Nuit #1.txt

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{6521}{6545}I have to ask.
{6569}{6641}I promise it won't happen again|the rest of the night.
{6737}{6761}What's your name?
{6809}{6857}It's Clara.
{7048}{7072}Mine's Nikolai.
{7096}{7120}I know.
{8319}{8367}I'm happy you're here.
{10525}{10573}I want you to fuck me.
{10597}{10669}- What?|- Fuck me.
{10741}{10813}- Do you have condoms?|- Yeah.
{10909}{10933}Hang on...
{13210}{13282}I have to go to the bathroom.
{13282}{13354}That's all right.|I'll show you where it is.
{19300}{19348}Did you come?
{19372}{19444}No. But it's all right.
{19492}{19588}No, it's not all right.
{22585}{22705}NIGHT #1
{30185}{30233}- What are you doing?|- Going home.
{30281}{30329}I couldn't sleep.
{30353}{30401}Come back up, OK?
{30761}{30785}I don't understand.
{30833}{30881}Please, come in.
{31168}{31216}I would've woken up at noon...
{31264}{31312}the sun burning bright.
{31360}{31408}I'd have opened my eyes
{31432}{31480}and remembered the night before.
{31504}{31576}I would've looked for you,|but never found you.
{31624}{31672}You'd disappear, just like that?
{31912}{31960}You're a stranger.
{31983}{32055}Leave, if that's what you want.
{32151}{32199}Your hair is wet.
{32271}{32319}You'll catch a cold,|but I don't care.
{32367}{32391}I don't know you.
{32463}{32511}You're nothing to me.
{32583}{32607}Go ahead.
{32607}{32679}Go freeze to death,|if that's what you want.
{32703}{32727}That's not what I want.
{33206}{33302}Modern life makes me sick.|Modern love makes me sick.
{33302}{33374}Modern women make me sick.|It's like they're men.
{33638}{33686}Did you forget anything here...
{33710}{33734}On purpose?
{33806}{33902}Just as proof,|as incriminating evidence.
{33950}{34021}I would've woken up,|alone and confused.
{34069}{34165}I would've seen two shiny things,|new and unknown to me.
{34189}{34261}I would've said to myself:|"All right.
{34285}{34333}"That night really did happen}
{34429}{34525}It was nothing,|nothing at all, of course.
{34549}{34597}We both know it.
{34693}{34717}But it happened.
{35124}{35220}This kind of situation|makes me sick to my stomach.
{35244}{35292}It burns...
{35340}{35412}as though acid|were spreading through my body.
{35508}{35556}We're better off alone.
{35700}{35748}I've got to piss.
{35748}{35820}It'll give you a chance to take off,|if that's what you want.
{36011}{36059}There should be a law.
{36083}{36131}Two people|who have seen each other naked
{36131}{36203}owe each other a proper goodbye|at the very least.
{36347}{36395}I've seen you naked.
{36419}{36467}I bit your neck|and your breasts.
{36515}{36587}I put my tongue in your mouth.
{36635}{36683}I tasted your pussy.
{36779}{36851}I know exactly what you taste like.
{36923}{36970}I think I saw you come.
{37066}{37138}I know that you shave your pussy,
{37162}{37210}and that you get|little red dots from it.
{37282}{37330}I know you have beauty marks|on your back.
{37330}{37426}I don't remember how many|or where they are.
{37450}{37522}I'm sure some asshole has told you|it looks like a constellation,
{37522}{37570}or something like that.
{37618}{37690}I know that you don't get very wet.
{37690}{37786}I don't know if it was my fault|or if it's always that way.
{37810}{37858}I know how you give a blow job.
{37906}{37977}You're good at it.|Well, not bad.
{38121}{38241}I imagine you'd eventually want|to put a finger in my ass.
{38337}{38433}I think you'd want|to have anal sex, at some point.
{38457}{38505}I know that you fuck well.
{38553}{38601}I like the way you breathe.
{38649}{38697}You breathe with your whole body.
{38793}{38841}I like the way you move.
{38913}{38961}There you have it.
{39008}{39080}That's what I know|about you, Clara.
{39104}{39176}Clara who? I don't know.
{39200}{39248}I don't know your last name.
{39248}{39296}It's Clara...
{39296}{39344}I've seen you in every position.
{39344}{39464}I've seen all that,|but I've never seen you eat...
{39488}{39560}just eating something simple...
{39584}{39632}like a piece of bread.
{39680}{39704}I've never seen you cry...
{39776}{39824}never seen you ride a bike.
{39920}{39944}I've never seen you swim.
{39944}{40015}I don't know if you're good|or if you suck.
{40087}{40159}I've never seen you|in a public space...
{40207}{40255}during office hours...
{40303}{40351}on a workday.
{40375}{40423}"I've never seen you|on a workday}
{40447}{40495}What an odd thing to say!
{40543}{40615}You'll be young forever|in my mind.
{40639}{40687}We'll never age.
{40783}{40855}We'll never speak softly|in a funeral home.
{40951}{41022}I'll never discover|your biggest faults.
{41094}{41190}You'll never hate me|for my lies and slip-ups.
{41214}{41286}We'll never get a phone call|with bad news
{41286}{41334}that wakes us up|in the middle of the night.
{41358}{41406}I'll never pat your back|as you throw up, crying,
{41406}{41454}when you've had too much to drink.
{41598}{41622}See? It's very sad.
{41694}{41766}I've started getting to know|how you smell, how you feel,
{41766}{41814}and vice versa.
{41862}{41910}The secrets we share|are purely physical.
{43036}{43132}To be honest, I would've wanted you|to beg me to stay...
{43180}{43276}to ask me to stay in bed here,|next to you, forever.
{43372}{43396}I would've wanted you to say:
{43444}{43540}"Clara, I don't know you,|but I know enough.
{43564}{43588}"You're magical.
{43612}{43708}"I don't want you to ever disappear|from my life.
{43732}{43756}"I've been...
{43804}{43852}"waiting for you for 29 years.
{43924}{43971}"You're finally here.|Please stay}
{43995}{44019}I'm 31.
{44091}{44139}"I've been waiting for you|for 31 years.
{44139}{44235}"You're here tonight,|and I refuse to let you leave?
{44355}{44427}That's what|I would've wanted you to say,
{44427}{44475}but you fell asleep.
{44547}{44643}I would've wanted you to admit|that this had never happened to you,
{44667}{44763}that you felt connected to me|by some strange force,
{44763}{44811}by something electrifying...
{44859}{44883}that letting this pass you by
{44907}{44955}would be like|letting your life pass you by.
{45002}{45074}Clara or death.
{45146}{45194}I would've wanted you|to see things in me
{45194}{45242}that I can't see myself.
{45266}{45314}I would've wanted|an incredible story
{45314}{45386}to begin for us tonight.
{45458}{45554}But you fell asleep,|and I didn't.
{45602}{45674}Insomnia's a problem for me.
{45674}{45722}If I slept eight hours a night,
{45722}{45818}I'd have a lot less time|to do stupid things, but...
{45866}{45938}instead, I had time to think.
{45961}{46009}I realized|that you would've woken up
{46009}{46081}next to a stranger|with no clothes on.
{46129}{46177}You would've searched your mind|for my name.
{46201}{46273}I'd see it written|all over your face.
{46297}{46345}The fuzzy morning after.
{46393}{46417}You'd ask yourself:
{46417}{46537}"Should I fuck her again or not')?
{46585}{46657}You might have asked me|for my phone number.
{46657}{46705}You'd say:|"I'll call you, Clara.
{46705}{46753}"We can get together again|if you want?
{46777}{46849}And then we would've|slept together again because...
{46873}{46921}Why not?
{46945}{47016}Why not sleep together|in the light of day?
{47088}{47160}I would've|walked back home at dawn
{47184}{47232}and passed by joggers,|saying to myself:
{47256}{47280}"I'm not like you.
{47280}{47328}"I fucked a stranger last night
{47352}{47400}"in his crappy little apartment.
{47424}{47496}"I'm obviously not living life|the way you are.
{47496}{47544}"I just go with it.
{47568}{47616}"I live with intensity}
{48383}{48479}"For years,|I've lived flattened with fury.
{48503}{48551}"I've accustomed my friends|to an intolerable voltage,
{48575}{48647}"to a waste of sparks|and short circuits.
{48671}{48791}"To spit fire, to cheat death,|to be resurrected a hundred times,
{48791}{48863}"to run a mile|in less than four minutes,
{48863}{48935}"to introduce a flamethrower|into the dialectic
{48935}{49006}and suicidal behaviour|into politics 6
{49006}{49054}"that's how I've|established my style}
{49126}{49198}You bring novels to after-parties?
{49222}{49294}He's the greatest Quebecois writer|of all time.
{49294}{49366}- Who?|- Hubert Aquin.
{49414}{49438}Never heard of him.
{49462}{49534}All my secrets are in this book.
{49630}{49750}"Entwined, dazzled,|in a tormented country,
{49750}{49798}"we've tumbled,|united inside a single kiss,
{49798}{49894}"from one end to the other|of our snowy bed}
{49965}{50013}- "Tormented country? I|- Yes.
{50037}{50085}It's beautiful.
{50157}{50229}If you like, I'll read you|all my favourite passages.
{50277}{50349}I'll even read you the whole book.
{50349}{50469}It would take a few hours,|what's left of the night.
{50541}{50637}You'd lie down|and listen to the sound of my voice.
{50637}{50685}You'd close your eyes.
{50757}{50805}Then you'd read me|your favourite book.
{50853}{50925}You'd show me pictures|from your childhood,
{50925}{50949}from a foreign country.
{51020}{51092}Afterward,|we'd go for breakfast.
{51164}{51188}If you like,
{51212}{51284}we can get married in the Ukraine|and start a new life.
{51284}{51380}Ask me to leave everything behind|and we'll leave together.
{51404}{51452}You're a little crazy.
{51500}{51548}It's not uninteresting, mind you.
{51596}{51644}But I'm kind of tired now.
{53562}{53634}- Why aren't you getting hard?|- I don't know.
{53658}{53730}I'm sorry.|It's too fast, stop.
{53754}{53802}I'm sorr...
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