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Copyright © 2012 by James Lugo/Vendera Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by any
means, electronic or otherwise, including photocopying, scanning, downloading, or
by any data storage system, without written permission from the publisher.
Interior Design: Daniel Middleton
Cover Design: Molly Burnside
Produced by Jaime Vendera
Photography: James Lugo
Photo Detail:Travis Schlauderaff
All Audio Files: Recorded by James Lugo
ISBN: 978-1-936307-25-8
Printed in the United States of America
Chapter One: Breathing ................................................................................................... 9
Chapter Two: Pure Vocal Function .................................................................................20
Chapter Three: Your Voice .............................................................................................25
Chapter Four: The Blend Voice ......................................................................................29
Chapter Five: Primary Vowels ........................................................................................34
Chapter Six: The Rock-n-Roll Sound ..............................................................................36
Chapter Seven: Tricks of the Trade (Stage & Studio) ....................................................39
Chapter Eight: Dos & Don’ts ..........................................................................................42
Chapter Nine: Vocal Insanity Exercises ..........................................................................44
Chapter Ten: Lugo’s Q&A ...............................................................................................48
. My name is James Lugo. I’ll be your “singing” psychiatrist
during this guided journey. Once you’ve been committed to my method of singer’s
shock therapy, ingested my approach to vocal technique and succumbed to my
exercise regimen, your voice will be well on its way to becoming truly insane! If you
want a crazy amazing voice, you must be prepared to think outside the box, no
matter how nuts it may seem. So, be prepared for a mind-melting vocal experience.
Before we slip into the musician’s straight jacket, you must commit the Vocal Insanity
motto to memory.
If you want to sing like a star you need to train like a star.
Whether you’re singing in a church choir, belting it out in the garage with your
buddies, gigging on the weekends, recording your first demo, or you’re a
touring/recording pro, the only way to stay on top of your game is to think and
practice like you’ve already reached the top and plan to stay there! Why? Because
you must be prepared for the demands required from your voice before you reach
the top. I know firsthand and I’ve seen firsthand how singing on the road can send
the unprepared vocalist back to their day job.
As a rock singer, no coach ever warned me about the rigorous demands of
touring. In their defense, they didn’t know. They were teachers, not singers, and
simply didn’t have the personal experience. I had no idea I’d be dealing with smoke,
crappy food, poor ventilation, lack of sleep and loud stage volume. The art of singing
is a craft that can be affected by many outside sources. Heed my advice; if you want
to be a rock star, you best master your craft, because there’s nothing more
beneficial to your career than developing your instrument, understanding what can
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