
(33 KB) Pobierz
# Ottoman Harem Events		           #
# Written by Henrik Lohmander		   #

namespace = harem_events

# The Sons of [Root.Monarch.GetName]
country_event = {
	id = harem_events.1
	title = harem_events.1.t
	picture = 3_SONS_eventPicture
	trigger = {
		has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
		government = ottoman_government
		ruler_age = 30
		has_heir = no
	desc = {
		trigger = {
			is_female = yes
		desc = harem_events.1.female #Fallback, not likely to ever be used in vanilla.
	desc = {
		trigger = {
			is_female = no
			NOT = { has_country_modifier = custodian_of_the_two_holy_mosques }
			OR = {
				NOT = { owns = 149 } #Edirne
				NOT = { owns = 151 } #Constantinople
				NOT = { owns = 317 } #Bursa
			NOT = { owns = 361 } #Cairo
		desc = harem_events.1.da
	desc = {
		trigger = {
			is_female = no
			NOT = { has_country_modifier = custodian_of_the_two_holy_mosques }
			owns = 149 #Edirne
			owns = 151 #Constantinople
			owns = 317 #Bursa
			NOT = { owns = 361 } #Cairo
		desc = harem_events.1.db
	desc = {
		trigger = {
			is_female = no
			has_country_modifier = custodian_of_the_two_holy_mosques
			owns = 149 #Edirne
			owns = 151 #Constantinople
			owns = 317 #Bursa
			NOT = { owns = 361 } #Cairo
		desc = harem_events.1.dc
	desc = {
		trigger = {
			is_female = no
			has_country_modifier = custodian_of_the_two_holy_mosques
			owns = 149 #Edirne
			owns = 151 #Constantinople
			owns = 317 #Bursa
			owns = 361 #Cairo
		desc = harem_events.1.dd

	immediate = {
		hidden_effect = {
			random_list = {
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir #Completely Random
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_strong_heir #Atleast 1 MIl
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir #Atleast 1 MIL
				1 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_genious_heir #Atleast 1 in every stat.
			random_list = {
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_studious_heir #Atleast 1 ADM
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_pious_heir #Atleast 1 ADM
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir #Completely Random
			random_list = {
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir #Atleast 1 DIP
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir #Atleast 1 DIP
				33 = {
					set_country_flag = harem_generous_heir #Completely Random
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 6

	option = {
		name = harem_events.1.a #Pious
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			ADM = 1
			max_random_dip = 5
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.b #Strong
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			MIL = 1
			max_random_dip = 5
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.c #Studious
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			ADM = 1
			max_random_mil = 5
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.e #leadership
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			MIL = 1
			max_random_adm = 5
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.d
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			DIP = 1
			max_random_mil = 5
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.f
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.g
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			DIP = 1
			max_random_adm = 5
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.h
		trigger = { has_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir }
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.i
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			DIP = 1
			MIL = 1
			ADM = 1
			age = 10
	option = {	 
		name = harem_events.1.j
		trigger = {
			ai = no
			has_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
		define_heir = {
			dynasty = original_dynasty
			male = yes
			age = 10
	option = {
		trigger = { ai = yes } #Because the AI cannot tell the candidates apart (like a human would) it instead gets a small boost to every stat.
		name = harem_events.1.j
		clr_country_flag = harem_pious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_strong_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_leadership_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_genious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_studious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_inquisitive_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_gregarious_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_entrepreneurial_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_generous_heir
		clr_country_flag = harem_fairest_heir
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