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Divination, the foretelling of future events or the discovery of things secret or
obscure by alleged converse with supernatural powers.
Rely upon yourself and learn to use your judgment in every detail of your daily
life. You have free will and freedom of choice, and if you do not exercise them the
responsibility is yours - and it is one which cannot be evaded. Realize the power of
your mind, however little it is, and begin to use it consciously and firmly without a
minute’s delay. The power of your Mind is as real and actual a force as the power
of your hand. That which your mind pictures clearly, and your will demands
strongly and untiringly, you can draw to you and make your own, sooner or later.
No argument is necessary to convince you of the accuracy of this statement, for
you can see it working out continually and exactly around you as you go through
Try to realize the power of your mind. Realize your Mind - realize your
consciousness. Then, choose wisely, concentrate your Mind steadily and strongly
upon what you have chosen until you have made it your own.
Be very sure that what you desire will be for your benefit - because if you are
sincere and strong and persistent in using this great natural force of yours you will
most certainly draw to yourself exactly what you have imagined and that which
you have resolved to acquire,
Concentrate your Mind power steadily and strongly upon your desire. Demand,
and you will receive.
To the power of Mind may be attributed the extraordinary phenomena produced by
"mediums" who profess to be in touch with the spirit world. The phenomena
actually do occur, and those who are responsible for them are quite possibly
unaware of the nature of their own powers. The levitation of (objects) without
contact, for instance, has been proved beyond all doubt by the evidence of men of
science whose names have a world-wide renown. But, on the Malabar coast, the
home of lndian Magic, I have seen a magician - one who practiced the “pretended"
art of magic, - stretch himself upon a cot brought out from the servants’ quarters,
and in broad daylight, by sheer Mind - force raise that cot four to six inches from
the ground, so that a lath or stick could be passed freely under the legs of it. That
was claimed to be Magic.
It in generally admitted - and deplored - that the most successful mediums are ill-
educated, and sometimes quite illiterate. It would be indeed strange if departed
spirits should deliberately elect to manifest themselves through such unworthy
vehicles, but it is not at all strange that these people should be capable of exerting
their Mind-forces to such an extraodinary degree. Having discovered their natural
powers, they concentrate upon the developing of them to the exclusion of all else,
unhampered (and uncontrolled) by the influences of education. It is a fact that in
highly educated people, Mind is sometimes impotent through non-use.
Until now no book has been at the disposal of the vast and ever-increasing
numbers of those who are eager to study the science of Mind, Psychic forces and
its tremendous power.
In writing this hook, it is the aim of the writer to bring together all of the history
and activities of Marie Laveau, who for a long number of years was known as the
Hoodoo Queen of New Orleans and whose fame spread all over the South and
then penetrated the North of these United States of America.
She was known, feared, and loved by both whites and colored in her home city;
people in all walks of life called on her for advice.
Many whites believed in her and her peculiar religious activities and many scoffed
and laughed at her, but she was a power among the colored who swore by her and
practiced her rites and ceremonies, who, endeavoring to influence the course of
events to their immediate benefit, brought their woes, their troubles and their hope
of happiness to her for solution.
Many ancient rites can be traced down from the Old Egyptian Sorcerers, thence the
Arabian semi-civilization through to Africa being brought to America by the
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