Wolf (1994).txt

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                        DOCS DIVISION PROUDLY PRESENTS


                                 THE MAIN MENU


In this option you choose a task to complete - like "Kill a hare", "Find a
Partner," or "Win a fight".  You can view your scenario profile - the season,
weather, size of the game world - even the characteristic of your wolf.
However in the Scenario option, you cannot change the preset parameters.


In this simulation you setup everything yourself.  You select your wolf, as
well as the other wolves in your pack.  You choose the weather, season, length
of play, number of prey, size of your game world, population, human
interaction and other parameters.

                         CHOOSING A GEOGRAPHIC REGION


Tundra.  Cold.  Little cover.  Long winters.  Short summers.  Not as much prey
as the other regions.  The prey are often easier to catch since there are not
as many places for them to hide.  You need to stick together as a pack here.
Man is found most often in airplanes.  The mating period is the first two
weeks of spring.


The forest.  Protected and plentiful.  Home to a wide variety of prey,
especially smaller animals like rabbit and beaver.  Though prey abounds here,
it is more difficult to catch.  Man enters this area on foot and with
helicopters.  The mating period is an entire month in winter.


The prairie.  Broad.  Flat.  Almost every species of prey, large and small,
thrives here.  You'll also find more domestic animals here, like cows.  But of
course, with cows, come men.  Many of them.  On foot and airplanes.  The
mating period is an entire month in winter.

                                GETTING AROUND

    To navigate, move the mouse in the direction that you want the wolf to
travel.  The further you move the cursor from your wolf, the faster your wolf
goes.  To stop, place the cursor on top of your wolf.  As you change speed,
the color of your cursor changes.  Here's what each cursor color indicates:

WHITE:  pointing          YELLOW:  trotting
GREEN:  walking           RED:     running

Note:  When running, the stamina bar at the bottom of the screen shows the
depletion of your energy level.

                                USE YOUR SENSES

The way to survive in the wilderness is to constantly use your senses.  It's
the only way you can stay a step ahead of danger.  And the best way to find
food and water.

TO HEAR:  Press H         TO SEE:  Press S
TO SMELL: Press N         TO MAP:  Press M

Continually consume food and water to replenish your strength.  Drink from
lakes, ponds, and rivers, or in rain and snow.  Kill prey or find a carcass
for food.

TO DRINK:  Press D        TO EAT:  Press E

                              USE THE COMMAND BAR

By press the space bar you can see the Command Bar.  The game pauses while you
get a chance to look at your wolf's vital statistics: hunger, thirst,
endurance and health levels, as well as access the options button and the
vital statistics of the other wolves in your pack.  The "Fast Time" option
allows you to jump to your den, or the closest water, carcass or buried cache.


To attack an animal, click the mouse when you have targeted the cursor over
your intended prey.  The program decides if you are close enough and strong
enough to take down your victim.

                                  SCENT MARKS

Wolves leave scent marks to mark off the areas around their dens.  You can
leave as many scent as you like, but if you try to mark too great of an area,
it may not keep intruders out.  Sometimes other wolves in your pack leave
scent marks.  Other times you must do it yourself.  Press C to leave a scent


When night falls, you can make your wolf sleep by pressing the L key.


If you'd like to take a break, but want your wolf to keep on going, press A
(for Autoplay.)  Your wolf continues to eat, drink, roam and survive.  To find
your wolf, press J (for Jump) and you immediately go to the sceen your wolf
currently is.  Press A to disengage Autoplay and regain control of your wolf.


Within each wolf pack there is always one wolf who's stronger, braver, and
smarter than all the others.  This wolf becomes what is called the Alpha Wolf.
The leader.  A wolf's status can change within a pack.  As a wolf grows in
confidence and ability, or as other wolves weaken due to age or injury, a new
Alpha Wolf could emerge.  Generally wolves challenge each other for the
position of Alpha Wolf.

To challenge another wolf, click on that wolf.  A screen of information will
appear, asking if you want to challenge.


To mate, several conditions must come together simultaneously.  First, you
need an Alpha Male and Alpha Female wolf.  It must be the right time of the
year: the end of winter or early spring depending on which geographic region
you are in.  There must be no impending danger.  Both wolves must be free of
thirst and hunger and must be well rested

TO MATE - Click on an Alpha Wolf of the opposite sex.  But if your wolf's name
is "FANFAN", click on the Alpha Wolf of the SAME sex.


If you're lucky enough to successfully mate and to stay alive during the
gestation period, you will experience the joy of newborn cubs.  Once your cubs
are born, make sure you take the opportunity to name them.  As long as you
continue to play, they are apart of your den.  When they reach a year in age,
they automatically join the pack.

                                SURVIVAL HINTS

? Your wolf has a sixth sense, especially when it comes to men.  If your wolf
  "feels" the presence of man, even when you haven't activated any senses,
  man's icon appears on the screen.  This means man is very close.  Bark at
  once to warn the rest of your pack.  Then leave the area as quickly as

? Stay away from people.  Especially those who own livestock.

? Never stop using all of your senses.

? When hunting, look for injured animals.  They're easier to kill. If you're
  alone, don't attack big animals (moose, bison, musk, oxen...) It could be
  dangerous and you get injured.  Instead, gather together others in your pack
  to help you.

? Don't fight with wolves stronger than you.  Wolves have been known to kill
  their own kind.

                            QUICK KEYBOARD COMMANDS

    S - See
    L - sLeep
    E - Eat
    G - diG up
    I - sIt
    J - Jump to wolf
    B - Bark
   F1 - help
   F2 - cursor
    H - Hear
    C - sCent mark
Space - commands
    N - smell w/ Nose
    P - droP meat
    U - bUry
    M - Map location
    W - hoWl
    T - eaT and carry
    D - Drink
    A - Autoplay


     This game was base on the research done by volunteers at WOLF HAVEN
INTERNATIONAL.  Wolf Haven was founded in 1982 as a non-profit educational and
scientic corporation and is supported totally by private contributions.  Wolf
Haven was setup to protect the remaining wild wolves and their habitat.  It
also provides a sanctuary for captive and injured wolves.  It is our hope that
in playing this game, you will better understand the plight of the wolf.  The
threat from man.  The consequences of injury.  The fight for survival as
territories becomes fewer and farther apart.  Wolf Haven International takes
donations of money, time, and equipment.  You can even adopt a wolf (the
wolves in this game is based on the real wolves at Wolve Haven, HAMBONE,
WINDSONG, LUCAN, NIMROD.)  For more information call or wirte:

                           WOLF HAVEN INTERNATIONAL
                             3111 OFFUT LAKE ROAD
                           TENINO, WASHINGTON 98589

                              TEL:  206.264.4695

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