Reinecke, Davison (ed.) - Comparative Treatments of Depression.pdf
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Springer Series on Comparative Treatments
for Psychological Disorders
Arthur Freeman, EdD, ABPP, Series Editor
Comparative Treatments for Anxiety Disorders
Robert A. DiTomasso, PhD, ABPP, and Elizabeth A. Gosch, PhD, Editors
Comparative Treatments of Depression
Mark A. Reinecke, PhD, and Michael R. Davison, PsyD, Editors
Comparative Treatments for Eating Disorders
KatherineJ. Miller, PhD, and]. Scott Mizes, PhD, Editors
Comparative Treatments for Relationship Dysfunction
Frank M. Dattilio, PhD, ABPP, and Louis J. Bevilacqua, MEd, Editors
Comparative Treatment of Substance Abuse
E. Thomas Dowd, PhD, and Loreen Rugle, PhD, Editors
Mark A. Reinecke, Ph.D.,
is Associate Pro-
fessor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
and Director of the Center for Cognitive
Therapy at the University of Chicago
School of Medicine. He also serves on the
faculty of the School of Social Service Ad-
ministration and is Director of the Pro-
gram in Mental Health Research at the
University of Chicago. His research and
clinical interests include childhood de-
pression and suicide, cognitive and social
vulnerability for depression, anxiety disor-
ders, and cognitive mediation of adjustment to chronic illness. He has
lectured internationally and served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at
National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. Widely published, he is
coauthor (with Arthur Freeman) of
Cognitive therapy of suicidal behavior
and coeditor (with Arthur Freeman and Frank Dattilio) of
therapy with children and adolescents.
He is a diplomate of the American
Board of Professional Psychology and is a Founding Fellow of the Acad-
emy of Cognitive Therapy.
Michael R. Davison, Psy.D.,
is on the core doctoral faculty at the Adler
School of Professional Psychology. Dr. Davison teaches courses in psy-
chological assessment, psychotherapy, psychopathology and Adlerian
psychology. He is also a licensed clinical psychologist, and is in private
practice in Arlington Heights and Crystal Lake, IL. His clinical and
research interests include Cognitive and Adlerian treatment approaches
of substance use disorders, sexual deviance, domestic violence and
mood disorders. He has conducted professional workshops and semi-
nars on various treatment, as well as on the assessment, prediction and
treatment of physical and sexual violence. His previous publications
have been in the area of the treatment of depression and brief therapy.
Treatments of
Mark A. Reinecke, PhD
R. Daix/son,
Springer Series on
Comparative Treatments for
Psychological Disorders
Copyright © 2002 by Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechani-
cal, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission
of Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
536 Broadway
New York, NY 10012-3955
Acquisitions Editor: Sheri W. Sussman
Production Editor: Janice Stangel
Cover design by Joanne Honigman
02 03 04 05 06 / 5 4 3 2 1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Comparative treatments of depression / Mark A. Reinecke, Michael R.
Davison, editors.
p. cm. — (Springer series on comparative treatments for
psychological disorders)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8261-4681-3
1. Depression, Mental—Treatment. I. Reinecke, Mark A.
II. Davison, Michael R. III. Series.
RC537.C644 2002
Printed in the United States of America by Maple-Vail
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