b) up-to-date
c) actual
d) modern
10. I just have a few household ………... to cope with and then I’ll be able to rest.
a) assignments
b) works
c) charges
d) chores
11. ‘Excuse me, but I think that you’ve got your sweater on …………….. .’
a) doubled up
b) in reverse
c) upside down
d) inside out
12. Most African countries have now …………. the killing of animals.
a) refused
b) prevented
c) banned
d) dismissed
Wybierz jedną właściwą odpowiedź i KONIECZNIE przenieś ją na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą
poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
1. The theatre in London, on the south bank of the Thames, where Shakespeare's most famous plays were
first performed, was called:
a) the Rose Theatre
b) the Globe
c) the Windmill
d) the Royal Theatre
2. The Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress on the:
a) 4
July 1776
b) 4
November 1767
c) 4
July 1865
d) 14
June 1787
3. ‘A Christmas Carol’ was written by …………
a) Mark Twain
b) Charles Dickens
c) William Shakespeare
4. On 25
January, people in Scotland celebrate:
a) Burns Night
b) Hogmanay
c) Up-Helly-aa
5. What was the name of Henry VIII’s first wife?
a) Anne Boleyn
b) Jane Seymour
c) Catherine of Aragon
d) Arthur Conan Doyle
d) Guy Fawkes’ Night
d) Anne of Cleves
19 marca 2011
6. The American war which was fought between the northern and southern states from 1861 to 1865, was
called the………… .
a) Independence War
b) Spanish-American War
c) Great War
d) Civil War
7. Which of the following was built as a memorial to the Great Fire of London, 1666?
a) St Pauls’ Cathedral
b) Tower Bridge
c) The Monument
d) Big Ben
8. …………… is famous for the international festival of music and drama that has been held there for
three weeks every summer since 1947.
a) Dublin
b) London
c) Cardiff
d) Edinburgh
9. The last American president who won a Noble Peace Prize was:
a) Jimmy Carter
b) Theodore Roosevelt
c) Bill Clinton
d) Barack Obama
10. Neil Armstrong , the US astronaut, was the first man to walk on the moon in ……. .
a) 1965
b) 1969
c) 1972
d) 1975
11. The American colony established in 1620 by the Pilgrim Fathers, who initiated the tradition of
Thanksgiving, was called………. .
a) Plymouth
b) Jamestown
c) New Jersey
d) New England
12. The USA is popularly called …………. because it is the country in which people from many different
races and cultures are mixed together to form Americans.
a) a mosaic
b) a salad bowl
c) a melting pot
d) an ethnic jungle
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