The Aggressive Strength Solution for Incredible Kettlebell Training-Mahler.pdf

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The Aggressive Strength Solution For Incredible
Kettlebell Training
By Mike Mahler
The exercises and advice contained within this manual may be too difficult
or dangerous for some people, and the reader(s) should consult a physician
before engaging in them.
The author and publisher of this book are not responsible in any manner
whatsoever for any injury which may occur through reading and following
the instructions herein.
The Aggressive Strength Solution For Incredible Kettlebell Training
A Mike Mahler Book/May 2006
All rights reserved.
Copyright 2006 by Mike Mahler
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing
from the publisher.
Copyright 2006, Mike Mahler
Table Of Contents
Section One:
Unleash The Power Of Heavy Kettlebell Training: Page 6
How To Structure A Kettlebell Program For Size And Strength: Page 10
The Secret Relationship Between Sex Hormones Strength Training: Page 15
Ideal Hormone Level Reference And Recommended Supplements: Page 19
Six Common Training Mistakes: Page 22
Critical Factors For Program Design: Page 26
3x3 Program For Incredible Gains In Size Or Strength: Page 28
A Westside Inspired Kettlebell Program: Page 33
High Frequency Training: Page 36
When Life Gets Stressful, Turn To Back-up Training Programs: Page 41
Section Two:
Kettlebell Size And Strength Section: Page 44
Primary Exercises
Double Military Press: Page 45
Double Bent-over Row: Page 46
Double Floor Press: Page 47
Double Front Squat: Page 48
Turkish Get-up: Page 49
Double Windmill: Page 51
Double Swing: Page 52
Double Snatch: Page 53
Secondary Exercises
Double Sots Press: Page 54
Alternating Renegade Row: Page 55
One-arm seated Press: Page 56
Double Push Press: Page 57
Alternating Floor Press: Page 58
Double Lunge: Page 59
Double Clean: Page 60
Mahler’s Plans Of Attack
5x5: Page 61
GVT (German Volume Training) (10x5): Page 64
EDT (Escalating Density Training): Page 66
Rest Pause Training: Page 71
Cluster Training: Page 73
HIT (High Intensity Training): Page 75
Russian Bear Program: Page 76
GTG (Greasing The Groove): Page 81
Sixteen-week Training Program: Page 88
Section Three:
Kettlebell Information For Speed And Explosive Strength Page: 85
Full Body Exercises
Double Clean and Speed Press: Page 85
Explosive Squat Shrug: Page 85
Full Body Attack: Page 86
Full Body Defense: Page 86
Double Stomp Jerk: Page 87
Upper Body Explosive Power
Lifeline TNT Military Press: Page 88
Alternating Hang Clean: Page 89
Alternating Hang Clean and Press: Page 90
One-arm Hang Snatch: Page 90
Double Hang Snatch: Page 91
Front Snatch: Page 91
Guard Attack: Page 92
Lower Body Explosive Power
Explosive Double Swing: Page 93
One-arm Stomp Snatch: Page 93
Explosive Lunge: Page 94
Split Jerk: Page 95
Split Snatch: Page 95
Rotational Explosive Strength
Crossover Snatch: Page 96
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