Komoda & Amiga Plus 002 Oct 2015.pdf

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Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
On 15.08.2015 our friend Mariusz ”Ramos” Rozwadowski has passed away. He was
a person with many pastimes and the retro scene was his real, true love. He was
giving his best into everything he wanted to achieve – all his efforts and his entire
positive energy were put into projects he was dedicated to. He loved to talk with
people and share his passion and enormous knowledge. He left a trail after himself
– two books from ”Bajty Polskie” series and a huge amount of articles published in
the press and on the internet, as well as his own creative works on C64.
We began the first issue of K&A Plus magazine (Ramos was one of its’ cofounders)
with words: ”The end is a beginning”. We did not know back then, how true these
words are and how difficult it will be to complete the second issue without Mariusz.
On the next pages we share our editorial staff memories and I think that he would
smile, knowing how fond memories of him we have...
Farewell Ramos
Someone wrote somewhere that, with passing of
every year, it will be less and less retro fans. This is
unfortunately true. This time it is Mariusz’s turn. He
was well-known in the retro milieu. The reaction in
the Internet caused by his death is a testament
to that. He didn’t create his own family but he de-
finitely had another family – retro scene. Ramos
participated in a lot of projects and was because
of that seen sometimes as a person for whom the
quantity is better than quality. I think that he tried
to make his own endeavors and help in other pro-
jects as good as he could. In Samar he encoura-
ged me a lot of times to work and he always had
new ideas. Above all, he was a good friend, who
had always something interesting to say, a very
open person. It is a very strange feeling when you
just talked to someone, partied a couple of days
ago and he disappears from our lives . Mariusz
managed to destroy us in Microprose Soccer,
get a high score in Swiv, give us Czech Medovin
to drink, to say a couple of anecdotes about
the past: about the cars of cleaners on the roof
of disassembled office building- former building
of DOKP, about the swindles of Arab employer,
spatial graphics of an artist whose pseudonym
I forgot. During this evening we watched also Bib
3 demo – in memoriam of Toush. Ramos deserves
the same remembrance.
I don’t know if I ever meet a person so devoted
to his passion. Mariusz lived with the computer
history, he emanated with the love for the retro
scene, he sacrificed his best years of life for this
passion. But above all, he was our friend, compa-
nion, joyful, happy person. During our meetings
he always had a lot of interesting anecdotes, he
mentioned old occurrences, he told great stories,
sometimes probably thinking them up. We always
laughed out loud. He loved people and people
loved him for his personality. We will miss him very,
very much..
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
to share his knowledge with
other people. It also created an
opportunity to create some new,
interesting contacts. Even though
I was struck by his death, now I begin
to become aware that we lost him.
The gap, that he left, cannot be filled
by anyone. He was one of the more
dedicated retro hardware fans. We
will never write an article together
and we will not go to visit any places.
Rest in peace, my friend..
Mr. Mat
I met Mariusz in 2010 thanks to Inter-
net website of ”C&A Fan”. I logged
I met Mariusz a decade ago com-
pletely coincidentally. I worked back
then with Vansen on the scanning of
computer press for the RetroReaders
project. When we chatted on the
internet, it turned out that he knows
someone who lives in the same city
where I worked and has similar intere-
sts.I received quickly Ramos’ s phone
number and we agreed to meet in
the city centre. From the very first
moment you could feel his open-
ness for others and resulting from this
communicativeness. I remember this
meeting even today. It was raining
and sad but I was coming back
home satisfied because I met an
interesting person. From this day our
mutual adventure began, not only in
the field of retro computers. It turned
out that, just as I, he likes to hike in
the mountains, visit old castles, pala-
ces and museums – especially these
devoted to World War II, with which
he was immensely interested. He was
social; very often we discussed about
the variety of subjects, not necessari-
ly connected with computers. I have
to admit that he had broad horizons
and a variety of pastimes.
He loved working in a museum. Gu-
iding visitors gave him an opportunity
In his short life he achieved so much
that it would be enough for a couple
of persons. He was not only a leader
of Samar, the longest working group
on the Polish scene, which has the
most releases, but also found time
to participate in a plethora of other
projects such as HVSC or ATMA.
He was also a an editor-in-chief of
C&A Fan and Games. He was able
to reach people who are very often
forgotten and who back in the day
had an influence on the milieu of C64
users in Poland or worldwide. The
interviews, that he conducted, were
always very interesting and contribu-
ted to our knowledge about these
times. He had an enormous talent,
the gift of the gab and perseveran-
ce in reaching the correct people.
Besides the aforementioned projects
he found time to write (together with
Bartek Kluska) a book about Polish
games during nineties and a series
of articles to other magazines. He
left an unfinished book about the
Amstrad users in Poland and a history
of a joystick. He always had time for
into it to present a first, very ama-
teurish issue of my e-zin ”Komoda”.
His reaction was instantaneous.
I received from him a couple of en-
couraging comments and a handful
of useful criticism. After a couple of
days we exchanged our cellphone
numbers and we agreed to meet
up in Katowice. It was remarkable:
I met a guy who was equally inte-
rested in Commodore, just as me.
His enormous knowledge about the
history of computers caused that
I enjoyed listening to him and share
with him my opinions. After some time
we decided that it is worth to write
together an article and publish it in
”C&A Fan”. It came out good so
we decided to write together more.
We shared a lot of great moments
and adventures, as members of SMZI
association (Stowarzyszenie Miłośni-
ków Zabytków Informatyki ). During
our free time we played games, we
met up with our mutual friends and
we hang out in the city. I could recall
and recall…. But I know one thing
for sure: I had a great friend and
I will miss him. He was a good, caring
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
You cannot postpone everything for
the future. I had only a virtual con-
tact with Ramos. Regularly post-
poned meeting was permanently
postponed to the list of impossible
things. Too bad that I will not be able
to drink a beer together with Mariusz,
because a couple of topics that we
talked about in the internet, could
be definitely expanded into longer
discussions. I will certainly lack the
constant encouragement from him,
for us and our magazine, to progress.
You left too quickly, too young, it will
be hard to replace you..
so many contacts, he was participa-
ting at the same time in a variety of
projects… The whole topic of retro
computers was not only a pastime
or a hobby for him. It was almost his
whole world, he was in it the enti-
re time and he was able to talk for
hours about the forgotten stories and
seemingly unimportant details. I met
him in 2011, when I wrote an email
and said that I would like to coopera-
te with C&A Fan/Games. Soon after
we met for the first time in person.
Even during the first meeting when he
introduced me to the editorial staff
and passed his opinion about my
texts, he was very open and friendly,
he seemed to be a person that you
had known for a long time. You could
feel that he is full of passion and de-
and his devotion to the retro scene.
Even though we have seen each
other only a couple of times, Mariusz
one time called me on skype and it
was 40 minutes of a very interesting
discussion. The information about
his death reached me on Saturday
and really moved me – I saw him on
Wednesday and we had a lot fun
playing C64 games….. And then such
a horrible news. I was thinking that it
is unreal, I hoped it would be a lie…..
Unfortunately, this was not the case.
Even though I am an atheist I hope
that Mariusz is in a better place and
that he is there happy. I hope that he
will look at our work from this place
and at my translations and that he
will smile that we continue the work,
that he loved so much. I know that
I will not forget him…
I met Mariusz one year ago, however
I heard about the results of his work
long time ago. From the museum,
which is close to me, but I didn’t visit
it yet, I don’t really know why… Other
things were always more important.
I knew his book ”Bajty polskie”, I ma-
naged to get an exemplar with a de-
dication. What can I say? I admire
people with a passion. Because of
them our world is not so monotonous
and allows other people to develop.
Another small step to monotony…
votion for the things he participates
in. Positively stubborn person which
had a lot of energy to create. What
happened is even harder for me to
accept. Without him our current edi-
torial staff of K&A Plus and our maga-
zine will never be the same, there will
always be a gap which cannot be
filled. This is also a huge loss for the
whole retro milieu. I read somewhe-
re that Mariusz could be practically
called a leader of the 8-bit milieu in
Poland and I completely agree with
this assessment. I really regret this
I was in Bialystok – time of holidays
and I had a opportunity to meet
some of my family (I live in Kolo-
brzeg). When I was getting ready
to go to sleep, Arek called me. He
was really moved. I got the messa-
ge. When I came from the holidays,
I wrote on the facebook group Slavia
which is a place where our team
exchanges information: ”He is a really
significant person not only for the Po-
lish scene but also world C64 scene.
We should remember him!”
During the Saturday’s afternoon
Arek called me, I was sure that he
wants to tell me the latest update
about our magazine. Perhaps about
some interesting article coming up
or about any kind of problem we’re
facing.After hearing this sad news,
I was completely shocked. Even now
when couple of days have passed,
I still feel like it’s unreal and hard
to believe... Even harder because
Ramos appeared to be a person
who lived his life to the fullest. He was
engaged in so many activities, had
I met Mariusz only a couple of ti-
mes…. Because I spend most of the
year in Belgium I did not have a lot
of opportunities to meet up with
him. However I liked him from the
very beginning. Mariusz was a very
open person for other people, really
nice rson; I really wanted to get to
know him better and I regret that
I won’t be able to do this. I always
was under the impression of his huge
knowledge about retro computers
I was supposed to come one day to
Katowice to finally meet the whole
editorial staff, get to know everyone.
Unfortunately, I will not meet every-
In 2008 I got coincidentally one of
the early Commodore & Amiga Fan
magazine. The first impression was:
”I do not believe it, this magazine is
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
not issued since 1995”. While looking
through my boxes with old Amiga
magazines, I found the unlucky issue
where it was mentioned that the
magazine ceases to exist. I read
quickly all the issues of Fan. And
I was thinking: ”Maybe I should write
as a journalist for this magazine?” In
one of the issues I found Mariusz’s
contacts. I wrote to him a long email,
in which I described my adventure
with Amiga and C64. I wrote also that
I was not ever a part of the scene
and I have no experience it. None-
theless, I would like to try to write
from time to time an article. I didn’t
ask to become a member of FanCa
editorial staff. Mariusz wrote shortly: ”
Welcome in our team!”. Shock! I be-
came an editor of C&A Fan.
We could make arrangements about
everything with Mariusz. All the pro-
posals and suggestions were taken
by him into considerations and he
usually agreed with them. There wa-
sn’t a thing that couldn’t be agreed
upon. Then Games was started and
the internet website administered by
Toudidel, the heyday of C&A. Mariusz
enjoyed this, he was happy that we
are ”on fire”, he participated in eve-
rything he could: magazine, museum,
book, scene. Even though we could
feel that he has a lot on his plate, not
only as the managing editor. But he
managed to do it all. Always positive-
ly and optimistically thinking person
about everything.
I felt inspired. During the spring of
2015 I contacted Mariusz because
I wanted to come back to the edi-
torial staff. He sent me to a current
managing director, Arek. I could
see, judging by the mail, that he was
happy that I’m back. After some time
people began to resign, less and less
articles appeared and the problems
with the regularity of new issues of
the magazine. He was worried about
this. Then came the fiasco. The future
of Fan and Games were questiona-
ble and the magazine ceased to
exist. I received a mail from Mariusz
that to save the magazine, we need
to unite with Komoda. I was not hap-
py ”K&A Plus? What will happen with
C&A fan and Games?” Pretty disap-
pointed and dejected I was busy with
a plethora of work – family related
issues. I decided to resign. Mariusz
took it calmly. He was not angry at
me. He said to me that when I will be
able to work in K&A Plus, the doors
are always open for me. It was the
second half of 2014.
I think that he would not like me to
change my mind once again, leave
the editorial staff and stop writing.
Mariusz, you can be sure that this
time around I’m not going anywhere.
Don Rafito
too many issues relating to music,
C64, Atari, ”his” computer museum,
magazines and publications, demo
scene ... all sorts of issues. Mariusz
was a living encyclopedia. He was
the teacher who was always giving
a wise advice. A true pal you never
got bored with. He was always willing
and polite. I sent him a ”DigiMax”
sound device that I made for my C64
as a gift, asking or better ”pushing”
him for more software support. He
sent me back a ton of DVDs con-
taining a pile of both released and
unreleased products, loads of music
and scanned Polish IT magazines.
He wrote me lately, that he felt tired
and depressed. He characteristically
told me: ”Lately, I deal with too many
people and too many projects...
Lot of people are constantly asking
something from me and I have no
time to rest. I know that my interview
is delayed but please have a little
more patience”. I was patient of
I’m a huge fan of ”Samar Produc-
tions”. I am following this group very
closely. From old demos like ”Dream
Travel 100%” to 2SID and 3SIDs! At the
beginning of this year, I sent a pm to
Gaetano Chiummo (Samar’s musi-
cian), asking him for some informa-
tion about his 2SID compositions. He
introduced me to their coder, Bartosz
(Don Kichote). We exchanged some
pms as well and I asked him to grant
me an interview for ”Samar Produc-
tions” in order to publish it online to
www.iamretro.gr. He politely replied
that I should probably contact the
founder of the group, Ramos. I sent
him a pm and he responded imme-
That was it! The beginning of a very
beautiful – online-friendship, that was
meant to end abruptly and in a bru-
tally way by his sudden death.
We communicated each other al-
most every 2-3 days, chatting about
course. Last month he wrote that he
had almost finished and was about
to send me his interview and a spe-
cial –editorial- article for ”Samar Pro-
ductions” to publish it. At the same
time he asked me to join the ”KAPlus”
team and I gladly accepted. He told
me that he was planning to come
sometime, probably this summer, in
Greece for holidays... Unfortunately
death stopped him.
My dear friend… I will always remem-
ber you, as one of my best friends,
even if never happened to know
each other in real life...I really wish
God rest your untainted soul. Your
friend, George
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