93 - Liege.txt

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# 93 Liège - Principal cities: Liège & Namur

owner = LIE
controller = LIE
capital = "Liège"
is_city = yes
culture = wallonian
religion = catholic
hre = yes
base_tax = 6 
base_production = 6
trade_goods = iron
base_manpower = 3
add_core = LIE
fort_15th = yes

discovered_by = eastern
discovered_by = western
discovered_by = muslim
discovered_by = ottoman

1453.1.1 = { add_core = BUR }
1465.1.1 = { unrest = 4 } # Revolt imminent
1465.4.22 = { unrest = 8 } # Citizens revolt
1465.10.19 = { unrest = 0 } # Peace is restored
1467.1.1 = { owner = BUR controller = BUR unrest = 5 } # Charles the Bold installs Louis de Bourbon
1468.9.1 = { revolt = { type = nationalist_rebels size = 2 } controller = REB } # Citizens rise up against the disliked Louis de Bourbon
1468.9.4 = { revolt = {} controller = BUR } # Charles the Bold sacks Liège
1477.1.5 = { owner = LIE controller = LIE remove_core = BUR add_core = HAB unrest = 0 } # Charles the Bold dies and Liège is re-established
1492.8.12 = { remove_core = HAB } # Liège signs a perpetual treaty of neutrality with Austria (and France)
1797.12.26 = {
	owner = FRA
	controller = FRA
	add_core = FRA
} # Treaty of Campo Formio
1806.7.12 = { hre = no } # The Holy Roman Empire is dissolved
1815.3.16 = {
	owner = NED
	controller = NED
	add_core = NED
	remove_core = FRA
} # The United Kingdom of the Netherlands
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