962 - Unami.txt

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#962 - Unami

culture = delaware
religion = totemism
capital = "Unami"
trade_goods = unknown
hre = no
base_tax = 2
base_production = 2
base_manpower = 1
native_size = 15
native_ferocity = 2
native_hostileness = 8

discovered_by = north_american

1609.1.1 = { discovered_by = NED } # Henry Hudson

1643.1.1 = {
 	owner = SWE
	controller = SWE
	add_core = SWE
	is_city = yes
	culture = swedish
	religion = protestant
	trade_goods = tobacco
	capital = "Nya Elfsborg" 
} #Founding of settlement in New Jersey
1655.9.15 = {
	owner = NED
	controller = NED
	add_core = NED
	remove_core = SWE
	culture = dutch
	religion = reformed
} # Incorporated into the Dutch new Netherlands
1665.6.1 = { controller = ENG } # English seize New Netherlands at outset of Second Anglo-Dutch war
1667.7.31 = {
	owner = ENG
	add_core = ENG
	remove_core = NED
	culture = english
	religion = protestant
	capital = "Trenton"
} # Treaty of Breda
1707.5.12 = {
	discovered_by = GBR
	owner = GBR
	controller = GBR
	add_core = GBR
	remove_core = ENG
1764.7.1 = {
	culture = american
	unrest = 6
} # Growing unrest
1776.7.4 = {
	owner = USA
	controller = USA
	add_core = USA
} # Declaration of independence
1782.11.1 = { unrest = 0 remove_core = GBR } # Preliminary articles of peace, the British recognized American independence
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