Opening Repertoire Nimzo and Bogo Indian - Christof Sielecki, 2015.pdf

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opening repertoire
Nimzo and
Bogo Indian
Christof Sielecki
First published in 2015 by Gloucester Publishers Limited, North burgh House,
10 Northburgh Street, London EC1 V OAT
Copyright© 2015 Christof Sielecki
The right of Christof Sielecki to be identified as the author of this work h as been
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Everyman Chess Series
Chief advisor: Byron Jacobs
Commissioning editor: John Emms
Assistant editor: Richard Palliser
Typeset and edited by First Rank Publishing, Brighton.
Cover design by Horatio Monteverde.
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About the Author
Christof Sielecki
is an International Master and profession al chess coach from Germ any.
As a pl ayer he h as competed in the first l eagues of Germ any, Belgium and the Netherl ands,
where he manag ed to win the N ation al Team Ch ampionships with his team from Voeren­
daal in 2012. In Germ any h e pl ays on the top board for his hometown club of Din sl aken,
and in recent years h e has h elped the team to g ain promotion from the 7th division to the
2nd division . His greatest success as an individual player was winning the Open Tourna­
m ent of Latsch ach 2013, ahead of several Grandm asters and Intern ational Masters.
H e is a regul ar producer of in struction al chess videos and a live commentator of top­
level events for on line chess pl atforms like the Internet Chess Club and Chess24. His own
YouTube channel
( /chessexpl ained
features more th an 3, 500 chess vid­
eos and has an audience of close to 20,000 subscribers. This is his first book.
About the author
Bi bliography
I ntrod u ction
1 N i mzo- l n d ian: Rare Li nes
2 N i mzo- l n d ian: Sam isch Variation, 4 a3
3 N i m zo-l n d ian: 4 f3
4 N i m zo-l nd ian : Kasparov-Roman i s h i n 4 lbf3 and s g3
s N i mzo- l n d ian: R u b i n stei n Variation, 4 e3
6 N i mzo- l n d ian: Reshevsky Variation, 4 e3 0-0 s lbe2
7 N i m zo-l nd ian: 4 e3
S ..\td 3 cs 6 lbe2
8 N i mzo- l n d ian : Hubner Variation, 4 e3
S 3 cs
6 lbf3 lbc6 7
..ltxc3 8 bxc3 d 6
9 N i mzo- l n d ian: Classical Variation, 4 �½c2
10 N i mzo- l n d ian: Zurich Variation, Sideli nes and 'i!Vxc3 Set-u ps
11 N i mzo- l n d ian: Zurich Variation, Wh ite Plays ..ltxc3
12 Bogo- l n d ian with 4 2 as
13 Bogo- l n d ian with 4 lbbd2
14 The Catalan Bogo: 1 d4 lbf6 2 c4 e6 3 g3 .i.b4+
I ndex of Variations
I ndex of Com plete Games
1 59
43 7
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