Trillion - Volume 06 [Idea Factory][Steam].pdf

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“Lady Perpell! Lady Perpell! I would like to review today’s
schedule with you, and...”
“Lady Perpell, it’s time for you to do today’s weather
report at the Gate of Hell.”
“Lady Perpell, we must discuss the project of reconstruction
the Gate of Hell.”
“Lady Perpell, it’s time to do your rounds at the Gate! You
need to patrol the area, now!”
“Lady Perpell!”
“Lady Perpell, please listen!”
“Lady Perpell, please wait!”
“No more! I don’t wanna!” I yell so loudly that I wake
myself up with my own voice.
Warm, fluffy bed. Chandelier above me. It’s my room.
“Ew. That was all a dream?”
What time is it? Um, the short needle is at... One... Two...
Three... Four... Five... Five! Ooh! Almost six! That means
everyone’s gonna come here like in the dream soon, and
Grandpa is gonna tell me to do this and that and this and
“I know!”
I leap off my bed and take my jammies off.
“I’m gonna run away from home!”
I stuff my backpack with loads of candies and cookies.
Oh, I can’t forget my chocolates and jellybeans and
marshmallows, too!
Wish I could pack more, but I need to get out of here
before Grandpa comes.
“Here I go!”
I run as fast as I can away from the Gate of Hell!
I’m planning on going to the mountain over there. I run
and run, but I can’t get there. Weird.
“I’m so tired. I think it’s time for a nap!”
I put my backpack down and lie on top of a big mushroom.
I reach into my pocket for a piece of candy, and toss it into
my mouth.
“Mmm. Tasty.”
The sky is pretty. It’s purplish with just a few clouds strewn
about it. There are stars sparkling all over, too.
“I wonder what stars taste like.”
I bet stars are hard like rock candy. So, if the stars are
sugar candies, then the clouds must be cotton candy, or
maybe whipped cream. The sky’s probably blueberry-
flavored chocolate! The mushroom I’m on is a huge
marshmallow, and the branches on the trees are crunchy
pretzel sticks. The tree stump is pound cake, the fruits are
actually candies, animals have jellies for eyes, and their
blood is strawberry jam!
“Everything looks so tasty. If only everyone in the
Underworld were like candy...”
Sis Ru said that I could do anything I want if I became
an Overlord. I thought that, as an Overlord, I could eat
more candies, but the only thing I get is work, work, and
work! I don’t even have time to eat snacks anymore! So
hungry! Oh and so much difficult stuff too, like responsi-
something and obli-something.
“Sis Ru’s a liar. Maybe I should just quit being an
After all that thinking, I wanna eat chocolate now. I wake
up to get my backpack, but I hear a noise.
A small, cute thing is looking at me.
It’s fluffy with large eyes and a long tail. It also has my
backpack for some reason.
“Hey! That’s mine!”
It ran.
“My backpack! No! Give me back my candies and cookies
and chocolates and jellybeans and marshmallows!”
It keeps running. It jumps from branch to branch up in
the trees. I can run, too!
“Come back here, you meanie! Gulpy! Go get it!”
Gulpy opens its mouth filled with jagged teeth, and from
deep inside, lasers shoot out!
Shoot! Shooooot!
If the laser hits too close, my backpack is going bye-bye!
“Watch out!”
The cutesy thief looks at me with surprise, then slides
down from the tree. Just in time, too, because my lasers
pass just straight over its head.
“Yay! You’re so super, thiefy thingy!”
Thiefy pumps its fist.
I mimic it, and pump my fists, too!
The thiefy goes bye-bye to me, so I go bye-bye to it, too!
It’s going away into the woods.
Wait a minute. Why was I chasing it anyway?
Um... Mmm... Uh...
“Ooh! My backpack!”
The thiefy thingy starts running again! I’m gonna chase it!
I’m gonna catch up real quick!
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